similar to: Master detail forms and reports

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "Master detail forms and reports"

2011 Mar 08
Comment creer un formulaire maitre-detail
Salut a tous! Est-il possible de creer un formulaire maitre-detail? J''ai besoin de creer une fenetre ou l''utilisateur rentre un commande et les differents produits associaes a cette commande. Puis-je afficher le tout dans une seule page? Faut-il un minimum de 2 pages Comment visualiser le detail de la commande avec tous les produits commandes, et l''imprimer si
2011 Aug 07
New field does now show in browser
Hi all I just added a new field phone to form _form.html.erb created with: rails generate migration AddPhoneTotickets phone:string added with rake migraiton and the new field does not show in the browser new <div class="field"> <%= f.label :phone %><br /> <%= f.text_field :phone %> </div> old <p> <%= f.label :phone
2012 Apr 18
RoR - Search Forms with Checkboxes, display appropriate results
I have a form that allows me to search a hotel by city or name and by rating through radio buttons. It all works. However, my hotel model has_one :facility, this facility model is composed by several boolean fields (for example, roomservice:boolean restaurant:boolean and so on) The question is, I want to add checkbox fields for each facility I have and in the search form, when the user selects
2011 Apr 21
GEMFile gem 'mysql2' and mysql version is 4.1.2
Hi all I have a Gemfile with this value gem ''mysql2'' but when I run this command ''$ bundle install'' on my host they said that "The command "bundle install --local" seems to be returning mysql2 dependency error now. Unfortunately mysql2 gem requires mysql 5.1+ ( refer: ) whereas the server mysql
2011 Mar 02
Nested forms validation problem
Hi All, I''m trying to learn Ruby on Rails and have got an issue with the validation of a nested form. I think I have got it setup correctly as it appears to be saving the data as expected, but it is not wrapping the CSS class (field_with_errors) to the fields, and if data is entered into the nested fields it disappears on form submit (if there are validation errors). The validation
2010 Nov 09
help getting started with javascript generated forms
How does one generate a form within a view using javascript? Specifically, assume views/premise/new.html.erb looks like this: <%= form_for( do |f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :full_address, :value => $FULL_ADDRESS %> <%= f.hidden_field :geocoding, :value => $GEOCODING %> <%= f.submit :value => "use this address" %> <%= f.label
2010 Sep 08
On init webrick get older rails version (suddenly)
Hi! I''m running rails 2.3.8, confirmed by the prompt (rails -v) I''m doing a project and on other occasions I have needed install nested forms. I followed the steps ( This steps: $ git clone git:// $ cd rails $ git checkout origin/normalized_nested_attributes $ cd ../.. $ ruby
2010 Nov 10
using DB2 with Rails 3
I have developed a rails 3 app and for various reasons I have been compelled to try using DB2 as the underlying database system. Does anyone have much experience of using DB2 with rails 3? Any good pointers on resources? I have just been using postgres to date -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2010 Dec 06
Windows new installation - Always problems
I would like to know if there is a way to ''package'' an application with all the associated gems and ship it to a new server and having it to "just work" in a Windows environment. Although I have never done it I know that Rails can be frozen into the application. I am wondering if I can do the same thing with other gems. I have found this
2012 Dec 28
git push heroku master error
allo vous tous vois l''erreur Counting objects: 66, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done. Writing objects: 100% (66/66), 26.30 KiB, done. Total 66 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) -----> Ruby/Rails app detected -----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.3.0.pre.2 Running: bundle install --without development:test
2011 Aug 29
jquery datepicker not working with nested forms rails 3
Hi people I have a problem with the Jquery "Datepicker". If I use datepicker in a simple-form, I have no problem... but I need to use it in a nested form that add fields dynamically, and everytime I add new fields I have a field that needs to use datepicker. I''ve reading the web, and many people have the same problem, but nobody get a solution for this issue Could you help
2010 Dec 13
created_at, updated_at and MSSQL
Hello, I am running into a little issue. There is a considerable time difference between the time that the console is giving me and the time I am seeing in the created_at and updated_at column in the DB. The difference is about 5 hours. I don''t think the problem is in the DB, but I could be wrong. Am I missing something obvious? Any clues? -- You received this message because you are
2010 May 31
has_many and has_and_belongs_to conflit
Hi, I have 2 models: User and Article. I have this relationship: * User has many articles (and Article belongs to user) * User has and belongs to many articles (and Article habtm users) But this is tricky because of: current_user.articles ...this can return articles thanks to *has_many* and *has_and_belongs_to* relations. So there''s a collision. How can I ask articles thanks
2010 Apr 22
HOW TO Track How Many Recipients Open Your Mail IN RAILS?
HOW TO Track How Many Recipients Open Your Mail IN RAILS? please help me PROVIDE SOLUTIONS AND STEPS OR ELSE ANY PLUGIN -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To
2011 May 13
Rails 3 Forces HTML Escape of Forms
I have a legacy application I ported from Rails 2.x. I found that the escaping was occurring where it shouldn''t, like in creation of forms, and I couldn''t turn it off. I found two mechanisms that should have disabled it, a function safe_html, which is supposed to mark a string as not needing to be escaped. The other is raw, which similarly indicates that a string should be output
2009 Dec 30
Oracle adapter problem? How to fix this?
Hi, My setup is: Ruby 1.8.6 Rails 2.3.5 activerecord-oracle-adapter ( I upgraded Rails and the adapter recently and I just went through hell trying to find a problem while inserting a record in a table. Rails was giving me this error: OCIError (ORA-02289: sequence does not exist): stmt.c:539:in c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/oci8.rb:753:in `exec''
2012 May 07
Complex sorting question, or not?
I have a function that displays all depts and related info from other tables in my Department model, such as: def dept_and_hospital "#{name} (#{})" end ... which is used in my view, like: <p> <%= f.label :department_id %><br /> <%= collection_select(:device, :department_id, Department.all(), :id, :dept_and_hospital,
2010 Apr 24
List time zones?
Is there a way to list the time zones that rails makes available (it seems to function only on cities)? I figured out how to get that list at the command line in rake but i can''t seem to get access to the list of available ones from within a rails app. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2010 Mar 10
Master thesis topic on Ruby or ROR
Hey fellows, I am a novice to ruby and ror, but really addicted to it. As a graduate student, I need master thesis topic around Ruby aor ROR. Can anyone suggest some for me? Regards/Buyan -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Jan 08
problem using build with has_many :through relationship
Hello all, I''m having problems creating a new record with has_many :through My application is quite complicated so I''ll try to explain it as easy as I can. I have a many to many relationship with Projects, IRBs and Reviews. Where reviews is the joined model. In the new project view, I have a link (add IRB). This will add an a list of IRBs to the new project form. I have visited