similar to: spreadsheet-like presentation gem?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "spreadsheet-like presentation gem?"

2012 Sep 10
Tips: workarounds to do free full-text search on Heroku :-)
Recently I started a new side-project, using some full-text search done with Solr, intending to put it on Heroku. However, I had forgotten that Heroku doesn''t allow any Solr for free! So I ripped it out and looked for alternatives, winding up with pg_search. I ran up against some problems, but figured out some workarounds, and wrote them up in a two-part blog post:
2012 Feb 11
Spam spam spam spam....
On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 14:44, Jay Chulani <> wrote: > Mother effin spammers! By quoting it in full, you''ve just given the jerk more free advertising, and used more of our bandwidth, cluttering our list of messages, with a message full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Engage brain before fingers, and TRIM YOUR @#$%^* QUOTES!
2011 Nov 04
Beating the Top-Posting Dead Horse
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:44, BeeRich <> wrote: > As for top posting, that is an old school habit. Er, no it isn''t. You young punks wouldn''t know old-school if it bit you in the diapers! Now get off my lawn! ;-) Seriously though, REAL old-school quoting is interleaved point by point, with anything irrelevant trimmed
2011 Jun 22
Prius Online & Game Guard
Has anyone had any luck getting Prius Online (MMORPG) to work with Wine? I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 x64. The problem seems to be Game Guard. I've heard that Game Guard doesn't work with WINE, so has anyone figured out how to hack/bypass Game Guard on Wine?
2012 Feb 03
ruby on rails 3 tutorial book chapter9 Signin Failure
Hi I have problem trying to pass the signin failure test. This is the test code of the sessions_controller.rb def create user = User.authenticate(params[:session][:email], params[:session][:password]) if user.nil?[:error] = "Invalid email/password combination." @title = "Sign in" render
2013 Oct 04
Best Book 4 RoR
Hello, Is there a great book for Ror. I am looking for a book with a step by step approch and by PROJECTS!! RoR needs to be ''practiced'', and i didn''t find those WORKING PROJECTS. Am i dreaming or is this paper exists. All the books on amazon are not amazING. They talks only about theory. Theory is fine, i mean this is RoR. But then... Thanks for those who, first,
2015 Jul 03
dual-booting <- Re: installing Cents os server 7.0
On 7/2/2015 5:22 PM, Warren Young wrote: > If your car has a DIN 7736 bay, you can easily replace the existing head unit without redesigning the car. This is directly equivalent to repartitioning and installing CentOS alongside Windows. how many modern cars have DIN mount stereos anymore? almost all have some weird custom shaped dashboard specific stereo insert. sure, you can get DIN
2010 Aug 13
:limit text mysql
I have a rails 3.rc app that I''m developing. I have a text entry in one my models that can sometimes be quite big. I tried setting :limit => 4294967296 on the text column in my migration file but this doesn''t seem to have any effect. The column is till created as a TEXT column rather than MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Is there
2011 Oct 05
Rails 3 Select_tag in javascript give missing ; error
When I write var x = "<%= select_tag(:activity_group, options_for_select(activity_grp),{:include_blank => ''Create New Group'', :style => ''width: 100px''}) %>"; where <% activity_grp = { |ag| [,] } %> However, I get error (missing ; before statement) in Firebug because var x = "<select
2012 Apr 11
multi model form
hi, can someone advice how can I create a form with fileds from different models. also how to get the different models (objects) saved. thank you dani -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2012 Oct 29
Newbie - deployment, hosting
Hello, So, after learning ruby on rails and building a great app on my local machine, I need to find a host, deploy, and of course maintain a (staging and) production environment. This all seems very confusing, and I''d like to learn this in an organized manner, step by step: I''ve come across the names: Unicorn, nginx/apache, capistrano, Thin/mongrel, Engine Yard, EC2, etc.,
2007 Sep 23
Gnumeric spreadsheet?
Where can I get the Gnumeric spreadsheet for Centos 5? -- MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~
2006 Feb 06
Spreadsheet problems
Hey, I want to regenerate a excel spreadsheet and send it to the browser. The excel sheet does maybe have 5 tabwindows and a lot of formulas. I use to make spreadsheet just for exporting records, but that was just making a rhtml with ";" as delimiter and set @headers["Content-Type"] = "application/;charset=iso-8859-1" I have tried spreadsheet-0.3.2
2010 Feb 23
Help on Spreadsheet::Excel
Dear all, For the export to excel functionality i have used Spreadsheet::Excel gem it works fine. i would like to design the excel sheet with html ,css.(i want to give color and height and width to each cell of the excel sheet...) I have goggled for this but nothing saved me... please u people suggest me any sample code or links that i can try with... Thank you for your time to view my query
2010 Dec 04
Problem while export to xls using spreadsheet gem in rails for Server
Hi All, In my code @format_text = @workbook.add_format(:bold =>false) I get following error undefined method `font'' for {:bold =>false}:Hash in gems/spreadsheet-0.6.4/lib/spreadsheet/excel/writer/workbook.rb:352 when i try to export data into the XLS i am using following gems spreadsheet --version 0.6.4 spreadsheet-excel --version My problem is when i use same code
2009 Apr 07
File created using Spreadsheet Excel can't read on linux
Hi All, Created xls file using spreadsheet Excel is not read on linux. I am creating an xls file are as follows workbook ="Filepath") worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Sheet1") | | | workbook.close but when i am trying to download this it not get download. -- Posted via
2011 Sep 18
how to split, remove part of data in column with spreadsheet gem
Using spreadsheet gem and rails MY CODE GOES BELOW: book = ''excel-file.xls'' sheet = book.worksheet 0 book.write ''output-file.xls'' and here goes the first problem: I want to remove data that comes after ";" (semicolon) in a column. Example below. FULTON BANK NA;FULTON BANK I just want it to be FULTON BANK NA for example.
2008 Jun 17
Reading OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet into R
I am in awe of the project you developed but wish to do something simpler. I have recently decided to give up on Microsoft Office and wish to use OpenOffice exclusively. In the past I have used the RODBC package to read data from excel files. Do you know how to read data directly from OpenOffice calc files into R? Farrel Buchinsky
2008 Apr 10
Synchronizing a table to a spreadsheet
Hello all, As much as I hate saying this, I would like to maintain 2 copies of some data, one copy in the form of a table in a database, and one in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Unfortunately, either or both copies may be modified, so I need some way to synchronize the two, much the same way as a contacts database might be synchronized between a PDA and a desktop application. I am curious to
2008 Jan 24
readClipboard() from spreadsheet to data.frame with column names?
This code opens a CSV file from the working directory set by wd. I copy 2 or more columns in the spreadsheet and then close it. What I need help with is setting the first row as the column names in clipboardTextAsDF. There is probably a simple or better way to do this but I have been away from R for awhile now. I just be over-thinking this. I tried read.DIF to read the clipboard but that