similar to: Paperclip validates_attachment_content_type not working?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Paperclip validates_attachment_content_type not working?"

2010 Mar 17
Associating a default paperclip image from a different model
Here''s some code, this is my NewsItem model as you can see... class NewsItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :country has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :original => ''57x57'' }, :default_url => ''/images/football.png'' # has_attached_file :image, # :styles => { :original => ''57x57'' },
2009 Jul 07
paperclip unit testing
Hi, Rails 2.3.2, paperclip How can I unit test my model that has a paperclip attachment? I add to my model: --- CODE START --- has_attached_file :image, :default_url => '''' attr_protected :image_file_name, :image_content_type, :image_image_size --- CODE END --- Than I type a UNIT test: --- CODE START ---{:image =>
2011 Sep 08
Image upload with progress bar
Hello there, I try already third day to find a way, how to improve my upload about progress bar. I use for upload of images the paperclip gem and in my app jQuery library. Could anyone give me, please, any help or tip, how to do? I tried to search, read a discussions, but I still don''t know, how to do... So, thank you so much for every advice. -- Posted via
2010 Mar 25
NoMethodError (private method `chomp' called for nil:NilClas
Hi: I am using Rails 2.3.5 with paperclip, mime-types and uploadify. So far the application is working in development environment. But when I switched to the production environment, it produced the following error. NoMethodError (private method `chomp'' called for nil:NilClass): /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mime-types-1.16/lib/mime/types.rb:665:in `type_for''
2011 Aug 13
Paperclip - could not find generator.
Hello there, I installed plugin "paperclip" for working with images, but after running a command -- rails generate paperclip user avatar I am getting error -- Could not find generator paperclip. If I will try run a command -- bundle show paperclip So I will get -- /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/paperclip-2.3.0 In Gemfile I have -- gem "paperclip", "~> 2.3" I
2010 Nov 01
paperclip Image Versioning
Hello. I''m hoping to hear your recommendations on using paperclip for images with versioning. Anyone know of any elegant paper_clip image, versioning implementation solutions? Thank you -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Aug 30
paperclip gem install failed
when i''m installing paperclip gem its return err (i18n requires RubyGems version >= 1.3.6) the os is ubuntu 10.04 64bit -nirosh- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send
2008 Dec 19
anyone can help me to use paperclip plugins..I have a problem using it. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from
2012 Aug 18
Paperclip images are not stored in my directory
It is my User.rb model, My images are not stored in my assets directory.. has_attached_file :photo, :styles => { :small => "100x100#", :large => "500x500>", :thumb => "60x60>" }, :url => "/assets/users/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path =>
2009 Oct 20
Annoying problem with file_field and paperclip
Hi all, I have a really really annoying problem that''s driving me nuts with file_field and paperclip and having to upload images everytime a form is edited even though the user is quite happy with the currently uploaded image or loose the previously uploaded image. This seems to be caused by the rails file_field helper not storing the data that has been read in from the db in the same
2008 Sep 02
Attachment_fu, Paperclip, & S3
For various reasons, I made a git branch and installed Paperclip in place of attachment_fu. Paperclip works great except that images seem to have lost some quality; edges have gone a little too jaggy to be able to drop attachment_fu just yet. After a post on the Paperclip Google Group, someone suggested the :convert_options could be passed additional attributes, like ''quality'',
2009 Nov 02
*** Quick help with paperclip ***
Hi All, Someone reccomended using paperclip as a way to easily upload photos. Basically I want a quick and easy solution to allow users to add a profile picture. Anyway - I have followed the tutorial on here: I can add a file, but there isnt anywhere to upload it. I have followed the above tutorial word for word, but i dont
2010 Feb 26
Routing Error using Paperclip
For some reason I can''t figure out why I am getting a routing error when I add Paperclip support. I have another test app when similar code is working. I created a new test app first without Paperclip support and it was doing the CRUD operation fine. However when I added Paperclip support I get the following error? Routing Error user_url failed to generate from
2008 Sep 17
Stubbing Paperclip calls to Amazon S3 (for Rspec)
Would anyone happen to know how to stub a call to S3 from Paperclip? I''ve searched every where and no one seems to have posted anything about this. I''ve done very little in the way of spec''ing dependencies on external services, so any ideas on how to do this with Paperclip & S3 would be most appreciated. I''m happy with stubbing out Thinking Sphinx - would
2008 Jun 09
Testing file attachment with Paperclip
Does someone have an example on faking a file upload for just ensuring it gets called, without actually uploading the file to s3. I thought that stubbing Model.has_attached_file would be enough, but it doesn''t seem so ... This is what I did: Video.stub!( :has_attached_file ).with( :name ).and_return( true ) has_attached_file is from paperclip, it gets mixed to the model. 1)
2011 Aug 07
hello, i am trying to upload a image file ...using paperclip in rails 3 i did as follows 1. In gemfile => included gem paperclip 2.In config/environments /development.rb => Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin/" (convert path) 3.created a controller *picusers *and defined => def create @picuser = Picuser.create(params[:picuser]) end 4.created a model *picuser
2010 Aug 06
Paperclip not finding imagemagick on prod, works on dev
Hi, I am using paperclip to attach documents to my models. it works perfectly on my dev machine, but on the server I get a CommandNotFoundError. On my server if I ./script/console I can run imagemagick through system("convert") and it works, so why can''t paperclip find it? Thanks for your ideas PS: the paperclip google group isn''t getting much answers so I am
2013 Sep 04
Speed up image processing of Paperclip in Acceptance Tests
Hi All, I have a question here: How to Speed up image processing of Paperclip in Acceptance Tests When running capybara feature specs I can see lots of Slow factory notices which are populated byfactory_girl. These Slow factory things heavy slow down the feature specs, I think, even feature specs are intrinsic slow specs. Then I had some inspect and found out most of the Slow factory was
2010 Apr 05
paperclip question
Hi All, My application is using paperclip and its working fine without any problems, I am able to generate the thumb images and big images from actual uploaded images. There are many images already uploaded by the users. Now I want to create small images from the original uploaded image. For the newly uploaded images its working fine but how can I do the same for already uploaded image?? if
2011 May 28
Rais 3, nested attributes problem with paperclip
I have two models, one model girl and one girl_photos (a file upload asset). The only code I have in models which describes the association is: For the girl => belongs_to :girl and has_attached_file :photo For the model girl_photos => has_many :girl_photos and accepts_nested_attributes_for :girl_photos I''ve tried to save as a nested attribute the photo, it saves the association