similar to: autoloading LoadError: Expected known_ip.rb to define KnownIp

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "autoloading LoadError: Expected known_ip.rb to define KnownIp"

2005 Nov 19
Autoloading R Commander
How do I go about autoloading R Commander when I start R? Thanks in advance. -- Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy set Foundation for Chemistry Stochastic and multivariant
2010 Jul 05
Autoloading Capitalized Classes
Why doesn''t puppet autoload modules with capitals in the class names? Jul 5 09:55:54 puppetd[6527]: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class repo::centOSBase in namespaces repo::common at /etc/puppet/modules/repo/manifests/common.pp:8 on node Change ''centOSBase'' to
2006 Mar 06
Change to set_fixture_class
So, I sat down to use set_fixture_class, and it bombed on the first thing I tried: set_fixture_class :content_drafts => "Article::Draft" I made a quick patch, and I''d appreciate a quick run through your tests to make sure it doesn''t disturb anything: As I was typing this, I realized that the string gives us no benefits. I
1997 Oct 29
R-alpha: Using autoload and smaller 'base' package [was "Re: New Version"].
[This is a "spill-over" from the "R-core" mailing list, since several of you may be interested and have comments ... -MM] >>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Lumley <> writes: Thomas> On 29 Oct 1997, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote: >> Perhaps we should revise the current contents of the base library >>
2010 May 19
Staging: hv: fix hv_utils module to properly autoload
From: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz at> Added autoloading based on pci id and dmi strings. Signed-off-by: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz at> Signed-off-by: Hank Janssen <hjanssen at> Cc: stable <stable at> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh at> --- drivers/staging/hv/hv_utils.c | 28
2010 May 19
Staging: hv: fix hv_utils module to properly autoload
From: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz at> Added autoloading based on pci id and dmi strings. Signed-off-by: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz at> Signed-off-by: Hank Janssen <hjanssen at> Cc: stable <stable at> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh at> --- drivers/staging/hv/hv_utils.c | 28
1997 Nov 17
R-beta: autoloading a required library
I wanted to use the dist() function from the mva library in my own library, so I put require(mva) in my files. When my library loads, a message about "Autoloading ... mva" appears. But when I call dist() now within my functions the message Error in .C("dist", as.double(x), nrow(x), ncol(x), double(len), as.integer(method)) : C/Fortran function not in load table appears.
2013 May 02
Puppet 3.1.1, hiera and parameter autoload
Hello all, I don''t know if I have hit a strange bug or it''s just an incorrect interpretation about how parameter autoloading works... Today I have been searching, analysing and about to hit my head against a wall trying to figure out why a call to hiera_hash was not merging data from top level among different hierarchies. The problem was that I was trying to do something
2010 Aug 17
Overly aggressive constant unloading of Rails 3.0
In Rails 3.0 (both RC and edge), any constant that''s defined while loading a file in development mode will get unloaded on each request, regardless of whether it comes from an autoload path in the application or from external code such as a gem. Example file (tested on a fresh edge app): # kittens.rb require ''nibbler/json'' # "nibbler" is a gem specified
2006 Jul 26
Execute code when an inheritance happens, or disabling STI
I am trying to inherit from a ActiveRecord class defined in a plugin. The problem is that ActiveRecord thinks I am doing an STI and is looking up a table that doesn''t exist. Currently, I have a method in the parent class that looks like this: def self.fix_table_name class_eval do set_table_name(Inflector.tableize(self.to_s)) end end The problem is that this method
2017 Jun 12
CentOS7: How to debug SEGV when asterisk starts with autoload=yes ?
Hello, I was tasked to install Asterisk 13.16.0. from source on a CentOS7 platform. For that purpose, I used an unmaintened script of mine, written 10 monthes ago, and I was surprised to get segmentation violations whenever I ran "asterisk -cvvvvvvv -U asterisk". Usually, my /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file includes "autoload=yes" setting. Basically, I see two alternative
2007 Aug 29
Non-Erubis Templates
Trunk Issue: Because of the use of ''autoload'', template handlers other than Erubis are not loaded automatically (Haml, XMLBuilder). Either this should be fixed, or the documentation should be updated to instruct people how to use non-Erb template engines. Apparently the solution is to do something like this in merb_init.rb: ::Merb::AbstractController.register_engine
2007 Jan 14
rspec and set_table_name?
Hi there I have a Value class in my Rails app; however ''values'' is a reserved word in MySQL so in my value.rb file, I''ve declared set_table_name as ''vals''. However, in setting up my specs for this model, I''m hitting errors that seem to be resulting from rspec not seeing the set_table_name declaration in my model file. For instance,
2015 Sep 04
Cups printers autoloading and windows drivers
Hello samba team ! I have configured a samba4 printer with CUPS as backend. And I have enabled the "load printers = yes" option in smb.conf. Nearly everything works well ! -> Samba detect the CUPS printers -> The printers appear automatically in the "printers" share -> On windows 7 I can add the server the printmanagement.msc and I see the printers -> I can upload
2006 Jan 02
Naming Conventions
So, RoR is better at grammer than I. Well so is my nine year old. If I have a table named "people_type" will Rails see this as singular because of the _type or will it consider it the plural of "person_type" ? Is there a link to Rails that lists what words it knows, or what words not to use in table design etc. Kindest regards. -- Posted via
2005 Nov 19
Fwd: Autoloading R Commander
---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: [R] Autoloading R Commander Date: Saturday November 19, 2005 10:35 am From: "Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D." <s.molnar at> To: R <r-help at> How do I go about autoloading R Commander when I start R? Thanks in advance. -- Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy set Foundation for
2012 Sep 28
nested modules and autoloading
All- I''m using puppet 2.7.14. I''ve reviewed but it doesn''t seem to cover what I''m attempting. Consider a module layout like this: $ tree mymodule mymodule |-- Modulefile |-- README |-- manifests | |-- init.pp | |-- special_type | | `-- prereqs.pp | `-- special_type.pp
2005 Jun 03
Re: [PATCH] Support module autoloading in iproute2
Use module aliases and the kernel will do the autoloading. Most distros add something like: alias eth0 e100 to /etc/modprobe.conf
2002 Jul 02
auto-loading package possible?
Dear R-help, Yes, I do know about the auto-loading feature. My question is more complicated than that: Suppose I loaded a package (e.g., e1071) and created an object of certain class (e.g., svm), for which there is a print method in the package to hide things that the user may not need to see (e.g., large vectors or matrices needed by methods such as predict). If the next time I started R, I
2005 Jun 07
Re: [PATCH] Support module autoloading in iproute2
Okay, I added the same effective hook but using if_nametoindex() and without the vanity comment.