similar to: implementing project management and event types

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "implementing project management and event types"

2006 Mar 21
Sorting by computed temporary field
Hey all, I''m rather new to Ruby and Rails (and not great with SQL), but I''m developing a ride sharing app and would like to be able to sort on something I don''t have stored. I have users, events, and rides, each of which has a zip code. Events have_many rides, and rides belong_to events. When an event is selected, I''d like to be able to show a list of
2012 Jan 27
How to test the model dependence ?
Good morning, I''m new to rails and am having some basic questions in development. See if anyone can help me with a test problem. I need to test if my model "Procedure" is linked to the workflow. If not, the system must acknowledge an error. Below is the code that is in the file test \ unit \ procedure_test.rb. require ''test_helper'' class ProcedureTest <
2007 Mar 29
a better "should have valid associations"
This is pretty much the same as last time around, if you recall. Thanks to Wilson for converting to the new form. I''ve added a few lines. Basically, it iterates over your model associations and does two things. - First, just try to call the association. Usually fixes speeling erors or other such silliness. - Second, try to find a record with an :include on the association. This
2005 Dec 15
How to ensure deletes cascade to associated models?
I have the following models: class Resume belongs_to :resume_assignments end class User belongs_to :resume_assignments end class ResumeAssignment has_one :resume has_one :user end When I delete a resume, I want to make sure that its associated ResumeAssignment gets deleted also. Calling destroy_all to delete some resumes doesn''t seem to do this. Is there an option that will
2004 Feb 26
Trivial API question
I know - I like to futz. I''m thinking of changing the way I pass optional arguments. This is from EventLog: # Write an event to the event log # Current way el.report_event( "source" => "foo", "category" => 0x2, "event_id" => 0x3, "data" => "Warning! Danger Will Robinson!", "type"
2006 Dec 05
has_many :through questions
I have a database with 4 tables Months has_many :weeks Weeks has_many :days Days has_many :hours Hours Weeks belong_to :month Days belong_to :week hours belong_to :day I need to access the month_id in the Hour.rb model. find(:first, :conditions => ["user_id = ? AND month_id = ?", user_id, month_id]) Thanks -- Posted via
2006 Apr 20
strange mysql problem
i have this model: class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :quote end in the console: >>l = LineItem.create ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' , , , )'' at line 1: INSERT INTO line_items (`qty`, `quote_id`,
2006 May 21
Possible problems with EventLog#write
Hi, I''ve got EventLog#write and EventLog.add_event_source methods done. Well, I *think* they''re done, but I can''t get the data (text) to work properly, and I''m not sure if it''s a bug in my .mc file, the add_event_source method, the write method, or just a goof in my test file. The source, category and event id seem to be ok. However, the
2006 Mar 22
Need for multiple acts_as_list
I have a model "Childmodel" that belongs_to two other models "Parent1" and "Parent2". "Parent1" "has_many :childmodels, :order => :positionp1" and "Parent2" "has_many :childmodels, :order => :positionp2". i.e. The child is independently positioned within each of its parents. This works fine and gets me the useful
2007 Jun 28
complete stumper: variable exists in hidden_field_tag, but nil everywhere else
This is a real mystery to me. I have an instance variable in a partial that only gives its value inside a hidden_field_tag. If I try to use the variable anywhere else in the partial, i either get nil or an undefined error. The goal is to use the value of outside of hidden_field_tag. Here''s what works: <%= hidden_field_tag ''id'', @event &&,
2006 Apr 22
Anyone know how to copy rows?
Hey all, I''m trying to write something that allows one to copy several rows from a table and create new rows based on those rows. This will be used to intentionally duplicate rows. Did I mention that I was having little luck? I''m from a PHP world, but I''ve been getting really into Rails lately. Here''s what I''ve got(assume an event has_many
2020 Aug 16
[PATCH 1/2] drmmode: make event handler leave a note that there are stuck events
We don't really expect to have too many events in the queue. If there are, then the algorithm we use isn't appropriate. Add a warning when the queue gets very long, as it's an indication of something having gone wrong. Signed-off-by: Ilia Mirkin <imirkin at> --- src/drmmode_display.c | 11 +++++++++++ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+) diff --git
2007 Nov 22
has_many :through questions
I''ve created the following associations using :through: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :attendees, :dependent => :destroy has_many :events, :through => :attendees, :uniq => true end class Event < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :attendees, :dependent => :destroy has_many :people, :through => :attendees, :uniq => true
2006 Jul 14
Method for associated relationships
I have these tables set up like this: listings has_many :states <field>state_id [int] <other fields.... .............. .............> states belongs_to: listings <field>name <other fields.. ............... .................> In my view I have <%= %> have also tried , that didn''t seem to do the magic either. This
2007 Apr 09
help with ActiveRecord joins
I''m working on a fairly complex join query and could use a bit of advice from more expert users of ActiveRecord. I have an events table with quite a lot of data, with has_many relations to categories, age_groups, and event_images. In my first naive implementation, each event had a date, so to load all upcoming events efficiently, I''d do: Event.find(:all,
2006 Jun 26
Create tables on the fly in rails?
Hello everyone :) Love the mailing list! I read it as much as I can! Thanks all you RoR guru''s for providing so much help. Anyways... So say I have Users, and each user can have a list of Plants that they like. I would want to give each user a table that has many entries to show me which plants they like. How could I do this? I don''t know if there''s a way to do
2006 Jul 19
Catch 22 with after_save. Please help.
I have a pretty strange problem. Here is basically what I have to demonstrate my problem: class Event < ActiveRecord::Base def after_create AnotherClass.find_event(id) end end class AnotherClass < ActiveRecord::Base def self.find_event(event_id) e = Event.find event_id end end Here is the catch 22 and it''s quite annoying. Basically ActiveRecord puts to whole save
2007 Dec 05
Fwd: win32/process problem
Any ideas? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Christian Kerth < at> Date: Dec 5, 8:28 am Subject: win32/process problem To: comp.lang.ruby I have an application that consists of serveral independent parts. I want to use the Windows Process API to spawn the different processes. e.g. require ''rubygems'' require
2005 May 13
I''ve tried tackling this many ways on my own and can''t find a good solution: Breaking it down to something simplier... Venue has one address Person has one address Address belongs to state Assuming I don''t want to do tables for venue_addresses and person_addresses. What is the best way to model this using rails... big thing here is i want to be able to reuse a
2012 Nov 18
remarkable activerecord association RSpec
i''m using gem Remarkable activerecord for association. i''ve installed remarkable and remarkable activerecrod both gem. i''ve added both gem in my Gemfile. i''ve added "remarkable_activerecord" as required in spec_helper.rb. describe Authentication do belong_to(:user)