similar to: Rails - Acts as Nested - Impossible move, target node cannot be inside moved tree.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Rails - Acts as Nested - Impossible move, target node cannot be inside moved tree."

2009 Aug 19
acts_as_list / acts_as_tree / acts_as_nested_set - which one
I am creating forum application which needs usage of acts_as_list or acts_as_tree or acts_as_nested_set. I am unable to decide among these. please could some one recommend from their experience? -- Posted via
2010 May 12
Best Gem For Threaded Comment Storage?
Dear List, Given that I am developing a rails 2.3.5 site, When it comes to storing threaded comments in a blog or forum, Then which plugin/gem should be considered "State of the Art"? I''m starting with these URLs:
2007 Jul 18
Rails - Mock going out of scope?
Hello list, I think I have a rails related RSpec problem with a mock going out of scope on a recursive call to a model. The code is at: if you want to see it highlighted. I have pasted it below as well. Basically, I have an acts_as_nested_set model called "Node", which works fine. I have a function which finds the language name of the node instance.
2009 Feb 17
Converting Acts_As_Tree to Acts_As_Nested_Set
Hello, I have a tree structure that needs to be converted into a nested set. A great deal of work has already been done on the tree items, so maintaining the integrity of the id''s is mandatory. However I need the ability to access entire branches of the tree, which is what Nested set does. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to efficiently transfer the tree to the nested set and
2010 Dec 01
How to Redirect from to on Herok
Hello I''m looking to learn how to redirect all non-www ( to I tried the following: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :check_uri def check_uri redirect_to request.protocol + "www." + request.host_with_port + request.request_uri if !/^www/.match( if Rails.env ==
2012 Jun 08
filter children with acts_as_tree
Hello Experts, I have a tree of categories in this category object there is a property called type. the root categories have no type but the children have. so how I can get all the roots with filled in children that have category type = ''B'' for instance. I tried to run Category.roots then delete children With a category not equal to ''B'' but this causes a major
2010 May 25
Site Navigation With Polymorphic Has Many Through
Hi, seem to keep running into a wall here. I can''t find any resources on site navigation that can deal with any model being in the nav, allow nesting, and can dynamically update. So I thought about it for a while, and decided on a MenuItems class, which contained the position of the child in relation to it''s siblings, where the parent and the child were polymorphic. Then a given
2011 Feb 18
Acts as nested - Enforcing a Max Level
Hello, I''m currently using the gem ''nested_set'' for comment threading. What I want to do is prevent the comment level from going more than 2 levels deep. What I tired doing was something like this: class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base .... before_save :ensure_max_nestedset_level private # We don''t want comments to go
2006 Feb 07
Is acts as nested set safe in a concurrent environment?
Hi I was wondering if acts_as_nested_set can be used safely with concurrently updates? The fact that so much of the tree needs to be rewritten on inserts concerns me. Is anyone actually using it. I noticed that the status of acts_as_nested_set was unclear at the time the rails book was written. Regards, Glen
2010 Sep 21
Working in install acts_as_commentable, On create, error: "unknown attribute: book_id"
Hello, I''m working to install the acts_as_commentable plugin on my Rails 3 app. After adding "acts_as_commentable" to my book model, I then added a comment form on my book show view: <% form_for(@comment) do|f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :book_id %> <%= f.label :comment %><br /> <%= f.text_area :comment %> <%= f.submit "Post
2006 Sep 04
"include" versus "extend" - what's the difference
Hi, Just wondering when one would use "include" over "extend"? Both seem to bring in methods to the class no? The context is I''m just trying to understand why both are used with the acts_as_audited plugin: Full extract from plugin (used within here): ================================================== # Copyright (c) 2006 Brandon Keepers # # Permission is hereby
2006 Feb 05
acts as nested set
Hi Railers, Is the nested set model restricted to only one root? I''m working on a screencast building a threaded forum and nested set comes close but is lacking a few items for this project. First, all the documentation I can find restricts a nested_set to one root node, and a threaded forum would have many roots. Also, without a ton of fancy sql or an ungodly amount of db calls, it
2009 Feb 20
better nested set and parent_id
Hello everybody I have a model with better_nested_set. In my "new" form, i pass the desired parent_id as a hidden field, and in the create action at the controller i save the new register and use move_to_child_of Model (params[item][parent_id]) Everything works, but at my log file it warns that i can''t mass asign the property "parent_id". What can i do to avoid the
2006 Feb 06
Where can I see the API acts_as_nested_set constructs? I''ve read its page in but I don''t see how to manage the tree from there. -- fxn
2006 Feb 25
Enumerating over a Tree by Depth
I have a model using acts_as_tree which is working fine. Being new to Ruby I''m don''t know what enumerator is best to use for traversing a tree by depth. I can write one, but before I do I wanted to know if there is there an enumerator for traversing trees available that the community recommends? Thank you, Jose -- Posted via
2010 Dec 22
Rails - JSON object with an array?
Hello, I''m able to create and send a JSON object like so: @mylist << { :id =>, :name => } render :json => { :result => ''success'', :mylist => @mylist } That works great. Problem I''m having now is that I need to include users which can be 1 or users per item. @mylist << {
2006 Jan 16
acts_as_tree with Modified Preorder Traversal?
Has anyone extended Rails''s acts_as_tree to use the Modified Preorder Traversal algorithm? This is a really clever trick for optimizing access to trees stored in databases, as described lucidly in this article: It adds two integer fields, a "left counter" and "right counter", to each row. By
2010 Nov 11
Rails 3 - Nested Forms, using Builder -- Check_box issue
Hello, I have the following: My Controller: def new . . @teammembers.each do |teammember| request = => teammember.user_id, :full_name => ''Billy Bob T'') end My View: . . <%= f.fields_for :requests do |builder| %> <div class="field"> <%= builder.label
2006 May 10
Ordering of subsets in a model.
Alright, I got this table with lots of entries for menus. There''s several menus (with their own model since each menu got some special information). Now, I want to be able to specify the order of the menu entries inside the menu. acts_as_list seems to not quite do the trick since it does ordering "globally" on the whole model and acts_as_nested_set seems like overkill since
2005 Oct 12
Help with act_as_nested_set
Hi, I''m trying to get act_as_nested_set working, and I''m puzzled. I googled the following ails-code.tgz < rails-code.tgz&path=rails-code/ar/acts_as_nested_set.rb&lang=ruby&qy=ruby>