similar to: can't convert Fixnum into String in relativity

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "can't convert Fixnum into String in relativity"

2011 Nov 15
Extract pattern from string
Hello, with Sys.time() you get the following string: "2011-11-15 16:25:55 GMT" How can I extract the following substrings: year <- 2011 month <- 11 day_time <- 15_16_25_55 Cheers, Syrvn -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Jan 28
mysql quotation wonky
Why would, in an upgrade from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3, a rake db:migrate run this: SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" vs this ? SELECT `schema_migrations`.`version` FROM `schema_migrations` __ rake db:migrate output __ rake aborted! Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
2001 Jul 04
ext3 patch for 2.4.6 (plain or ac1)
Does the ext3 patch applies on top of the newly released 2.4.6 kernel (and/or the 2.4.6-ac1 variant) ? I want to upgrade to the new kernel and wanted to know before I run into problems if there are any known problems and if it's better to wait for an 'official' release. Thanks. Stelian. -- Stelian Pop <> |---------------- Free Software Engineer
2007 Jan 04
littler+dget+stdin -> segmentation fault
Hi, I'm trying to write a series of pipes using littler, and I get the following behaviour: Sorry if I'm just doing something witless, I'm new to R. I'm using the latest versions from debian testing (2.4.0 and 0.0.8). $ r -e 'a<-dget(file=stdin()); print(a)' ?list(a=2) Segmentation fault In R itself this works: > dget(file=stdin()) ?list(a=2) $a [1] 2 As do (from
2007 Jul 18
How to use fixnum in RangeQuery?
As far as i know about the RangeQuery is that it need fixed-length number in query options such as, :>= => ''00'', :<= => ''99''). But is there a mechanism to use a fixnum in the options instead of filling the left with 0? Regards. -- Posted via
2008 Oct 08
private method `gsub' called for 2:Fixnum
RoR Error: “private method `gsub'' called for 2:Fixnum” I am new to RoR and trying to complete “RailsSpace Social Networking” example, all works fine until I have implemented cookies using authorization_token, and start getting following error when trying to login. “private method `gsub'' called for 2:Fixnum” I can make out that there is something related to String conversion
2005 Nov 13
Routing Fixnum
If I have the following route defined: map.connect ''/foo/bar/:baz'', :requirements => {:baz => /^\d+$/} then if someone asks for /foo/bar/3 I noticed that :baz == "3" instead of :baz == 3. I.E. it is a string not a number. (At least it does this in the functional testing of the routing). This seems reasonable because I have not told it to expect a number but
2009 May 29
tests problem - NoMethodError: private method `gsub' called for 117681882:Fixnum
Hi, i got very strange problem connected to tests in Rails. I got the same application code version as my team has, and on their computer all tests pass, and on my laptop (debian 5, ruby 1.8.6/1.8.7 (tried both), rails 2.3.2) i got more then 50 errors - majority of them is variations of "NoMethodError: private method `gsub'' called for 117681882:Fixnum" error in controller.
2011 Aug 25
Devise + Forem: undefined method weeks on Fixnum
I''m getting the following message when trying to start Webrick or console. ... devise-1.0.11/lib/devise.rb:89:in ''<module:Devise>'': undefined method ''weeks'' for 2:Fixnum (NoMethodError) After trying to upgrade my app to Rails 3.1 (edge) so that I may use the Forem engine. I''m under the impression this error is occurring because
2006 Jun 01
can''t convert Fixnum into String ??
I have been getting this error message on various pages, just wondering if anyone could explain whats going wrong, and the best way to correct it code that is cuasing the problem is below @project = Project.find(:first, :conditions => "id = " + @purchaseorder.project_id) -- Posted via
2006 Jan 19
-517611318:Fixnum ... WTF?
I''m getting occasional errors that look like: Some method called for -517611318:Fixnum The method is constantly changing, and this error happens on ~5% of the page loads on my Mac Tiger development box. It''s happening on Ruby 1.8.2, and 1.8.4 compiled from source. I haven''t seen it on my Linux production boxes. I was wondering if anyone had seen this before? --
2006 May 30
expected, got Fixnum problem.
Hi, I was wondering if anybody knew what ''<some type> expected, got Fixnum'' means? My code looks like the following: begin anevent = anevent.title = params["event"]["title"] anevent = session[:user_id] com = Community.find(params[:id]) << anevent rescue Exception => exc ... end But I get an
2009 Feb 02
AssociationTypeMismatch got Fixnum
I''m using rails 2.0.5 and mongrel. I have a Page and a Source models. class Source < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :pages end class Page < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :source end Basically I''m listing pages with their sources; In production and development ( I use mongrel_cluster in the first and a single mongrel on the second) I got this error:
2010 Dec 08
NoMethodError: `bytesize' for 200:Fixnum (with Rails-3.0.3)
Thanks to Rails developer team. I tried Rails3 along this guide: Ruby on Rails Guides: Getting Started with Rails and I met the problem described as following. ...Any ideas? =========== Environment: =========== $ ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i686-darwin9.8.0] $ rails -v Rails 3.0.3 =========== Steps for reproduce:
2011 May 19
identical function names from 2 packages
Hi, If I load 2 packages that have a function with the same name, how do I tell R to run one or the other? (Instead of having R automatically use the first- or last-loaded one, whichever it is. (Which is it, by the way.)) Cheers! Nick -- ==================================================== Nicholas J. Matzke Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Student Researcher Huelsenbeck Lab Center for
2010 Jun 05
380x380 dataframe to list
Hi, This can't be hard, but I can't find the solution. I have a 380x380 data frame of numbers. I would like to turn it into a single column so I can do e.g. hist and mean on it without writing my own function. There must be a simple function for this, but I'm stumped -- reshape, dim, etc. don't seem to do it... Help appreciated! Thanks!! Nick --
2005 May 22
CentOS4, KDE3.3 and 128 WEP
CentOS4 standard installation. I see that KwifiManager doesn't support 128 bit WEP which I need for other machines on the network, which is a bit of a blow - and rather surprising really as security should be quite a consideration on an enterprise level system (NB RH!). Is there a workaround? An alternative way of configuring my Belkin F5D6020 ver 2 card? eg a cvs download that I can get
2005 Aug 12
Firefox and Java on CentOS 4.1
I need to run a Java-enabled Firefox on my CentOS4.1-powered laptop and it *was* running fine. Then yesterday I up2date'd the box and Firefox went from 1.0.4 to 1.0.6. And I lost Java. I can't seem to re-install it, whether from the original (1.5.0 I think it was) or the latest downloads. This is crucially important as I need to access my Dell RAC. Can anyone advise how to get
2014 Feb 10
[LLVMdev] Fwd: [windows) how to use weak references with llvm 3.4 and windows?
Hello, I'm generating C code (and the resulting obj files) using llvm 3.4 for both unix and windows. And I use the dreaded weak references, that, for windows, are not too widely supported. When I link my application on linux, I have no issue. But when I'm doing the same on windows using mingw I got a duplicate symbol error :
2004 Apr 23
Building wxruby-swig for Mac
0.0.5 sure gets the Mac build a lot further. There''s a bug in the wxMac-2.4.2 distribution that I''m running into: wx-config wants to invoke a program in the source directory at link time. That''s ugly in itself, but it tries to use a variable ${top_srcdir} to accomplish this, and it''s apparently empty. It tries to invoke