similar to: Need Suggestion: how to Fetch Facebook information using the facebook_id in rails 3.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Need Suggestion: how to Fetch Facebook information using the facebook_id in rails 3.1"

2012 Feb 29
Fetch Facebook fanpage in rails
Hi, I am newbie to rails , I need access facebook page information like wall, subscription,picture etc. I have apps in rails 3, it has list of artist users he upload songs, videos within my application, when the public (No Need to Login) can hear the list of songs,videos. i decide to fetch the facebook/twitter basic fanpage information and shown to the public in the popups. i
2011 Jun 10
Rails 3.1 RC4 with jruby-1.6.2 and stream-renderer missing constant Fiber
I just followed the railscast to have streaming. calling the http://localhost:3000/users ends up with following error: [INFO] NameError (uninitialized constant ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer::Fiber): [INFO] /home/kristian/projects/sandbox/rails3.1/rails3.1-test5/ target/rubygems/gems/actionpack-3.1.0.rc4/lib/action_view/renderer/
2012 Oct 16
Rails 3 + fb_graph how to get access token to post to my own Facebook page
I am using Rails 3 + fb_graph to post to my own Facebook page. I have code that works, but it uses an access token that only works for a couple of hours. And it is very annoying to refresh this access token a couple of times a day. So I registrated for a FB app. I now have: my_app ="App ID"); acc_tok = my_app.get_access_token("App Secret"); me =
2013 Sep 26
Fetch the user albums and photos
Hi, I am using omni-auth for the user authentication and logged in the user via access token. But like facebook i want to fetch the user profile information and all the albums he/she uploaded and images belongs to that albums, than save the public url to my own database. I found fb_graph a very good gem to use FB Graph search but i could not find any Gem that helps me to extract images,albums from
2008 Dec 16
Hi There, I was wondering what the appropriate way to use the applicationproperties.rb model was. I was hoping to query it to find out which users are developers for my app and then grant special permissions to them ... I tried creating something like this: class ApplicationProperties < ActiveRecord::Base def facebook_session @facebook_session ||= returning
2011 Oct 28
Is active record 3.1.1 supposed to be threadsafe?
Hi There Is active record 3.1.1 supposed to be threadsafe? In other words, should the following (concurrent access to a model) work? do MyModel.where(some_condition).first end do MyModel.where(some_condition).first end I ask because upon the answer, it depends which component should handle synchronization, and in consequence, which component to patch/fix. A bit of
2007 Dec 17
Get "some read error" on calls to worker
I''m running the latest from svn (rev 285). I''ve been having a problem launching a process repeatedly. What happens is that I get a debug message "some read error" and then the worker refuses to run again. I''ve stripped my worker down to just doing a puts and it still happens. Like the other threads I want to launch my workers as needed, however I get the
2010 Nov 15
Problem testing Authlogic UserSession
I''ve posted this to the Authlogic group but things seem a little quiet, so perhaps someone here can help: ''m testing Authlogic 2.1.6, running under Rails 3.0.1., using rspec 2.1.0 I have the following: user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authentic do |config| config.login_field :email config.ignore_blank_passwords false
2010 Nov 11
Fetching error: Couldn't resolve proxy 'error: Couldn't res
Fetching error: Couldn''t resolve proxy ''error: Couldn''t resolve proxy -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2009 Jun 13
undefined method `valid_password?'
I''m trying to set up the authlogic gem for rails, just after logging my user I get this weird error: NoMethodError in Usuari sessionsController#create undefined method `valid_password?'' for #<Usuari:0xb69b9a54> RAILS_ROOT: /home/cocozz/dev/enruscats Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2011 Jun 16
Authlogic: Trying to login in my Cucumber test - Authlogic::Session::Activation::NotActivatedError
In a Cucumber step definition, I''m trying to login, but I keep getting this error: You must activate the Authlogic::Session::Base.controller with a controller object before creating objects (Authlogic::Session::Activation::NotActivatedError) My code: Given /^I am the logged in (.+) "(.+)"$/ do |role, login| user = User.create!( :login => login, :password =>
2012 Oct 16
`method_missing_without_paginate': undefined method `class_attribute' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class
hi i am using radiant 0.8.2 , rails 2.3.4, ruby 1.8.7 and rubygems 1.4.2. and i can''t able to run my existing application. error occurred : run command for server "script/server -e production -p 3001" error: => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.4 application starting on config.gem: Unpacked gem rack-rewrite-1.2.1 in vendor/gems has no specification
2010 Sep 09
NoMethodError in User sessionsController#create
Having a frustrating go at authenticating a user, pretty sure it must have something to do with gem version conflicts, but I can''t seem to find a solution that works. No matter what username & password that is entered into the login form I get the same error screen: NoMethodError in User sessionsController#create undefined method `protected_password'' for #<UserSession:
2010 Dec 02
Rails 3 + Authlogic not working all of a sudden
Hey People, I''ve been working on Rails 3.0.0 and Authlogic for quite a while now but all of a sudden I can''t login into my application anymore. After some research I found out that no sessions are stored into the db anymore so I started the console and saw this: ruby-1.9.2-p0 > u ={:username => ''Test'', :password =>
2009 Sep 20
After I upgraded my Authlogic to 2.1.2 I''m facing an odd error when trying to use my webpage; it comes up with an error ''undefined method `^'' for "e":String''. I''ve double checked the lines in the Authlogic code (see codepad urls for the tracelog), but I can find no trace of any "^" in the code anywhere. The methods that result in
2014 Apr 14
Foundation & Authlogic
Seems I can get either Foundation or Authlogic to work but not both - After bundle install when I do a rails g foundation:install I get the following: C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-4.1.0/lib/acti ve_record/dynamic_matchers.rb:26:in `method_missing': undefined local variable o r method `inheritable_attributes' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class (NameError)
2010 Jan 18
binarylogic-searchlogic ~> 2.0 binarylogic-authlogic mbleigh-subdomain_fu
I am having problem starting my app, here''s the error message, i am running Ubuntu 9.04 with Apache with Passenger: The application has exited during startup (i.e. during the evaluation of config/environment.rb). The error message can be found below. To solve this problem, please follow any instructions in the error message. Error message: Missing these required gems:
2009 Dec 03
AuthLogic Question - one time password (persistence_token) - what config is required to use this???
Hi, I''m stuck trying to work this one out - have been reviewing the AuthLogic code base but having a hard time making sense of it ( ). Question 1 - Can anyone confirm what config exactly is required to make the one time password (persistence_token) work in AuthLogic? See below for the bulk... Question 2 - If not the full answer to the above,
2010 Aug 30
in a rails3 - rspec then require 'authlogic/test_case' and now I broke stuff?
I''m a newb here and probably shouldn''t be using Rails3 yet to start with, but for some reason I was feeling adventurous. I''m also learning to use rspec along the way and things ''were'' working out with my ''rake spec'' until I tried to follow some examples for test Authlogic with rspec. I ''think'' what started the
2010 Aug 12
rails 3- Could not find generator session.
Hello, I am trying to use Authlogic in Rails 3. when I run " rails g session admin_session" to create the session, I get- ====================== "Could not find generator session." ====================== I''m using Rail 3 RC and working off the Rail3 Branch now ====================== GemFile: gem ''authlogic'', :git =>