similar to: Heroku - Event_Calendar - preventing assets precompile

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Heroku - Event_Calendar - preventing assets precompile"

2010 Nov 05
non event_calendar
What am I missing here, trying to get the event_calendar plugin working with my existing app. Have installed the plugin, which I guess is a good start, then this... class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base has_event_calendar :start_at_field => ''arrival_date'', :end_at_field => ''departure_date'' Route... map.availability_calendar
2012 Aug 16
I have already used Event_calendar Gem with Rails 3, but I would like to change the color of each event type either with code or css Can anyone help me? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Jun 17
.js.erb not being parsed by .erb first
I am trying to dynamically include a javascript file based on a configuration option however I keep getting this error: Error compiling asset application.js: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 1) (in c:/Users/Dieter/Documents/event_calendar/vendor/assets/javascripts/event_calendar.js.erb:1) when trying to run this code: //<% require ''event_calendar'' %> //=
2011 Aug 18
Rails 3.1rc6 assets / precompile change
I''m currently using Rails 3.1rc5, and deploy with capistrano. During deploy, I precompile the assets on the server using assets:precompile after deploy:symlink. I noticed that "group :assets" gems in my gemfile were being included in my production application processes (and adding a lot of memory usage), even though they are only used during the deploy. It looks like this
2013 May 23
rake assets:precompile issue with JS and stylesheets files with similar name
Hi, I''ve got following two files with same names under javascripts and stylesheets directories as: - app/assets/javascripts/test_vendor.js - app/assets/stylesheets/test_vendor.scss Essentially a JS and an stylesheet files with same name. -------------------------------------------------------------- I want these files to be precompiled and served from public directory. Thus I
2013 May 14
rake precompile:assets throwing error
While running rake precompile:assets i''m getting the following error This is the error message: rake assets:precompile:all RAILS_ENV=production rake aborted! undefined local variable or method `establish_connection'' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class Please help -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2007 Jul 09
how to make a package depend on 2 or more other packages
Hi, when using puppet to install extra rpm packages on centos: how can I make a package depend on 2 or more other packages. e.g. this works: class centos4_extra_packages { package { "test1" : ensure => installed, require => package["prereq"] } } but I can''t figure out how to make test1 require
2011 May 31
Calendars in Rails
Hi all, I''m currently in the need to implement a calendar in rails. It should be able to present a year, month and day view. The events in these 3 views should be able to be opened, on click, to view the information and/or edit it (according to restrictions). The events will belong to users. One requirement is that users could filter which other users events they want to see (different
2007 Feb 04
samba precompile for DGUX motorola
Might any one have a pre-compile of samba for the old DGUX Motorola platform left anywhere? Thanks Tom
2013 Jun 05
Precompile with compression in development
Hi, I''d like to do precompilation with compression in development mode. I''ve set config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier config.assets.css_compressor = :sass in development.rb. But compression only seems to work in production mode, is that right? Michael Kastner -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk"
2012 Jan 05
assest pipeline how to exclude some css files?
In my assets I have intranet |_1.css.scss |_2.css.scss internet |_1.css.csss application.css application_internet.css application_intranet.css 1.css.scss 2.css.scss 3.css.scss intranet and internet are directories. In my layout I want to exclude the files under internet and intranet. I have created application_internet.css /* * application-internet.css * *= require_self *=
2009 Sep 11
heroku gem and two different heroku accounts
Heroku support works so slowly I want to ask community. 1)I have a problem with switching between my two heroku accounts on the same laptop. All of the commands execute from one of these, but I want to execute it from another. Howto switch user to another heroku account? 2) how to treat my ubuntu to default for the -- Posted via
2010 Nov 16
heroku not working /heroku/commands/pgbackups.rb:9:in `<class:Pgbackups>': uninitialized constant He
Hi! If i tipe heroku in console i become this: ~onemore~>heroku /home/koli/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@onemore/gems/heroku-1.13.1/lib/heroku/commands/pgbackups.rb:9:in `<class:Pgbackups>'': uninitialized constant Heroku::Command::Pgbackups::Help (NameError) from /home/koli/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@onemore/gems/heroku-1.13.1/lib/heroku/commands/pgbackups.rb:6:in
2008 Jun 13
asset_host and ssl pages problem
I am configuring assets hosts for our site but am running into problems when navigating to an https page. Basically the server is trying to pull the assests out on https:// rather than http:/ but i do not have https configured on the assets server. I have dug around a bit and found this bit of code which should when a page is https:// serve the assests from the app server and when it is not https
2012 Nov 02
jquery error in production precompiled
In my rails project, for production precompile I do : rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production But it not work for jquery. In my firegub console, I got the error “ReferenceError: JQuery is not defined “ at production.rb # Disable Rails''s static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this) config.serve_static_assets = true # Compress JavaScripts and CSS
2011 Aug 11
How to secure file access using Carrierwave + S3 hosted on Heroku
My site is hosted on Heroku and I am using Carrierwave to upload files to Amazon. How can i restrict file access based on roles? Is this possible? Using Devise and CanCan. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To
2011 Sep 13
Heroku failed to push: fatal: sha1 file '<stdout>' write error: Invalid argument
When I try to push my app to Heroku I get this error: OCA@OCA-PC /c/rails/oca (master) $ git push heroku master Enter passphrase for key ''/c/Users/OCA/.ssh/id_rsa'': Counting objects: 913, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (797/797), done. Read from remote host Connection reset by peer fatal: sha1 file
2010 Dec 05
Rails - Using Tempfile to write on Heroku?
Hello, I need to be able to write a temporary file for use during the request only. Locally I can use the following successfully: tempfile =,''w'') tempfile.write_nonblock(a.body) paperclip stuff........ tempfile.close That works great, but not on Heroku... How can I do the above with Heroku''s restrictions:
2014 Feb 20
Background worker dynos on Rails using Heroku
Hi, I have a rails application that requires data from an API to run. Since the API is slow I am looking to have a background process run continuously and scrape the API for new messages and add it to the application database From some reading , a worker dyno seems to be the best way to achieve this. Any links on how to go about scheduling a continuous running worker process in the background
2013 Jul 25
file storage on heroku
Hello, is there a file storage on heroku(other than s3), for the files uploaded in app. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rubyonrails-talk+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To post to this group, send