similar to: yum update change kernel auto rebuild drivers centos 5.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "yum update change kernel auto rebuild drivers centos 5.1"

2016 Jul 18
Help with C7 start script
Under the old C6 I put an entry in rc.local to run my programs I want. We will call it /path/ Worked fine. Under C7 I have created a new service file for systemd. It looks like: --------------- [Unit] Description=Company [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/path/ [Install] ----------- For the most part this works every time on boot.
2007 Jul 19
quick question on machine name
I have a box I just installed centos 4.5 on. The name of the machine in /etc/hosts is TomSlick (for example). the name of the machine in /etc/sysconfig/network Note both are upper case: Yet when I login as root the prompt is showing me tomslick in lower case not a combo upper lower. I have grepped /etc and below for tomslick and cannot find why this
2007 Apr 25
network config files in centos 5 changing
What is happening in centos 5 with network config files??? I have a machine with 2 network cards. ifcfg-eth1 keeps changing to DHCP. All my static setup is gone. Why is it doing this? How can I stop it? I run "netconfig -d eth1" and re-setup my static information. I reboot and now I am back to DHCP. I have a gigabyte motherboard, nvidia chipset. forcedeth driver. eth0 is e1000.
2008 Sep 13
question on sending mail with 5.2
I made a little file with a From:, To: and body. I execute the command cat file.txt | sendmail -t -O MinQueueAge=1m thinking that the message would try every minute to send instead of the default 30m. (if the initial attempt failed of course). This doesnt seem to have any effect? In the event I have an important email and I want it try perhaps every minute (1minute) to send the email how do I
2007 Oct 18
I have this old memory that the kernels used are a hodge podge of backports etc. So for a kernel-smp-2.6.9-55.0.9.EL should I use 0.4.10? Quoted from The latest stable releases can be found here. Currently this is version 0.4.10 for kernels <= 2.6.15, version 0.6.7 for kernel 2.6.16, version 0.7.4 for kernel 2.6.17, version 0.10.6 for kernels >=
2012 Jan 05
Bug#654757: blktap-dkms doesn't seem to always rebuild its module
Package: blktap-dkms Version: 2.0.91-1 Severity: normal After an update of the kernel in SID, I have noticed that blktap-dkms didn't automatically rebuild itself when I upgraded my server with a newer kernel version. My understanding is that it should have. Also, doing dpkg-reconfigure blktap-dkms or reinstalling the package did make it rebuild the kernel module. Thomas Goirand (zigo) --
2007 Apr 20
using command line to setup auto login
I am trying to find a way to set auto login for a machine under X using the command line. I presume I want to use gconftool-2 to do that. Under the old X centos 4 I edited /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf This file no longer exists under X 7 for centos 5. I cant find a way to "show all" under gconftool-2 so that I can see what the key/value pair should be. When I do "gconftool-2 -a "
2010 Jun 17
yum install perl-XML-Parser
When I do the following: yum install perl-XML-Parser I get all these errors. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * addons: * base: * extras: * updates: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in ?
2007 Sep 25
/boot partition or not on C5
hello, the last 3 times I installed C5, the MBR was unchanged and nothing was written into /boot/grub except splash.xbm.gz there were no stage* files, nor a menu.lst I know how to fix that. Would I have better luck using a partition mounted as /boot? Anyone succeded with Grub that way? I prefer not having to do surgery to get C5 to boot :) -- Mark New Packages for C5 ---------
2008 Apr 18
howto use kvm-amd on centos 5.1
Is there a way to use kvm-amd on centos 5.1? I dont want to mess with XEN. I want the hardware virtualization that is on my AMD chip. I played with putting 2.6.24 and centos 5.1 on my AMD laptop, got kvm-amd and that works. However I want to put this on my desktop that is running 2.6.18-53.1.14.el5. Is there a way or do I just wave to use 2.6.24 or 25. Thanks, Jerry
2010 Feb 08
slowness in sendmail - 60 second timeout
I am sending an email from my machine devcentos5x64. the transcript below (hangs for 60 seconds) at the line: MAIL From:<root at> SIZE=56 AUTH=root at The email succeeds - but I am trying to figure out the 60 second delay. Neither email server is busy. Nothing is waiting. the DNS on both machines point to the same nameserver. The DNS
2007 Aug 30
rsync arg list to long
I am trying to do an rsync or scp from machine1 to machine2. I am getting arg list to long. I am using centos 5 machine 1 and centos 4.5 on machine2. I am using the default shell which is bash. How can I get past this? THanks, Jerry
2007 Dec 12
centos 5.1 and gimp
When using gimp on centos 5.1 when I select File save it never comes back with a dialog to save the file. Is something broken on gimp? Jerry
2019 Feb 07
Hi All - I have a systemd service file to start my application. Part of my service file is: [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/path to start ExecStop=/path to stop RemainAfterExit=yes This works fine "normally". However - when I do a "yum update; and reboot" my script detects a kernel change and now does a number of "recompiling" steps for drivers and such before
2007 Dec 03
what happened to netconfig in 5.1
I am doing a yum install netconfig on the new 5.1 and nothing gets installed. Was it removed? replaced with something else? yum provides netconfig does not show a "bin" command just false matches. Is there a new command? Thanks, Jerry
2008 Apr 15
yum update did not complete
I was doing a yum update today. It downloaded all the packages. was doing the next part and my remote connection was lost. so ssh session was killed. When I logged back in I am not sure if the update is done or not. I presume not. I presume it died with my remote session. I do a yum update now and it returns as if there is nothing to update. last I saw it was 30 out of 312 in the installation
2006 Aug 08
I just removed a bunch of Personal stuff I should not have. Is there anyway to undelete??? Jerry
2008 Apr 14
polycom auto answer
I was trying to get my polycom phone to auto answer. I added this to the dialplan. Used a different phone to call "22" and the phone rang it did not auto answer. Did I miss something? exten => 22,1,SipAddHeader(Call-Info:=\;answer-after=0) exten => 22,n,SipAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer) exten => 22,n,Set(__SIPADDHEADER=Call-Info:\;answer-after=0) exten =>
2008 Jan 30
rsync and swapping
hi all, I use rsync to copy/backup ALL my stuff to another disk. When I run this seems like my machine (4 GIG ram centos 5.1) now begins to swap out more programs. Is there a way to reduce that swapping? I am running with echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness I simply mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/backup; mkdir /mnt/backup/ then rsync -a /home /mnt/backup/ This is approximately
2005 Dec 19
Compaq V2000 laptop no USB recognized
To continue here with problems on this compaq v2000 laptop, I put kernel source on a USB disk and plugged it into the v2000. NOTHING IS recognized. I tried to manually mount the disk and nothing either... I thought USB was well established.... I thought trying to recompile the kernel for realtek support might get my networking going... I am stuck??? Jerry -------------- next part