similar to: Windows /RailsInstaller- Webrick starts but welcome page doesn't load

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Windows /RailsInstaller- Webrick starts but welcome page doesn't load"

2012 Feb 06
Bundler - how to re-install all gems after os update?
I had a working Rails setup using RVM on Ubuntu 11.10 with /home on a separate partition. I installed Ubuntu 12.04 (Alpha) on the root partition, leaving the home partition unchanged. I now find that some things don''t work, I think due to the fact that the system has been updated and versions of libraries have changed. For example I get: $ rails c
2012 Feb 08
An error occured while installing mysql2 (0.3.11), and Bundler cannot continue.
error information occurred when I execute "rails new demo1 -- database=mysql" MY environment below: Mac OS 10.4.11, Ruby 1.8.7 Rails 3.2.1, Gem 1.8.15 mysql5 Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.61, for apple-darwin8.11.1 (i386) using readline 6.2 mysql (2.8.1) Please help me, thx! more detail message as follows: Installing mysql2 (0.3.11) with native extensions
2011 Jun 15
Problems with " wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError) " and rails server
Hi, I''m trying initialize my local rails server but I haven''t can, because when I write "rails server", show me this message: => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.0.3 application starting in development on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server Exiting /home/distriker/Documentos/public_html/auth/mysql2/ruby/1.8/gems/
2013 Mar 14
No Migration Files are created
I''ve been working with Rails for 3 Months now, but haven''t experienced this problem until now. I''m currently working through Micharl Hartls Tutorial and everything worked fine so far, but suddenly (chapter 11) I can nolonger create Migration Files. when entering "rails g model Name field1:type" I don''t get the usual "create db/migrate...."
2012 Feb 26
Hi, I am trying the tutorial in: when I try to navigate to http://localhost:3000 after the 4.3 change I get the error : ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished and I don''t know how to solve it the database.yml file is: adapter => mysql host => database => blog username => root password => ***** my
2012 Aug 28
rail s exiting
Hello everyone, I am fairly new to ruby on rails, and I come across this tutorial on treehouse where they help you make a simple version of facebook. anyway, I was writing codes, and I came across this error and I am not sure how to fix it. The error occurs after I type in rail s on the command prompt and as soon as try to look at how it looks on, it gives me this error. the
2012 Jan 31
Connect with MySql and Ruby
Hi everybody, I am very new in Ruby on Rails. I install ruby(1.9.2p180) and Rails(3.1.3). Also I install RubyMine3.1.1 as IDE. I successfully have done some simple simple practices. Now I want to play with database(mysql).Though I have checked so some of the URLs but unable to make out. Please help me how to do that, what files or folders should I place and where should I place those.
2013 Jul 13
Rails and MySQL
I''m trying to use MySQL instead of SQLite3. I have MySQL installed on my pc. Do I need to ran something in the ruby to use MySQL? C:\>rails new MySQLRestaurant --database=mysql C:\>cd MySQLRestaurant C:\MySQLRestaurant>rails generate scaffold review poster:string date:datetime ar ticle:text C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mysql2-0.3.11-x86-mingw32/l
2011 Aug 15
- WEBrick server refuses to launch
Running Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 3.0.7 on a Windows 7 machine - tried going through an upgrade to Ruby 1.9.2 over the weekend, but ran into issues, so have since gone back to 1.8.7. After restoring my app and re-installing all of the gems, the application finally launches with rails s: => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.0.7 application starting in development on => Call with -d
2012 Nov 26
why functional test does not get failure?
The test: test "should get new" do get :new, :room_id => assert_template(:ne) end the template new does not exists but the test does not get failure. Why? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2013 Jan 07
Devise Admin View password
Hi Everyone i am using devise for authentication for my app. Is there any way, Admin user can view other users password as normal string. Without storing there password as string in database? Please advise. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Oct 12
ROR setup on ubuntu machine
I am new to ROR, i need to setup ROR on my ubuntu machine. can u give some steps to follow for ROR? or some effective tutorials link to setup this? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send
2012 Oct 27
Photo Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError
Hi all, I am using paperclip plugin. when i am trying to upload photo i am getting this error " Photo Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError " and i am getting this error on my server production mode. if i run on development mode on my server i can able to upload the pic. why this is happening i have no idea. can any help me out. Cheers, Kp -- You received this message because
2010 May 26
Extremely slow start up with ruby 1.9.1 vs 1.8.7
I created a fresh new rails app, no gems, no nothing. Completely unmodified. Doing anything that initializes rails takes 2 - 3 times longer in ruby 1.9.1 than it does in 1.8.7. Obviously with a fresh rails app, this is only 2 - 3 seconds extra. But with a decent sized app, this can take up to 25 seconds for rails to initialize, vs the 12 seconds in 1.8.7. I''ve been racking my brain on
2011 Sep 08
Newbie | Installing mysql2 gem
Hello everyone, I wanted to learn about Ruby on Rails and its advantages and I decided to start with some tutorials. Unfortunately I''m forced to post my problem on the forum after days of unsuccessful solutions. I''ve installed Railsinstaller and mysql 5.5.15 64 bit version. I''m running win 7. I''ve been using the following command: C:\>gem install mysql2 --
2013 Jan 25
Usage of ram for Sunspot Search engine
Hi all, I am using Sunspot Search Engine in my app. When I deployed my app in production It it bit slower side. My Server Details: ram 256 Ubuntu 11.10 How can I check why my app is slow in production can any one help me out to solve this issue. Cheers, Kp -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2012 Feb 28
getting error:undefined method 'current'
hi all, i am getting an error ''undefined method ''current'' for 852:Fixnum'', the error coming for following line <%if @expert_pagination.current.previous%> <a href="#" class="darkgray1"
2009 Dec 13
Need help...NameError in InteractController#add_to_cart
Hi,I am developing a web app and am following the text-Agile web development.....Each time I click my "add to cart" button" i always get the  page below:I have double checked to see if i have errors in my code,there was none,please what do i need to do to proceed? NameError in InteractController#add_to_cartundefined local variable or method `find_cart'' for
2011 Nov 05
Adding a site admin user while creating a site
Hi Gurus, I wanted to add siteadmin user(basically a user with a certain role) while creating the site itself. I hope that i have done all the necessary stuff by going through raynb''s railscasts ( But could not see user fields being displayed in the site creation form.. Below are the details. I Have two model users and
2010 Aug 27
assert_select for <p><b>text</b>value</p>
I have the following html <p><b>text</b>value</p> I can use assert_select "p>b", "text" to check the text portion, and assert_select "p", "value" to check that the value appears in a <p>. I cannot work out how to check that the two are in the same <p>. I have used assert_select for much more complex tasks but my mind