similar to: Rails nested Routing

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2011 Nov 02
undefined method `updated_at' for #<Classified:0x686c5e4>
HEllo, I have the following problem with rails, I am new in there anyone who explain to me what´s happens? Thanks See below: NoMethodError in Classified#show Showing app/views/classified/show.rhtml where line #17 raised: undefined method `updated_at'' for #<Classified:0x686c5e4> Extracted source (around line #17): 14: 15: <strong>Date Posted:</strong>
2012 Feb 03
ruby on rails 3 tutorial book chapter9 Signin Failure
Hi I have problem trying to pass the signin failure test. This is the test code of the sessions_controller.rb def create user = User.authenticate(params[:session][:email], params[:session][:password]) if user.nil?[:error] = "Invalid email/password combination." @title = "Sign in" render
2012 Feb 14
What I'm doing wrong, has_and_belong_to_many
Hello, I''m trying to insert into my migrate but when I try on rails console this error shows: 1.9.3-p0 :001 > group = => #<Group id: nil, name: nil, description: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> 1.9.3-p0 :002 > = "Group Name" => "Group Name" 1.9.3-p0 :003 > group.description = "Description" =>
2007 Jan 27
Markdown use by newspapers?
Does anyone know of any larger newspapers or publishing companies that use Markdown? Several times I've noticed glitches in web page articles, posted at larger newspapers, where emphasis has been indicated by underlines and have wondered. Robert McGonegal
2010 Aug 12
Scaffolding working...kinda
Hello all. I''ve been working through some online tutorials, learning ROR and have a question on scaffolding. Through the command promt i''ve ran the command: $ script/generate scaffold Albums This created the controllers, helpers, models, and views. I have a database table titled "albums" and have two records saved within The problem is that the scaffold command did
2007 Sep 07
puppetmasterd memory usage
Hi, We have dedicated puppet master boxes, which basically only run a mongrel/puppetmasterd (6 instances), an apache proxy for mongrel and puppetd. Recently puppetmasterds seemed to have leaked almost all of the RAM, and the thrashing made the box painfully slow. We restarted the puppetmasterd processes, and started collecting some statistics. Attached is a graph of memory usage on one of the
2011 Nov 26
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/image.jpg"):
I am using rails 3.1.3. Inside config/ application -> config.assets.enabled = true Inside development.rb -> config.assets.compress = false Inside production.rb -> config.serve_static_assets = false; config.assets.compile = false I have images placed in assets/images. If i do localhost:3000/assets/ image I get the image in the browser, but unfortunately, on the browser i am
2011 May 28
Rais 3, nested attributes problem with paperclip
I have two models, one model girl and one girl_photos (a file upload asset). The only code I have in models which describes the association is: For the girl => belongs_to :girl and has_attached_file :photo For the model girl_photos => has_many :girl_photos and accepts_nested_attributes_for :girl_photos I''ve tried to save as a nested attribute the photo, it saves the association
2010 Feb 26
Routing Error using Paperclip
For some reason I can''t figure out why I am getting a routing error when I add Paperclip support. I have another test app when similar code is working. I created a new test app first without Paperclip support and it was doing the CRUD operation fine. However when I added Paperclip support I get the following error? Routing Error user_url failed to generate from
2013 Jan 08
tm: custom reader for readPlain
Hello: I have a series of newspaper articles from a Canadian newspaper database (Canadian Newsstand) that look just like below. I've read through this vignette ( about creating a custom reader to extract meta-data, but I can't understand how to apply this in the context of a text document, rather than in the tabular format
2011 Nov 29
image with Content-Type: text/html;
i have images such as this its Content-Type: text/html; "carrierwave" dosent recognize it as image is there is any way to fix that ? -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk"
2007 Jul 25
Signing certificates with mongrel+apache puppetmaster
Hi, Is there a way to have puppetmaster sign new clients'' certificates when using apache+mongrel for serving, without having a separate puppetmaster instance running webrick on a different port/IP? I guess this does not work out of the box because apache is told to do the verification very early in the connection process, at which point it does not yet know that the client is going to
2012 Jan 27
Redirecting to create new page with input
Rails 3.1.3 I believe this is a very very fundamental question, but since I am new to Rails, it''s more productive to ask someone to point out what I need to do. Say, I have a search method that generates a list of youtube videos. I have completed this part. And also, I have set up a database, Video, whose fields are video_title and URL. I need to place a button to each of these video
2012 Apr 11
multi model form
hi, can someone advice how can I create a form with fileds from different models. also how to get the different models (objects) saved. thank you dani -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Jun 06
"not authorized" when testing mongrel support
Hi, We''re trying to follow the instructions at (Just using a single puppetmaster/mongrel instance and plain mod_proxy for now, instead of balancer one) We got past the "Server is not a class" error by modifying mongrel.rb We also kind-of got past the: /opt/bin/puppetmasterd:293: undefined method `daemonize'' for
2011 Oct 05
Rails 3 Select_tag in javascript give missing ; error
When I write var x = "<%= select_tag(:activity_group, options_for_select(activity_grp),{:include_blank => ''Create New Group'', :style => ''width: 100px''}) %>"; where <% activity_grp = { |ag| [,] } %> However, I get error (missing ; before statement) in Firebug because var x = "<select
2007 Jun 07
Puppet/webrick benchmark
We haven''t been able to use mongrel for testing yet, but in order not to waste time, we did some performance testing with 1, 2 and 4 puppetmasterd/webrick processes. Attached is an HTML page (ripped from our wiki - not pretty, but reasonably readable) which describes the method and results. If someone feels like making some nice graphs, that would be great. If not, I''ll try to
2010 Dec 30
Sorting data.frame datewise in a descending order
Dear 'HTH' R friends I have a small dataframe as given below. I need to sort this database based on date in a decending order. I am not sure whether I have defined the date column in a proper format. mydat<-data.frame(date = (c("1/31/2010", "2/28/2010", "3/31/2010", "4/30/2010", "5/31/2010", "6/30/2010",
2010 Aug 13
:limit text mysql
I have a rails 3.rc app that I''m developing. I have a text entry in one my models that can sometimes be quite big. I tried setting :limit => 4294967296 on the text column in my migration file but this doesn''t seem to have any effect. The column is till created as a TEXT column rather than MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Is there
2011 Oct 11
Create Two objects at the same time
I have user model and referral model. Referral model has user_id as field. Now when a new user is created, I need to call referral#create as well and pass it the id of the newly generated user to user_id of referral model. How can I do that. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to