similar to: create association in rhohub??

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "create association in rhohub??"

2012 Nov 18
remarkable activerecord association RSpec
i''m using gem Remarkable activerecord for association. i''ve installed remarkable and remarkable activerecrod both gem. i''ve added both gem in my Gemfile. i''ve added "remarkable_activerecord" as required in spec_helper.rb. describe Authentication do belong_to(:user)
2012 Jan 18
Polymorphic and standard association issue
Hello all, I''m having a strange issue with a model that belongs_to two other models. The one association is polymorphic and the other is normal. ================================ class Role < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :permission, :polymorphic => true end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :roles has_many :programs, :through => :roles end
2011 Oct 11
Polymorphic association with Active Admin
I have a belongs_to polymorphic association and I don''t know how to create and edit my models of that relationship with active admin. If anyone can help me, please do. Thank you, Rodrigo -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2012 Apr 10
User Association
Please Im trying to create an application where i can post like twitter, but i was the users name to be posted under their respective posts My Post_controller looks like this def index @posts = Post.all(:order => "created_at DESC") @users = User.find(:all) #@user_id = current_user.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html end end def create
2011 Dec 01
Association problem
Hi all I am using four models user, member, unit, society I have linked member, unit and society through member_property table user has one to one association with member while all other models have many to many association. How do I link user to member, and user to unit through member i wanted something like <%= @user.member.unit.unit_number %></p> Can someone guide how to
2011 Apr 16
adding HABTM association while creating a record
Hello Experts, I have a HABTM association as followed: class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :user end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :type has_and_belongs_to_many :account end class Type < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :user end I have the following query; I Have a parent user who is creating another user under its
2010 May 07
Can't eagerly load a polymorphic association defined in an STI parent class?
If I define an association (in my case a polymorphic one) in an STI parent class, and try to eagerly load it in a subclass, I get the following error: ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError: Association name ''myassoc'' was not found; perhaps you misspelled it? If I redefine the same association again in the STI subclass, it works. Is this a bug or what? -- You received this message
2011 Sep 23
Simple Association
Hello, I am new to rails and I need a little help getting started with a simple association. Here is what I am trying to do. I have a model, message, which has text and a user (do not need to worry about associating users to messages right now). These messages come in and I would like to create a response for each, which itself is a message. Then I would like to create a transaction paring these
2012 Jan 05
composite keys and association
i have two table, comment and post, both have composite keys, and no id column, comment belongs to post, i follow the instruction of, and it seems successfully, (But i still cant confirm to put require ''rubygems'' and require ''composite_primary_keys'' on which file ). I can do the CRUD operation for post,then i want to create
2014 Apr 19
How to has_one/belongs_to association only return the objects unassociated in combobox?
I have two models (Car and Driver) and a combobox to select which driver belongs to which car. I want the combobox just show the objects that have not yet been associated. # vehicle belongs_to: driver # driver has_one: vehicle # simple_form # vehicle/_form.html.haml = f.association: driver, label_method: :name, value_method: :id How to ensure validation before saving, to avoid problems of
2012 Jul 14
Adding to an association from a long list of items
This is a beginning Rails question. I have two models, Member and Organization, in a one-to-many association. (An Organization can have many Members.) The problem is I''m not sure how to design a view/controller that allows the user to associate an existing Member to an Organization. One way is to create a big HTML Select tag containing Member.all, and allow the user to pick the
2013 Jul 16
Which object have my association extension method?
My Stackoverflow question: I have an association extension method like the following: class Bundle < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :items do def foo end end I was trying to use delayed job/sidekiq delay() method like the following: But I
2010 Apr 10
accepts_nested_attributes + polymorphic association
im having an issue where my my polymorphic associations arent being deleted when using accepts nested attributes there are other accepts_nested_attributes being used and they are deleting fine, just the polymorphic association before i go down the path of intense thrashing at this a known issue or problem? -- Posted via -- You received this message because
2010 Mar 13
Find first or create
Is there any ActiveRecord''s dynamic finder that can allow me to find first association or create it if it doesn''t exist. Something like this (not this code is conceptual - it does not work!): Comment.posts.find_or_create(:first) -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2010 Nov 30
how to 'delete' an object from an association collection in-memory only
Hi, My Rails app offers opportunities to try out models on a ''what-if'' basis, where dependent associations can be modified to obtain alternative results for the parent. Is there a way to delete/destroy the member of a collection so that I can play around with the accordingly modified parent in memory, without actually committing the destruction of the collection member to the
2013 Jan 04
Add data in between Simple Form association members
Hey there, I am trying to use Simple Form''s association to list a bunch of radio buttons like so: <%= simple_form_for(@applicant) do |f| %> <%= f.association :track, :as => :radio_buttons %> <% end %> Assuming each track has many courses, how can I take every track from that association and loop over its courses to display them below the radio
2012 Jul 10
has_many association with autosave issues
I''d like to use autosave => true for an association for its added benefits: the parent doesn''t save unless the children saves. However, it seems to skip validations when saving the children. And this seems to be the case since the beginning of time... Anyone know why? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2011 Sep 04
polymorphic association
Hello, I have a scenario where I want to save a author image and book image to assets table... I am using a polymorphic association. And author_name is inside the books table. now when I save the image the imageable_type says "Book" for both. And off-course it''s a correct behavior, but I am just trying to figure out is there any way where I can save author image and
2010 Dec 07
fields_for and one out of many from association
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :addresses has_one :primary_address, :class_name => ''Address'', :order => ''preferred desc, id'' accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses, :allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :primary_address, :allow_destroy => true end class Address < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person end
2012 Dec 24
Bad idea to add/remove associations in after_find
I have 2 distinct types of users (artists and curators) in my system and they currently share all associations (eg has_one :portfolio). However, a curator shouldn''t have a portfolio so I would like to only add that association when required. Obviously I could just return nil for that method, but it doesn''t feel right having that there in the first place. What''s the best