similar to: creating an account with a username in devise

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "creating an account with a username in devise"

2011 Sep 01
couldn't find file 'jquery' rails 3.1 stable mountable engine
When I create a new engine in Rails 3.1 stable and then access the dummy app or the engine I get an error say that the app can''t find jquery. I''ve created the engine using rails plugin new coffee --mountable I''ve also created a basic controller in the engine and the dummy app. If I remove the javascript include tag, everything works. But with the tag there it just
2011 Dec 05
jquery - word is not defined
Just starting out with a beginner book on jquery and the very first thing I am trying fails (has to be me) Rails 3.1 - other jquery things working including a poor example of drag & drop that is my ultimate target here but just simply trying to get every alternating row in a table to have a different css class So I''m using... app/assets/javascripts/ and put in...
2011 Nov 25
Sprockets File not Found Exception.
Hi Everyone, I was trying out some sample applications for Rails. I created some controllers and pages. But when i try to access one of them i get an exception on the webpage: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprockets::FileNotFound in Pages#home Showing c:/railscode/test_app/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line #6 raised: couldn''t
2012 Aug 04
Automatic asset paths prevent logical asset organization
In 2fe70c1 (last year), rails changed from a static list of assets.paths to automatically register any path under assets/*. (This was not reflected in Rails Guides so I pushed an update to docrails.) However, in my opinion, these automatic asset paths create confusion. The result is that the first-level directories under `(app|lib|vendor)/assets` get swallowed and if I put assets into a
2012 Aug 29
custom js in rails project
Hello, I have a rails project with one controller and one action, as simple as posible. And I''m trying to put some custom css and js to my own index.html.erb (not public/index.html.erb), I inluded this on the layout file: layout file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Volei</title> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media =>
2011 Sep 18
3.1 asset pipeline + Capistrano troubles
Hello, I''m having a bit of trouble with the asset pipeline and, I think, Capistrano. In my app layout I have: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", "bootstrap" %> And the relevant bits of the app dir structure are: app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss # Contains ''require_self'' and ''require_tree .'' as usual
2011 Nov 10
url helper in model.js.erb.cofee (Sprockets::Context)
hello, I am writing a js/coffee file that gets erb handling and I need to use a url helper inside this file if write .. url: ''<%= url_for(:action => :index) %>'' I get an error: NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `url_for'' for #<#<Class: 0xbdbb068>:0xeed1eb8> >>self.class #<Class:0xbdbb068> < Sprockets::Context How do I
2012 Dec 18
cache-busting non-digest assets in sprockets in development a good idea? should headers in sprockets be configurable?
Just monkey patched Sprockets in our Rails 3.2.9 app to override the Cache-Control header for html assets that we need to tweak more often in development, but that we don''t want to use digests/fingerprinting with: # Sprockets 2.x patch if Rails.env.development? module Sprockets module Server private alias_method :sprockets_headers, :headers def headers(env,
2013 May 26
Ruby on Rails Asset pipeline - Pro and Cons
I was in chapter 5 of the Ruby on Rails, and I come across "Asset pipeline" when R-o-R detect and jam all css and js files into one. It''s true that Browser will have to make less requests, but at the same time, the browser will potentially have to process more code than it should? For example, I use a slider jquery plugin in gallery page, since R-o-R fuse the plugin with
2013 Feb 27
My SCSS compiled CSS lacks "/assets" in the generated urls
Running "rake assets:clobber assets:precompile" will generate files like "application-xxx.css" with incorrect urls after upgrading to Rails 4. For example url(/fields/xxx.png) when it should be url(/assets/fields/xxx.png). For some unknown reason it worked once in development mode, but after running rake assets:clobber I can''t get it to work again... Any ideas
2012 Jan 01
'require_tree .' does not seem to be including the available *.js files as expected. Why?
Hi, all, Happy new year :) Referring to, it seems that ''require_tree .'' in myapp/app/assets/javascripts/ application.js will include all *.js files in the myapp/app/assets/ javascripts/. I have a few other *.js files in this directory : parts.js, makes.js and categories.js. Here''s an extract from the html file I
2012 Mar 29
Unable to deploy to Apache
Hi All, Can someone please help? I''ve been banging my head against for wall for 2 months; all of which has been spent trying to set up ROR. So I actually haven''t written 1 line of code :( Any help would be greatly appreciated :) I''m following the 4th edition of "Agile Web Development with Rails". So, I''m able to deploy the site via WEBrick.
2013 Feb 26
Can't upgrade to 4 beta 1
I had to update several gems for Bundler to accept it but now I''m stuck: bundle update rails devise knockoutjs-rails sass-rails coffee-rails devise-encryptable oojs Fetching gem metadata from Fetching gem metadata from Resolving dependencies... Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "railties": In Gemfile:
2011 Aug 25
Devise + Forem: undefined method weeks on Fixnum
I''m getting the following message when trying to start Webrick or console. ... devise-1.0.11/lib/devise.rb:89:in ''<module:Devise>'': undefined method ''weeks'' for 2:Fixnum (NoMethodError) After trying to upgrade my app to Rails 3.1 (edge) so that I may use the Forem engine. I''m under the impression this error is occurring because
2012 Jan 29
AssetNotPrecompiledError for missing assets - really?
I migrated one of my projects to from Rails 3.0 to 3.2.1 which means I''m using the asset pipeline for the first time. As much as I like the ease of compressing and minifying my assets the more I''m annoyed about its behavior to raise an AssetNotPrecompiledError as soon as, well, there''s an asset that''s not precompiled. Can somebody explain me the reason why this
2012 Sep 10
Rails error: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
Hello, i have a app on rails 3.2.1 and i use a jquery lib called jQuery Timelinr 0.9.5: but, when i use it on a .erb view, i got a error: Showing * /home/carlos.ribeiro/projetos/amarribo/app/views/conheca/historico.html.erb* where line *#59* raised: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 Extracted source (around line *#59*): 57: 58: <%=
2012 Sep 04
Generic asset definitions and management
(The following is not a Rails-specific question, but relates to a problem that affects Rails, so I wonder whether anyone on the team has an opinion about it or knows whether a solution is already in development.) While gem dependencies can be easily managed in a Gemfile by Bundler, when it comes to other assets, you either have to manually copy javascript files into the app/assets or vendor
2010 Jul 05
Can anybody help me understand AIC and BIC and devise a new metric?
Hi all, Could anybody please help me understand AIC and BIC and especially why do they make sense? Furthermore, I am trying to devise a new metric related to the model selection in the financial asset management industry. As you know the industry uses Sharpe Ratio as the main performance benchmark, which is the annualized mean of returns divided by the annualized standard deviation of returns.
2011 Dec 20
Custom Devise Controller
Hi Guys, I was wondering if sb could help me. I have the following problem: -I want to create a complex form using railscast tutorial ( Well, to perform this I need to update my controller(in this case the controller responsible to manipulate user). But I''m using Devise gem and I don''t know how I could manipulate the
2011 Jul 19
What does "require tree" do in Rails 3.1?
In Rails 3.1.... This is my application.css: /* *= require_self *= require_tree . */ This is my application.js: //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require jquery-ui //= require_tree . What does the "require_tree ." do? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To view this discussion on the web