similar to: trouble-with-capybara-and-rspec-on-a-new-model-spec

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "trouble-with-capybara-and-rspec-on-a-new-model-spec"

2013 May 12
Capybara with redirect
I am having an issue where a feature works fine but the corresponding test fails, and I can''t understand why. I created a mock application to demonstrate the problem. All it does is show an input form with a clear button. The clearing happens by redirecting back to the same form. It does clear it when you run the app, but the test for it
2011 Mar 21
Getting user session object in cucumber
Hi, I am learning cucumber. I have integrated the Devise with my rails 3 application. My problem is I have to write a test which will create a project. For that I have to make sure that user should be logged in. So I have written the user login feature first which is working fine. After that I have written the creation of project scenario. Whenever I am running that scenario we are getting an
2009 Feb 02
[Cucumber] Cucumber and acts_as_xapian
Hey list, Anyone have experience with acts_as_xapian and Cucumber? I''m struggling with updating xapian''s index, to actually "find" fluff that has been indexed.. In a scenario, I''m adding a bunch of articles, and in the actual search step, I run: When "I search for \"$query\"" do |query| %x[rake RAILS_ENV=test xapian:update_index]
2010 Dec 20
Check whether link present nor not using cucumber
Hi, I am using cucumber with webrat for testing my application. I have admin role in my application. When admin logs into the system he able to see the "Users" link which gives an interface to manage users for admin. I have written the feature like as follows:- Feature: List All Users So that Admin can manage users Scenario: Login as Admin When I login with user "username"
2008 Dec 02
Using Cucumber with latest Webrat
I added cucumber to my rails project using the following commands: git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/cucumber ruby script/generate cucumber git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/webrat git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/rspec git submodule add
2006 Jan 07
3 autocomplete does not work
I copied an exact copy of "" to my harddisc inclusive all .js and .css. Then I changed "new Ajax.Autocompleter(''contact_name'', ''contact_name_auto_complete'', ''/ajax/auto_complete_for_contact_name'', {})" to "new Ajax.Autocompleter(''contact_name'',
2005 Nov 20
mySQL 5.0 upgrade - incompatible DateTime format?
I''ve upgraded to mySQL 5.0, and it''s gone pretty smoothly except that on doesn''t seem to return a value that mySQL likes any more, as seen in the following exception: Incorrect datetime value: ''2005-11-20T15:33:12-0800'' for column ''logged_at'' at row 1: UPDATE notes SET `due_on` = ''2005-11-20'',
2007 Jul 11
autocomplete in array
Experts, have you figure it out with autocomplete to pass as array objects? still i''m finding out the way to figure. :( regards, Bala --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2009 Nov 14
Nagios object inheritance
So I''m revisiting puppet''s management of nagios now that 0.25.1 is out and I want to say thanks for the updates to all the nagios types. However, there is one huge, gaping hole that''s been asked about before in 2 different threads but that''s never been addressed: object inheritance. For it to work, it requires the object being inherited from to have a
2006 Aug 07
Escape ''&'' in text_field_with_auto_complete
Good day. I have searched on the net and through the archives to now avail as of yet. I have a text_field_with_auto_complete that searches for company names. These company names obviously can have an ''&'' in the name of the company (example Barnes & Nobel). The auto complete works beautifully. However, the problem arises when I pass the name of the company to the
2003 Apr 24
R 1.7.0 (Windows) Crashes After using "Install Package from Cran option" within
R-Community, (System Details at end) I recently downloaded R 1.7.0 win95 binaries from . After installing the program with no hitch I used the the 'Install Packages from Cran' optinon in the drop down menu from Rgui. (This may be bad form, if so let me know): I selected all paackages to install and everything was fine until the 'dse' package was
2010 Jan 29
Cucumber: fill_in does not take label
In a Cucumber step, the following line will fill in the screen_name text box: fill_in "user[screen_name]", :with => user.screen_name but the following line will not fill_in "Screen name:", :with => user.screen_name Here is the text of the form: <div class="form_row"> <label for="screen_name">Screen name:</label> <input
2005 Dec 08
AutoCompleter afterUpdateElement
Any ideas how I can submit say, a person ID instead of the person''s name on an autocompleter input field? Surely this is a common need. Thanks! Daniel
2006 Dec 28
Sorting/Ordering Search Results
Hello All, I am having an issue with AAF and sorting results of a search. Right now, I have results being split onto pages of 10. The results are being sorted alphabetically, but not across multiple pages - it''s just sorting the 10 it pulls down on each page. I noticed another post from April regarding this same issue ( where the issue was
2006 Feb 08
Autocomplete and Firefox
Having problems with the autocomplete on my linux box and firefox. When I use form tags it breaks, without form tags everything works fine. Exact copy of the example provided, but I added form tags.. The initial search and select works but then the box sort of "locks up" and I can''t change it at all, If I do try to type something nothing changes but a second later the whole
2006 Jan 10
Noob: Child records not saved
Hi all, happily coding along, but it seems a belongs_to record is not saved. # Create some stuff def create_project @contact = @project =[''project'']) @project_contact =[''collect'']) @project.project_contact = @project_contact contact =
2005 Jan 24
.call file creation
I am curious partly because it has occurred randomly in my asterisk system. How does one go about creating a .call file for placing a call between two extensions/phones? I know this has been mentioned and is probably in one of the wikis somewhere, but I am unsure exactally how to go about doing it. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Dan
2005 Dec 29
How to handle a non existing action in a controller?
Hello, i''m currently building a website in which i have to customise the url to the data. An example: i have a company which is situated in Amsterdam and it''s name is Ruby, then i would like to have the following URL: /companies/amsterdam/ruby/ But since there are a lot of cities that have companies i can''t make a define for all of these. How to fix? Thanks in
2006 Mar 02
Getting Acts_as_Paranoid to work with validates_uniqueness_of
Hello I''ve been using Acts_as_Parnoid for a while and it has been working well but I am now having a slight issue with it. I have a company table were I would like to use validates_uniqueness_of :company_name. This validation works if a company exists in the database and has not been deleted. However, I also would like the validates_uniqueness_of to work if a company has
2005 Feb 16
Beginners Question
I''m just picking up rails...I''ve got a few questions. First, I''d like to get some input and parrot it back. I''m trying the following in my .rhtml file but it isn''t working. What am I missing here? <html> <head> <title>Search</title> </head> <body> <h1>Search for Filings</h1> <p> Use this page to