similar to: Broken URLs to guides and APIs on

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Broken URLs to guides and APIs on"

2013 Jul 06
I thought Rails 3.2 ActionController automatically converts JSON params hashes...
Hey, I was thinking I''d have my controllers do double-duty: the same actions handling json and html requests differentially. For this, it''s useful that Rails 3.2 automatic params hash conversion from json work (as described here<>in the Rails docs). (I''m using ruby 1.9.2.)
2013 May 07
validates :uniqueness apparently doesn't
ruby 2.0.0p0 (2013-02-24 revision 39474) [x86_64-darwin12.3.0] Rails 3.2.13 I have a validates ... :uniqueness constraint on one of the attributes of an ActiveRecord class. In my test suite, I set the attribute from the same attribute in a record in the fixture. I then send invalid? to the object under test. invalid? returns _false_, and the .errors object for the record shows no errors. A
2010 Jun 19
Is validates_presence_of() deprecated in Rails 3?
Just wondering if validates_presence_of() has been deprecated in favour of validates(:name, :presence => true) or we can prefer to use any? Asking so, since NetBeans 6.9 shows a deprecation warning, however I can not find any such deprecation message in documentations/code of Rails 3.0.0.beta4 and on web. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby
2011 Apr 28
difference between validate and validate_on_create
i just ran into a problem with some test, and i am not exactly sure why, but the difference happened when i changed my model validation from: validate :custom_validation to: validate_on_create :custom_validation can someone give me any ideas on where in the chain the validation takes place? thanks! -- Posted via
2012 Apr 18
Re: validates_uniqueness_of question
Hi All, I am trying write a validation rule where I need to ensure that when a certain value is updated or created in a particular columns, a number of other columns columns are unique and that another column does not contain a certain value. I have been able to use the validates_uniqueness_of :column_a (to be updated or inserted) with , :scope => [ :column_b , :column_c , :column_d ]
2010 Dec 03
email notification
Hi guys, I have a feature request of email notification on forum. (Just like what this forum has) I am wondering if there is a rails plugin that does this. Any suggestions and ideas are welcome! Thx in advance. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group,
2011 Jul 26
ActiveRecord has_many associations
Given the models Country, State, City and Person as follows. class Country < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :states end class State < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :country has_many :cities end class City < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :state has_many :people end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :city end Is there any way that doesn''t allow to delete
2005 Dec 28
Why is the rubyonrails homepage?
Hey all, Some time ago (before 1.0?), each framework inside rails has its own address for API documentation (such as for ActiveRecord). Now, the only address that works is Is this correct? I think there are too many links pointing to (and to the others) and no reason to show the homepage instead the specific API :-) thanks, juca
2012 Feb 01
date validation in rails 3
consider scenario, User model with name, birth_date fields (here birth_date is not mandatory field) inside view form birth_date is assigned as ''31/31/1985'' which is invalid ideally user object should be invalid and while save raise an error on birth_date field but that''s not happening and user object gets saved with birth_date as blank which is completely misleading.
2006 Jul 11
The original message was received at Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:19:12 +0200 from [] ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- ----- Transcript of the session follows ----- ... while talking to host >>> DATA <<< 400-aturner; %MAIL-E-OPENOUT, error opening !AS as output <<< 400-aturner;
2006 Jul 13
how to generate as local ?
Hi, I didn''t find how to generate rails api similar to rake api:rails is really not as good. It would probably spare much bandwith to make the script public ;-) or at least propose a tar download, instead of the idea of wget -r that googles finds when searching for rake api :/ Jean-Christophe Michel -- Sym?trie, ?dition de musique et services multim?dia 30 rue
2006 Jul 18
RubyOnRails certification
Hi, I am just wondering if there are already some ROR certifications, and if yes, what is the rails core opinion? Thank you Jean-Etienne - -- Posted via
2006 Jul 30
Can''t submit tickets to
I get an "internal error" and this traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/", line 314, in dispatch_request dispatcher.dispatch(req) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/web/", line 199, in dispatch resp = chosen_handler.process_request(req) File
2006 Jul 31
RUSSIAN RoR community --
Hi, This is a message for all russian-speaking people on the list :) I would like to announce the opening of russian Ruby on Rails community site, We''ve got a russian RoR planet at and an active wiki at You can also join a growing russian Rails group/mailing list at
2006 Jun 08
4 - needs upgrade ?
Last 2 articles have 500+ comments. Also, whenever I comment, it never appears immediately. It terribly needs an upgrade. -Pratik -- rm -rf / 2>/dev/null -
2006 Jun 14
Bad link on
On the community page ( there''s a link to let you view the irc chat logs. It''s broken and I didn''t know how to report it - so doing so here. -- Posted via
2006 Jun 23
Java studio creator 2 or rubyonrails??Request for advice
I am a beginner with ruby a bit more advanced with java. I need to design a web based interface to a set of not-very-large databases for a charity. Which way should I go? JSC2 is horrendously slow, for me, though the results seem pretty good. Suggestions gratefully received. --------------------------------- All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is
2006 Jun 28
0 500 error?
this is weird, i accessed this page a couple of hours ago and it doesn''t seem to be working now. i tried a few more pages and some don''t work either. I checked the main url and it shows the same error now. Is there anything wrong with the server? -- Posted via
2006 May 04
Please accept our apologies. Your mail to was rejected by an automated spam filter. Please send another message.
We''re sorry, but your mail has been caught by our automated spam filter. The mail message you sent to will not be read. Please resend a different message. The subject of the mail that was caught was: Spamlevel: 170 [SPAM 17.0] [Rails] Attention : Director ( Foreign Assistance, Investment, and Joint Ventures )
2006 May 10
Re: Still Stumbled on First things in trying, RubyOnRails
Ling, I got the Agile Development with RoR book. As my next project was to be a bespoke online shop, I started by trying to copy the complete tutorial project - an online shop. I got a load of errors and had no way of working out how to fix them... Or extend the code and write new rails projects. When I took out a couple of days to go through the tutorial step by step, I ended up with a