similar to: calendar date select

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "calendar date select"

2008 Dec 20
Calendar icon for date selection functionality
Hello. I would like to add date selection functionality using a calendar icon. Is there a tutorial anywhere I could use? Thanks in advance. Pepe --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2008 May 22
Getting the datetime when using Calendar Date Select plugin in an Ajax update operation.
Hey,everyone, I encountered a problem when getting a date through calendar date select plugin. It''s convenient to put the very tag(calendar_date_select_tag) in a form, then get the date when the form is submitted, however, if I don''t put the calendar_date_select_tag in a form, and just use it as an element which can show a calendar on the page, now I wanna update a specific area
2011 Apr 25
CalendarDateSelect Error:
Hello All, I guess you guys can light me up better than google. I am getting a pop-up when i introduced full_calendar functionality in my app. The pop-up message is:- CalendarDateSelect Error: Prototype could not be found. Please make sure that your application''s layout includes prototype.js (.g. <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>) *before* it includes calendar_date_select.js
2011 Feb 03
How to transfer a javascript value into a symbol used in Ruby on Rails
Hi, I am currently using Rails 2.0.2 with Ruby 1.8.7. My Prototoype.js version is 1.7(if required). I am basically trying to integrate the calendar_date_select plugin in my app. The link/tutorial I am referring is: I am trying to save the date I receive through the date select plugin and store in a rails symbol :publishing_date. I am
2011 Mar 18
undefined local variable or method `calendar_date_select_includes' for #<ActionView::Base:0x7bfd920>
Here''s what I did: 1. gem install calendar_date_select 2. Then in my environment.rb I put: config.gem "calendar_date_select" 3. And in my template file: <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype" %> <%= calendar_date_select_includes %> But still an error posts like this : undefined local variable or method `calendar_date_select_includes'' for
2008 Apr 04
Auto Complete Problems
Hello All, I''m a RoR newbiew, trying to experiment with Autocomplete, but I''m having some difficulties. When I start typing in my input box, instead of getting a nice drop down, the styling on my page is getting all out of wack (ie my background colours change, link styling changes, etc) and I''m not seeing any autcompletion data. Here are the steps I''ve taken
2008 Jan 14
Google Calendar Date Range Selection
Hey Everyone, I''ve developed a new gadget using prototype to display events from a Google Calendar feed. The gadget has a very eloquent interface, adopting a similar approach to date range selection as Google Analytics. Take a peak at your convenience, Regards, Matt
2010 Dec 17
Hi guys, I''m pretty new to the rubyonrails community and is running into quite a noob question. I''m currently using rails 3.0.3 and been trying to get the calendar_date_select plugin to work I''ve included into my Gem file, did a "bundle install" everything shows up correct. However, when I try to use the <%= calendar_date_select_tag :date %> in my
2013 Jan 28
How to start working on reby on rails
Hello Friends, I am new to Ruby on Rails actually i am .net developer, i installed rails frame work and Aptana Studio3 in my system, i am not getting Idea how to start working on ruby on rails , please help me , how to start working on ruby on rails, if any one have sample project that helps me a lot. Thanks in Advance V.Venkat -- Posted via -- You
2008 Feb 29
undefined method `calendar_date_select_tag'
Hi, I am trying to use the ''Calendar Date Select'' plugin ( I''ve copied all the necessary files (javascript + css + calendar_date_select.rb and so forth files). Further, I added <%= calendar_date_select_includes "blue" %> line of code in my layouts/application.rhtml and finally
2012 Dec 08
Full Calendar Resource View With Rails
I am looking into using the full calendar plug in together with my rails application. Eventually, I want it to work for resource allocation such as on: such as on: 1. 2. I am new to rails and JQuery and now I am stuck at
2011 Mar 14
Problems with viewing my calendar
Hey dudes, i''m trying to build a small calendar into my app. I follow the steps shown in, so i go with the table_builder gem, which allows to use the calendar_for command. But unfortunately it doesnt work or rather show the results in my view-template. I even got no error-message. It only shows this: (twice!!?!) Calendar < March 2011 >
2006 May 18
Date picker calendar using rails and ajax
All, does any one has a date picker sample code using rails and ajax that I can use as a starting point for mine? Thanks Patrick
2006 Jan 20
Calendar date picker for use with rails.
Howdy folks, As I was putting together a rough form for a rails app, I got to thinking how much smoother (in my siytuation) a little calendar widget would be than the default date picker selects. Does anyone know if such a thing exists ? I suspect it would have to be somewhat designed with rails in mind to populate the right kind of post params for convenient use at the controller end.
2011 Jan 23
Google Calendar - calendar image
I have already created the basic functions of the google calendar. However, I can''t see the calendar itself. How will I get that? Do i have to create my own calendar and just attached the api of the google calendar? or what? I am really puzzled. I hope someone could help me with this. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2008 Oct 15
Combine date and time in mysql
I have a date from a calendar_date_select and a time from a time_select. They go to a date field and a time field in mysql. How do I combine time and date on both sides to make a comparison in a find? I think this is on the right path, right? DATE_ADD(start_date, INTERVAL start_time HOUR_SECOND) -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You
2007 Jul 18
very strange date problem for the month may
Hi, I use the calendar_date_select plugin ( which is working fine, but the strange thing is: if i debug my application, i can see that the date is received by the controller in the format ''july 10, 2007'' somewhere this gets translated (not by my application) in a format which mysql understands, because i can save this record correct
2010 Dec 01
Prawn : undefined method `make_table'
require ''prawn'' require ''prawn/core'' require ''prawn/layout'' do |pdf| subtable = pdf.make_table([[ "foo", "bar" ], [ "baz", "bax" ]], :column_widths => [ 50, 50 ]) { column(0).background_color = "808080" cells.borders = []
2011 Aug 27
<td class="col-1"> <div class="label-field-pair3"> <div class="text-input-bg3"> <%= exam_form.calendar_date_select :start_time %> </div> </div> </td> Error:`@new[exams]'' is not allowed as an instance variable name wht shell i do .i have installed the gem also it is
2010 Aug 13
Rails and Oracle - can select date but cannot save
I''m seeing a behavior in Rails that I find very strange. Having worked quite a bit with Oracle with other languages I would always dutifully do ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = <my_date_format> and ensure I use that date format in my application. With Rails I still have not figured out how to execute an ALTER SESSION statement after connecting to the database (I''m using