similar to: 6.4 failing to connect

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "6.4 failing to connect"

2013 Nov 02
6.4 : How to enable epel and the rpmfusions??
I've installed 6.4 on an old T30 ThinkPad, and I'm in the midst of setting it up. I can't seem to get an rpm of Pan for it, nor even to do yum update. Mousing around fedoraproject eventually got me to http:// and from there to downloads for the free, nonfree, and epel packages (along with a caveat that tells you -- *after* you've gotten rpmfusion
2015 Jun 15
Having a problem with a yum repo
Hi, yum update is giving me the following errors: # yum -y install mplayer Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, fs-snapshot, refresh-packagekit, security Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile epel/metalink | 12 kB 00:00 * base: * c6-media: * elrepo: * epel: * extras: *
2009 Aug 06
GE centricity viewer??
I picked up some data from the nearest hospital to take to the specialist at the next one, with whom I had an appt.; it came on a CD, which is marked "DICOM Volume with GE Centricity Viewer." When I put the CD into a drive, Fedora 11 auto-mounts it, and fails to find the autorun.exe, which is right there in plain sight. (F11 knows it exists, and asks whether to run it, and then
2007 Jun 18
Centos 5 Repo errors
Where are: kbs-CentOS-Misc --> [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found contrib Failure getting --> [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found what is the correct source for c5-media instead of: [c5-media] name=CentOS-$releasever - Media
2013 Jun 21
fasttrack mirror server out of sync?
I don't know if it's useful to report this: (& who should I report it to?) # yum update [...] * base: * extras: * fasttrack: * remi-ff: * updates: base | 3.7 kB 00:00 cr | 2.9 kB 00:00 extras | 3.4 kB 00:00 fasttrack | 3.4 kB 00:00 Not using downloaded repomd.xml
2009 May 25
Can I copy my .wine??
I tried doing scp between two machines on my LAN. It whizzed along at great speed for a long time, mostly displaying messages over and over saying either something about permission (denied, I presume), or else about too many levels of symlinks. What I use it for is GPS/map software -- legacy proprietary stuff from Garmin and Maptech, to which I have added a lot of personal data collected
2013 Jul 03
Adding browsers
Recently, I put CentOS 6.4 on one of the four PCs I keep behind a KVM switch. I like it a whole lot in most ways, but Fedora has spoiled me : I install almost every browser I can, and generally keep half a dozen or more open, mostly with several tens of tabs open. Iow, I use browsers as I used to use books, back in the Carboniferous when I had a desk in the stacks. Are there ways a
2009 Jan 02
Copy data from XP to same app under Wine??
With snarls and curses and gnashing of teeth, I still keep one laptop and one dual-bootable PC hard drive with XPProSP2 installed. (Everything else is Fedora 10.) I do so purely for one class of apps, proprietary map software. Wine can now install and run at least one, and the most important, of the four suites of such apps that I have. (That one is Garmin MapSource, including Topo US
2006 Mar 09
VDQ : Have I made a wine's nest?
Very Dumb Question here -- basically, am I in trouble? Or in other words, I have to ask myself a Falstaffian question: "Which .wine, Bezonian?" Let me expound. On several lists for different parts of the problem, according to their interest and my best judgment, I've been pursuing the topic of GPS/topo map settings, under Crossover Office Pro 5.0.1 (CXO) using Fedora Core 4, trying
2008 Jan 10
VDQ : Triple Boot Advice?
Let me set up a Very Dumb Question (VDQ). My apologies in advance for repeating much of this to those who have been of such vast help getting me this far. (Followup to: is set as gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.general) I have a testbed machine which currently has /dev/hda1 - 6, according to qtparted, with sizes 102 MB, 14 GB, 13 GB, 13 GB, 12 GB, and 14 MB respectively (rounded to nearest whole MB or
2007 Oct 31
Enable Repositories: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Centos Users How to enable Repositories mentioned in "What are all the CentOS repositories (directories) and what is each one for?" [0] # yum -y update Loading "installonlyn" plugin Loading "protectbase" plugin Setting up Update Process Setting up repositories base 100%
2016 May 17
Re Centos 7.2 Repos
On 05/17/2016 12:08 AM, Peter wrote: > On 17/05/16 17:51, jd1008 wrote: >> I installed the nux repo just now. I ran >> >> yum -y install mplayer-common-1.1-33.20150505svn.el7.nux.x86_64.rpm >> mplayer-1.2-92_snap20130920.el7.x86_64.rpm > ... > > This is insane, just do: yum install smplayer > The insane thing is that not all the repos are NOT installed in
2007 Apr 18
Yum Mirror Errors
While attempting to grab some packages from the repos I've been getting a lot of mirror errors. Anyone have any idea why? I've recently updated from CentOS 5 Beta2 to the final version and it went flawlessly. The first thing I did though was to update the centos-release packages per a previous post. I was under the impression this would take care of repo problems. Was I incorrect?
2005 Oct 23
dags repo after 4.2 update
Is anyone else having probs with dags repo after 4.2 update? # yum update Setting up Update Process Setting up repositories [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (101, 'Network is unreachable')> Trying other mirror. Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: dag failure: repodata/repomd.xml from dag: [Errno 256] No more
2009 May 22
Gnome terminal oddity
I have the following gnome terminal profile settings: Backspace = ASCII DEL Delete Key = Escape Sequence If the logged in session in the terminal window is my own user id then the delete key does nothing. If however, I su -l in the same terminal window then the delete key removes the character under the cursor and left shifts the rest of the line. I am fairly confident that the delete
2015 Mar 10
(no subject)
Hi Guys, i've CentOS 6.6 (Final) 64 bit version installed and I can not access the online repositories to install/update (pls see eror below the error), I tried to google this error I get a lot of links but nothing I could really solving this issue. I've already disabled ipv6 and also defined proxy in /etc/yum.conf. [root at myhost ~]# yum update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror,
2006 Dec 14
Dag mirror, yum and repomd.xml!
Hi: I have a mirror of dag repository ( in my intranet which is used by other servers to install/update rpms. I installed on every remote server the rpmforge rpm, edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo to fit with my intranet mirror, but when I run yum, I get this error: #yum -c rpmforge.repo search nagios Warning, could not load sqlite, falling back to
2015 Nov 20
yum errors
I have inherited centos 6.3 and 6.2 vms in an esxi environment. When I do yum provides ntpd on the 6.3 box I get a lot of errors like: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 -
2005 Sep 19
YUM error - are repositories down or something?
Following advice on how to ensure that PHP and MySQL are on my machine and working correctly, I ran the following YUM command, with the subsequent error: [root at localhost ~]# yum install php php-mysql httpd mysqlclient10 mysql- server Setting up Install Process Setting up Repos [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (113, 'No route
2019 Apr 18
epel-repository | repomd.xml.asc: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404
Hi. I try to install openvpn at my centos 7 server (CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)). According to many tutorials at the internet, I was using yum install epel-release -y to enable the repo. When (after installing epel-release) I try to install openvpn using yum install openvpn -y I get this error: Geladene Plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile