similar to: metacity theme support in gnome-window-decorator

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "metacity theme support in gnome-window-decorator"

2006 Sep 21
initial metacity theme support for compiz
I just pushed some code into the compiz repository for initial metacity theme support. It's not complete, left and right borders are not rendered correctly, button decorations doesn't always match event window locations, maximized and shaded windows are not rendered as when running metacity, button locations are not configurable as with metacity... but it still seem to look OK with most
2006 Oct 01
gtk-window-decorator metacity opacity theme
hi, I made a small a patch for gtk-window-decorator which define default border alpha to zero when it use metacity theme. That allows while playing with the alpha attributes of the metacity themes to have transparent borders. here too the modified ?Human Ubuntu? theme and a screenshot to show the result. ps: sorry for my bad english -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment
2006 Oct 10
metacity theme opacity
I pushed out some changes to gwd that makes it possible to properly set an overall opacity value for any metacity theme. Making the complete decorations translucent can look bad with some themes. However, I've made it possible to have the opacity fade from opaque to the selected opacity value in a similar way to how the built-in decorations look. This usually looks a lot better. I'll add
2006 Oct 05
metacity support
I have installed compiz with metacity support, my metacity libs are 2.16.3 and I used this command to on theme support gconftool-2 -s /apps/gwd/use_metacity_theme -t bool true but I can`t change border of windows in gnome-theme-manager I can change theme only. Is metacity support functionall yet ? Or I maked something wrong.
2007 Feb 23
gtk-window-decorator - No window borders
Hi, I have a strange problem with gtk-window-decorator. I've tried 0.3.6 & the latest from git, but with either I don't get any window borders when running gwd. I hope its not something simple I've missed but I've searched around and not found anything. gwd never segfaults or even displays any warnings or anything for that matter. It just doesn't draw the borders. I've
2006 Oct 09
Metacity theme titlebar minimise button
Look at it, and you'll see the black outline is missing on the right side of the minimise button. This has been bugging me for a while. I've attached a zoomed in shot, so you can see easily what I mean. It's not a bug in the theme, but in gtk-window-decorator's Metacity theme support, as the border displays perfectly in Metacity. Does it happen with other themes? --------------
2006 Dec 21
Gtk-Window-Decorator Problem
Hi, There is a strange bug in gwd. When using compiz, after some time all window decorations become non-responsive. All buttons on the decoration become non-clickable and I can't move any window. Also the decoration color stays in an unfocused state, but I can focus all windows. After that point if i open new windows, they have a decoration bar, but no buttons, icon or title. I've no idea
2007 Apr 02
[PATCH] button_layout support for gtk-window-decorator
I noticed there have been some older posts about a work in progress patch which never made it to the ML due to some issues. I am attaching three patches here in an effort to bring the button_layout support into gtk-window-decorator which allows you to define the titlebar button placements with a string (e.g. "menu:minimize,maximize,close") in /apps/metacity/general/button_layout. #
2007 Feb 09
switch metacity->compiz (compiz ignores its own settings)
I have configured compiz to use 1 workspace and 4 viewports and metacity to use 4 workspaces. When I start compiz while metacity was running it uses 4 workspaces and 4 viewports (ignoring the gconf settings). When I restart X so that compiz is started before metacity this does not happen (it uses what its configured for). bug or feature? if feature can it be disabled? switching
2007 Apr 08
Metacity problems.
Hi I would like to help with metacity testing/development. I think I may help with the 3D development of metacity but I don't know with whom I should contact. Hope someone will help. Regards MichalDavidR
2008 May 26
Why does gdk_window_get_frame_extents give me different results on compiz vs. metacity?
Hi all, I'm trying to do some window positioning for a GTK window. I compute positions based on current window sizes and that works well under metacity using gdk_window_get_frame_extents. Under compiz positioning is all off, because that function yields different results with windows decorations being the same (gnome window decorator etc.). With mc I get a height of 67, with compiz of 43
2006 Dec 18
KDE window decorator
I've added a working KDE window decorator (kwd) to head. It's pretty much written from scratch however it borrows some trivial code from aquamarine which I didn't feel re-implementing. So why did I write a new one from scratch instead of improving aquamarine? I started out by trying to improve aquamarine but as I looked at the code and figured out what had to change to make it work
2007 Jun 07
What about splitting the gtk-window-decorator ?!
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Yesterday I sent a patch ( against the latest compiz ubuntu gutsy source package to Amaranth, to make compiz compile (and package, of course) the gtk-window-decorator in two ways: 1) as gtk-window-decorator (= compiz-gtk package) using these configuration parameters: --disable-gnome \
2007 Apr 29
Plugin Interface for Decoations
Hi, this email is basically the result of a small discussion which made me think what the real end-goal of my work on Emerald-2 would be. Since Emerald has already a extensible system (Engines) I thought about giving the engines wider access, so that they are more like plugins. However the first thing needed is a nice plugin API. The base for that is the new settings backend of Emerald-2.
2006 Oct 18
fallback to compiz theme
Skipped content of type multipart/mixed-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 481 bytes Desc: Digital signature Url :
2006 Sep 24
gnome-window-decorator not working
Hi I compiled a fresh git checkout of compiz today with metacity theme support enabled. While Compiz is working fine, gwd isn't. I'm just don't get any window titles and stuff, just like it's not there. Any help? Ubuntu Edgy Eft Nvidia Ti4200 with newest beta drivers with tfp support, so I'm running this without XGL, just with the composite extension Today's git compiz
2008 Feb 14
Wine,Metacity virtual desktop window managing.
Hi. I am using latest wine but i got prob here... when i run game in virtual desktop, it will apear in nice window with borders...etc which i want to disable of course. Using Gnome with Metacity window manager. On KDE i can disable borders fine, but here only close button is enable others like minimize example are disabled. And i can't full screen it with shortcut. Cedega works fine on this
2007 May 15
kde-window-decorator crashes
2006 Oct 13
No window decorator
Hi, With latest compiz updates i can't get gtk-window-decorator working. I add gwd gconf keys I saw in list archives : No success. I use this script to start compiz : killall gtk-window-decorator gtk-window-decorator & export __GL_YIELD="NOTHING"; compiz --replace --use-cow gconf & Compiz load but
2006 Nov 15
Aquamarine: The KDE Window Decorator
Hi, I have added compiz support to aquamarine. You can download it directly from beryl svn: svn co svn:// To install: ./ ./configure --enable-debug=full ./make ./sudo make install You can use kcontrol to set the decoration and decoration specific settings. You can post bugs to the beryl bugtracker at . Please