similar to: Two RJS visual effects will happen at the same time?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Two RJS visual effects will happen at the same time?"

2006 Jul 31
RJS to find an element
I''m trying to implement a remove from cart method based on the examples in the second edition Agile book. I have everything working except for the RJS that removes items from the cart. Ideally what I''d like to do is highlight an element that I am deleting only if there is more than one of that particular item in the cart. If the item deleted is the only of
2006 Jul 26
how do I change color to an highlight effect ?
This is my code: <%= form_remote_tag :url => { :action => "forgot_account" }, :update => "result", :complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "result", :duration => 2, :startcolor => "#c8e673", :endcolor => "#9db55d") %> If I remove colors to the effect everything works, but with this code it renders on another
2008 Jan 23
Rails 2.0.2 + RJS
Hi I had ajax commenting on my app, which worked perfectly on Rails v1.2.6, but does not work the same in Rails 2.02. Basically the comment gets added, but the visual effects do not work (ie lines 2 + 3 of create.rjs) create.js page.insert_html :bottom, ''comments'', :partial => ''comment'' page.visual_effect :appear, "comment_#{}"
2006 Jul 03
Page 129 of Agile Web Dev on Rails (or pg141 of pdf!)
Hi - another question, sorry.... I''m trying to get the highlighting effect to work on the current_item. The page refreshes fine, and then I get an error as the highlighting code is fired: page[:current_item].visual_effect :highlight, :startcolor => "#88ff88", :endcolor => "#114411" The error
2006 Oct 09
page.visual_effect :highlight
I have some code that will do the highlight, fade effect on a block of text. It seems to work just fine until it is fired multiple times very rapidly. The end color matches a grey background and the start color is a yellow. Say its run 4 times a second for 3-5 seconds. When the flashing catches up the text will fade for the last time to the end color, then the background will switch to a
2006 Jan 10
using dynamic element ids with visual_effect
Mike and I demo an Ajaxified version of the Depot application in the Rails Studio. Part of the demo is a cart in the sidebar which updates when you add a product to it. As well as updating the div, it also highlights the most recently added link item. Right now, we do it with: <script language="JavaScript"> function flash_cart(request) { var id =
2008 Sep 03
Highlighint rjs problem on a new product
Hi, Problem Summary: I have been trying to add the highlight effect to my table but everytime a new record is added the highlighting gives an rjs error. However when i click the add to cart button on a product that already exists inside the table, the highlight effect works. Is this because the partial must only have only one <tr></tr> in it and the <table> must be on the other
2006 Apr 28
startcolor and endcolor not working
In my RJS template this works: page.visual_effect :highlight, "test#{}", {:duration => 5} but not this: page.visual_effect :highlight, "test#{}", {:duration => 5, :startcolor => "#FFFFFF"} Am I misunderstanding how to pass in additional parameters? _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Jun 13
passing options for render :update
I''m having some issues trying to pass some options into render :update in my controller: render :update do |page| page[''mybox''].visual_effect( :scale, 200, {:scaleContent => false}) end this should just scale the box, and not the content, however, the content scales. I noticed that the following is produced:
2007 May 15
Problem with RJS and/or Prototype.js =>ResponseText is blank
Hi, I''ve got a real head-scratcher. I''ve got a standard Ajax form using form_remote_tag, which calls a controller action which adds a comment and then sends back some JS via RJS which updates a few items on the page. It did work fine but (and I''ve no idea what has happened) now it doesn''t. It calls the controller action but gets an empty response back and
2005 Jul 12
hi, i''ve just started using visual effects, lots of fun. i was wondering what the best and most efficient way would be of achieving something along the lines of fade anything technique (FAT, whereby an element''s background fades away from one color to the element''s native background-color. (for example, you get
2006 May 09
changing the color of :highlight
Is there an easy way to change to color of the :highlight effect? :complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "targetid", :duration => 1) thanks -- Posted via
2006 Mar 14
rjs woes
i''ve just installed the RJS plugin per cody''s instructiuons and read through tutorials. I''ve made the necessary changes to my existing code and everything appears to be working, except that the returned javascript is not being evaluated... here''s my setup: i have a checkbox with an onclick event pointing to a javascript function. this javascript function does
2006 Apr 07
changing visual_effect defaults
what is the correct syntax for changing an effect like :highlight? i tried looking through the api, and found it, but i can''t seem to get it right. i want to change the start color of visual_effect(:highlight, ''user-list''). i tried visual_effect(:highlight, ''user-list'', :startcolor = ''#990000'') and several other variations of
2007 Jun 04
Re: Ajax.Request question with JSON return
Do I need something like this: eval(''('' + this.header(''X-JSON'') + '')'') (taken from Cody Swann, ). I''m guessing my problem is simpler, and I''m leaving something small out related to the header though. Thanks for any help -Mark 1. evalJSON:
2006 Mar 07
Minor fix for Ajax.InPlaceEditor
controls.js line 471: Where it says: new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor: this.options.highlightcolor}); can we change it to: new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor: this.options.highlightcolor, endcolor: this.options.highlightendcolor}); . Otherwise, it''ll use the default #FFFFFF to finish the highlight which doesn''t look right when #FFFFFF doesn''t match
2006 Apr 18
update_page yields escaped code in callback
Hi All, The subject pretty well describes what I am experiencing. This line in an .rhtml template: <%= link_to_remote menu_item.humanize, {:update => ''section'', :url =>{:controller => menu_item}, :complete => update_page do |page| page.activate_tab("#{menu_item}_tab", ''menu_'') page[''section''].hide
2006 Oct 19
Ajax functionality not working - partial problem?
I have a difficult using Ajax and wondered whether anyone has the expertise to advise me how to proceed? 1. We start at edit - this calls a partial form, which then calls a series of partials (which themselves call partials sometimes). If we take the case of features, the form goes: edit - _form - _features - _feature 2. Updates are made in the controller, then there is a re-direct to
2006 Apr 27
RJS & Ajax question...
Hi, I''m trying to convert an older Rails application to use Ajax. I''ve already moved my edit and show actions so that, instead of displaying as separate pages, they appear in a <div> on my list view. However, I have two problems: 1) When the user saves the changes, I want to put all the ajax changes in an RJS template. However, form_remote_tag :url =>{:action =>
2006 Apr 04
Keeping javascript in the <head>
Given that Rails has built in ways to do almost everything else :) , is there a way to keep view specific javascripts inside the head tag of a layout without having to include that javascript on every page? -- Marlon -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: