similar to: How to set css styles with variables in rails if certain item is selected?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to set css styles with variables in rails if certain item is selected?"

2006 Mar 30
possible scriptaculous bug
I have two sortable lists, one after the other. I can drag from the first to the second but not from the second to the first. The behavior is consistent if n > 2. For example, I can drag from 1 to 2, 3 or 4 from 2 to 3 or 4 and from 3 to 4, but not in the reverse order: I can''t drag from the 4th list to anything (besides itself). From the third list I can drag only to itself and 4.
2006 Apr 11
IE Sortable Style Problem
Hi Guys, I am having a problem in IE (tested versions 6 and 7 beta) with sortable divs in a container div with overflow set to scroll. It looks like all of the divs have their position set to relative after the sortable initializes, and also after being dragged. When a div (any element?) has a relative position in a containing div with overflow set to scroll, all of the divs with relative
2006 May 19
Multiple dynamic Sortables
I''m writing an appliation that contains several dynamically created lists. I had hoped that the following method for using the Sortable library from scriptaculous would work: 1) create the list 2) create a Sortable for it 3) create another list 4) create a Sortable for it and so on. Unfortunately this doesn''t work. I can''t find any info in the documentation for
2006 Aug 16
ANN (Screencast): Rails and Typo screencast at WebFaction
Hello everyone, WebFaction have just released a screencast demo showing a step by step installation of a Rails application (a Typo blog) on their servers. The 14 minute screencast shows how to: - Install a default Rails application using our control panel - Link your application to your domain(s) using our control panel - Create a database using the control panel - SSH into your shell account -
2005 Dec 28
Sortable - can we make one or more elements in a list sticky?
In a sortable list, is there a way to say, pass a className whereby some of the elements in the sortable element would not become draggables/droppables? If not, it seems like it could be implemented similarly to the handle option.. Any interest? Also - I submitted a patch that adds the option "delay" so that draggables in a Sortable won''t truly become activated until after the
2006 Mar 31
RE: drag and drop sorting with an empty lis
I ran into this issue too. My solution was to add an "onUpdate" function to the sortable that tests the container to see if it''s got any children or not: function is_empty(container) { if ($(container).hasChildNodes()) { Element.removeClassName($(container),''empty''); } else if (!$(container).hasChildNodes()) {
2006 Jul 17
sortable_element - Altering defaults set by rails
Hi there, I''ve got the following code to generate two sortable elements but whenever someone drags and drops an item, i only want it to return a serialised list of the items in categoryartworks, the unlinkedartworks can be in any order and I don''t care. I can then delete those artworks that were in category artworks but aren''t in the serialised list, plus reorder
2006 Mar 15
acts_as_threaded - help ???
Hi, has anyone successfully used the acts_as_threaded plugin with postgresql? I''m using rails 1.0 and ruby 1.8.4 on linux. Following the screencast on , I got to where we''re ready to create our first post, having made the changes to controllers/posts_controller.rb, views/posts/_form.rhtml,
2006 May 29
Re-orderable column DataGrid + Patches for Sortable.delay and Sortable.ignorePositionXY
I would love to get some feedback and test a patch to rev. 4380. First, the money shot - check out this demo of a scriptaculous DataGrid: I''m using the <tr> as a sortable with the <th>''s as the sortable elements. The Patch file: The patch
2005 Oct 13
I''ve got a page I''ve implemented a bunch of observables and sortables. There are around 330 items in the list. The Observables (for hide/show of sublists) don''t seem to impact performance, but the Sortables take a very long time to load when the page is refreshed or submitted--even after accounting for the server-side processing and latency. I''ve
2006 Jun 13
Weird flicker effect in IE6 (sortables)
Hello everyone I have made some strange expirience yesterday. I have an unordered list with sortable list items (basic). Within these are various contents (forms, divs, more lists) etc.. Now on only some of them the whole page (all text) begins to flicker / redrawn in Internet Explorer 6 if i pick up a dragable and move it above its original position (like moving it above the ghost of the
2010 Feb 25
[PATCH] Enhance vms display
It can be quite hard to manage a pool of 40-50 VMs without informations about the OS running, the contact (which is the only one to know when the vm can really be destroyed) or an End Of Life date. This patch add those fields, and rework a little the VM list view, in order to show gracefully those new fields. It has been made at the expense of UUID, Total Run Time & Load fields. Since those
2006 Mar 07
Sortable trouble
Hi everybody, Could somebody have a look at a little sortable example at It implements two Sortables and a Draggable. You can drag elements from the "source" Sortable to the main Sortable, sort them (surprise) and drag them to a trash. Whenever you drag from the "source", a new element is created (by cloning an invisible
2006 Mar 01
sortable tree?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi *, I am new to this list, so please excuse me if this has been covered before (unfortunately the search function at is disabled at the moment). If yes, then a pointer to a solution would be great. I want to create a sortable tree with scriptaculous Sortable. There are several categories and subcatgories: cat_a
2006 Feb 07
onHover: can u explain me this function ?
In Sortables, we have a function onHover: onHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) { if(overlap>0.5) { Sortable.mark(dropon, ''before''); if(dropon.previousSibling != element) { var oldParentNode = element.parentNode; = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering
2005 Jul 25
dragdrop.js: drop from sortable
I have a Sortable that''s working like a charm, but now I would like to be able to drop objects from that Sortable onto a Droppable that''s not part of my Sortable. I just did a small test page where it didn''t work, so my first question has to be "is this supposed to work?", before I dig too deep into it. "accept" for the droppable is set to the
2006 Mar 28
Simple question about sortables...
Hi, I''m new to the prototype and scriptaculous (v1.5.1) libraries. I''m creating a sortable list using the code below, and I''m finding that while a list element is being dragged in IE, the element text is transformed to appear bolder than the original. In Firefox, the text becomes opaque. Is there anyway to stop this from happening, ie don''t change any
2005 Aug 05
disable Sortable
Can a Sortable be disabled/deactivated/destroyed once it''s been created? I''ve tried a few different things with no success. Here''s what I''m doing: I have an ordered list. When a particular event happens, I created a Sortable from the list. I clone the list prior to creating the Sortable so I can revert to the original list if sorting is canceled. If, however,
2005 Jul 08
Problem with 1.0
I just upgraded to the new version and now my storable containers are not working. here is my code. Sortable.create("leadstories", {handle:''handle'',tag:''div'',containment:''leadstories'',onUpdate: function(element) { new save_order(issueId,Sortable.serialize(element)); }}); Sortable.create("rightnav",
2007 Jul 19
Storing order of sortable objects in RoR
I have two sortable lists that you can drag and drop to and from. Each object in the lists have a position field in the object''s table. I want to be able to update the position in the database automagically once a user has sorted the list. I can drag and drop just fine but I am not able to store the new positions in the database. I am trying to use Ajax.request in the onUpdate callback