similar to: The Amazings looking for freelance Rails dev

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "The Amazings looking for freelance Rails dev"

2011 Apr 11
Freelance Developer using Rails
Hi all, Is anyone doing freelance rails development? I need some advice before I jump in. Thanks, -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2011 Apr 20
Omniauth facebook authentication failure
I am using devise and omniauth for authentication. Wherever i click on the facebook login button i get this warning msg. ****************************************** warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session ****************************************** But now i get this error msg ***************************************** OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError SSL_connect returned=1
2012 Sep 16
“Routing Error No route matches {}” when omniauth failed on registration
(Original question was asked here: ) I am using omniauth-identity and configure its "fail on registration". My files: config/initializers/omniauth.rb OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do #... provider
2011 Nov 21
OmniAuth provider not working (single sign on, two Rails apps)
I''m new to OmniAuth and am trying to get two sample apps (a provider and a client) to work. I have two sample apps I forked from a blog post on omniauth and single sign in: Provider - Client -
2013 Aug 26
linkedin login using omniauth
Hi, I am trying to add linkedin login feature in my rails application using omniauth gem..I used omniauth gem for Fb login and it''s working fine..but it''s not working for linkedin login this is my code /model/user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :oauth_expires_at, :oauth_token, :provider, :uid def self.from_omniauth(auth)
2012 Oct 06
how to scope the /auth/:provider/callback , using OmniAuth for users and members
I have two separate groups of people authenticated w Devise , but in this case I cannot used the Devise embedded OmniAuth support. So i am using directly the OmniAuth gem. Initialized w : Rails.configuration.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do ..provider :twitter, .. end It''s running fine , but I have an issue with the callback route mapping : I tried match
2011 Jan 27
recent activemerchant examples needed or perhaps another solution
Hi, I have a reeally big problem with understanding how to use ActiveMerchant, Perhaps someone would point me to a different solution to my problem. I need to build a little web shop which will be based in the UK, and my customer wants to use PayPal Express Checkout, because there''s no monthly fee. So far I had only problems with ActiveMerchant examples because: 1) they are way too
2011 Mar 19
Problems with SSL dependent gems OAuth2 & ActiveMerchant
Hello all, My application uses the OAuth2 gem (0.1.1) to connect to Facebook, and the ActiveMerchant gem (1.12.0) to connect to PayPal. Under what is the current Rails/Ruby distribution, both of these gems throw the following OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError when used: * SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed I did some digging, and found two
2011 Feb 02
newbie: paypal + line items
hi, using activemerchant + rails the first time. how can i send my line items + descriptions etc over to paypal so that the user can review the items? purchase_options{ :items => [ { :name => "Tickets", :quantity => 22, :description => "Tickets for 232323", :amount => 1211221 },
2012 Jan 09
Windows, Rails 3.1.3, Omniauth-BrowserID, SSL Erro
One and all, I have scoured the internet high and low tonight and I can not for the life of me fix this damn problem. I have downloaded certificates, installed certificates, changed my :ca_path and such as stated in the documentation for omniauth-facebook for which I thought would be ok to do with this one. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to disable SSL in development mode
2006 May 30
Is anyone using ActiveMerchant currently? I''ve seen it recommended on this list several times, but it seems kind of buggy and incomplete and I''m having trouble getting it to work. >From the example at, I''ve tried: gateway = ActiveMerchant::Base.gateway(:authorized_net) response = gateway.capture(1000, creditcard) ..but it
2006 Nov 20
Getting started with ActiveMerchant & new Ecommerce book
Hi there I''ve got a copy of the ''Beginning Ruby on Rails Ecommerce'' book and am trying to integrate ActiveMerchant into my app. My order.rb file has the line: ''include ActiveMerchant::Billing'' per the book. My Order model also has, amongst other things, the following validation: '' validates_inclusion_of :billing_country, :in =>
2006 Sep 11
ActiveMerchant Paypal Pro Support
How is ActiveMerchant''s Paypal Pro support? I am migrating a client''s site to Rails that uses Paypal Pro and they have been pretty happy with it (and know how to use Paypal''s website). I tried first setting up the PayPal plugin directly, but ran into some issues and then I noticed that ActiveMerchant has PayPal Pro, but its labeled "testing" and
2010 Mar 22
ActiveMerchant, and Email Receipts
I''ve posted this on and in the ActiveMerchant talk group, and haven''t received an answer, so I figure I''ll try here. Hello. I''ve been searching for information on this for a while, but my google fu is evidently weak--hardly anyone even talks about email receipts re: ActiveMerchant, much less my specific problem. In any case, I have a client whose
2001 Jul 20
Display problems with Freelance Graphics & Notes under Wine
I have been trying to use Freelance Graphics under Wine for a long time (since Oct 2000 :), but I cannot seem to get the display stuff working correctly. I always get text splattered over top of other text when trying to view existing .PRZ files. This happens in both Freelance and in Lotus Notes (when Notes is trying to display a file attachment of the .prz persuasion). A quick Google search
2008 Aug 24
config.after_initialize and development mode
Hi, I''m using activemerchant and setting up a class variable using config.after_initialize. It works great for the first request, but then the variable is nil. config.after_initialize do ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test OrderTransaction.gateway = end I''m assuming this is is due to the model reloading after each
2006 Nov 01
Referencing a plugin in a spec
I am writing some specs that use ActiveMerchant to talk to a cc provider. When I try to "include ActiveMerchant::Billing" in my spec, it tells me it can''t find the plugin: ./activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:123:in `const_missing'': uninitialized constant ActiveMerchant (NameError) Do I need to explicity require the main plugin file? Thanks, Mike Pence
2004 Aug 06
I need a Freelance Coder...
For what's it's worth, I do something similar to this with Andrew Taylor's libshout-java. The Web server manages a playlist, letting users add/remove tracks from the playlist. This playlist is consumed by a "streamer" process that accesses the audio data and pushes it to the Icecast server. [ Java Web Server ] <------> [ Playlist ] |
2008 Oct 16
[Announcement] Billing Module for your SaaS web application is here: ServiceMerchant
[Announcement] Billing Module for your SaaS web application is here: ServiceMerchant == In two sentences ServiceMerchant is open-source library, developed in Ruby, which takes care of recurring billings and subscriptions of your SaaS application. The library sits on top of well known library ActiveMerchant and therefore gives you the variety of choice among payment providers. == In more details
2006 Jul 13
Freelance developer required
Hello all, I have found myself in the semi-serendipitous position of having more work than I can shake a stick at. As such I''m looking for a freelance RoR developer to take on some of my extra workload. I''m really looking for someone with solid, proven experience of developing secure, database-driven commercial sites. Please reply *off-list* with your location,