similar to: upload and Read a xls or csv file rails 3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "upload and Read a xls or csv file rails 3"

2012 Jan 21
Installing rails on Ubuntu
Hello, I''m trying to install the rails on ubuntu 11.10, but when I put the command felipe@Felipe:~/Downloads/rubygems-1.8.15$ sudo gem install rails --no-r1 --no-rdoc ERROR: Loading command: install (LoadError) no such file to load -- zlib ERROR: While executing gem ... (NameError) uninitialized constant Gem::Commands::InstallCommand felipe@Felipe:~/Downloads/rubygems-1.8.15$
2012 Feb 07
Encoding error
Hello, I have in my db a register what have special characters, and when I try to put on my form to edit this values, this happens: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT Extracted source (around line #4): 1: <%= form_for :group, :url => { :action => "update" } do |f| %> 2: <%= utf8_enforcer_tag %> 3: <label>Nome do grupo</label>
2012 Mar 05
Create a select with HABM
Hello, I have two tables with association HABM, projects and users, and in projects I want to show all users that was associated to the project. I have try with this: <%= select( "user", "id", Project.all.collect { |p| [, ] } ) %> But only show all my projects, but Iz don''t know who show only the user in a determinated project. class Project <
2008 Sep 05
xls to csv conversion via WinXP's context menu?
Frequently I need to convert a .xls to a .csv (for import into R) and I do this by opening the file in excel and saving it as a csv. I would rather do this using WinXP's context menu (right click the xls, choose "convert to csv") but I don't know of a utility that does this. Any ideas? Thanks, Mark
2011 Mar 14
read.xls can't read some .xls files
Hi, I am having problem with the read.xls function. I am trying to read a .xls file but it's giving me error. > read.xls("XXX.xls") Error parsing file 'XXX.xls'. Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file '/tmp/Rtmp5QQjSI/file1665315c.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command
2011 Sep 06
read.xls (gdata) problem
I've suddenly started seeing a consistent problem with read.xls. No matter what xls file I try I always get an error message of this type: Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file '/var/folders/cb/vvshkpm90lx_y2n69qlyw4z40000gn/T//RtmpK50r4g/file546a2722.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command
2011 May 26
Using read.xls
I am using read.xls command from the gdata package. I get the following error when I try to read a work sheet from an excel sheet. Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file 'C:\Tmp\RtmpYvLnAu\file7f06650f.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command '"C:\Apps\Perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:/Program
2010 May 25
how can I read a non-standard XLS file
I have attached a file downloaded from database mirWalk. Apparently it is in XLS format (this is the extension of the downloaded file). However, I cannot open it with OpenOffife spreadsheet program and Excel itself cannot separate the columns as it does when a true XLS file is loaded. I tried to read the attached downloaded file through R function "read.xls" and got the following
2008 May 28
OT: batch processing XLS files to CSV
Dear R gurus, particularly those of generous M$ tolerance and diverse gifts and knowledge! I have an interesting challenge that I will end up crunching in R involving service usage by patients. Maybe I can do all of it in R but I can't see how yet. My situation is that our IT Department can give me loads of XLS files about patients one of our services have seen. The are one per patient
2011 Feb 08
read.xls counts more rows than I really have in my Excel file
Hi, i'm using read.xls, and it counts more rows in my Excel than I really have. i've used both: especie26 <- read.xls("especie26cargar.xls") datos26 <- read.xls("especie26cargar.xls", header = TRUE, = FALSE, na.strings = "NA", skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE) when i
2006 Oct 25
gtools(read.xls) error in perl installation?
My installation is R version 2.4.0 on Mac OS X version 10.4.8 (the latest release in both cases). I've recently had to restore my hard drive after a crash, and fear that this may have screwed up my Perl installation slightly. Whenever I run the read.xls function from library(gtools) I get the following errors: ###################### > file =
2012 Jan 11
R problem: unable to read data in the xls-format in the PerformAnalytics package
Hallo I have the following problem 1) Problem: I am unable to read data in the xls-format in the PerformAnalytics package. While it works well for several commands, e.g. t(table.Stats(msci_ret)) it does not work for other commands, e.g. x <- msci_ret[, c("CH"), drop = FALSE] table.Drawdowns(x) The error code is: Error in checkData(R) : The data cannot be converted into a
2009 Mar 12
read.xls and name of worksheet
Hi, I would like to some excel files with some worksheets. I tried this with the following R script: library(gdata) i<-1 rc<-0 while(rc != "try-error") { wksh<-try(read.xls("cluster-microarray-FW.xls",sheet=i,verbose=TRUE,perl="perl")) rc<-class(wksh) print(sprintf("------- i=%2d rc=%s ---------------",i,rc)) if (rc !=
2012 Jun 30
Problems with associations
Hello guys, I have two tables, tasks and projects, and each model I put: Task.rb class Task < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :user_id, :project_id, :name belongs_to :project end Project.rb class Project < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :description has_many :tasks end But when I go to my prompt and I make a SELECT with task, none project is returned.
2012 Feb 14
What I'm doing wrong, has_and_belong_to_many
Hello, I''m trying to insert into my migrate but when I try on rails console this error shows: 1.9.3-p0 :001 > group = => #<Group id: nil, name: nil, description: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> 1.9.3-p0 :002 > = "Group Name" => "Group Name" 1.9.3-p0 :003 > group.description = "Description" =>
2010 Jun 16
Reading data from xls..........please help
Can anyone help me how to read xls file into R. I have tried following library(gdata) xlsfile <- file.path(.path.package('gdata'),'xls','iris.xls') read.xls(xlsfile) I got following error: Converting xls file to csv file... Error in system(cmd, intern = !verbose) : perl not found Error in file.exists(tfn) : invalid 'file' argument Question *1) What is the way
2011 Jun 03
Problem using read.xls - Everything converted to factors
Hallo, I would like to use to read.xls function from the gdata package to read data from Microsoft Excel files but I experienced a problem: For example I used the following code: testfile<-read.xls("/home/.../wsjecon0603.xls", #file path header=F, dec=",", na.strings="n.a.", skip=5, sheet=2,
2006 Jul 29
export to a CSV or XLS file
hello everyone, Any idea how can i export a resultset from a database to a CSV or XLS file from the application ? would like the user to have the option to export selected data to a CSV/XLS file. Any plugins or libraries avaiable to accomplish this ? Thanks for your time, VASU. -- Posted via
2011 Dec 31
read.csv error: invalid multibyte string
R version: 2.13.1 OS X Colleagues, I am working with a CSV file; for testing purposes, I created an XLS version of the file. When I read these files using read.xls (gdata) or read.csv, I encounter an error: Error in type.convert(data[[i]], =[i], dec = dec, na.strings = character(0L)) : invalid multibyte string at '<b0>C' The error occurs whether or not I invoke
2010 Dec 04
Problem while export to xls using spreadsheet gem in rails for Server
Hi All, In my code @format_text = @workbook.add_format(:bold =>false) I get following error undefined method `font'' for {:bold =>false}:Hash in gems/spreadsheet-0.6.4/lib/spreadsheet/excel/writer/workbook.rb:352 when i try to export data into the XLS i am using following gems spreadsheet --version 0.6.4 spreadsheet-excel --version My problem is when i use same code