similar to: acts_as_list / acts_as_tree / acts_as_nested_set - which one

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "acts_as_list / acts_as_tree / acts_as_nested_set - which one"

2009 Feb 17
Converting Acts_As_Tree to Acts_As_Nested_Set
Hello, I have a tree structure that needs to be converted into a nested set. A great deal of work has already been done on the tree items, so maintaining the integrity of the id''s is mandatory. However I need the ability to access entire branches of the tree, which is what Nested set does. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to efficiently transfer the tree to the nested set and
2005 Oct 12
Help with act_as_nested_set
Hi, I''m trying to get act_as_nested_set working, and I''m puzzled. I googled the following ails-code.tgz < rails-code.tgz&path=rails-code/ar/acts_as_nested_set.rb&lang=ruby&qy=ruby>
2006 Jun 20
Converting from acts_as_tree to acts_as_nested_set
I''m currently using acts_as_tree to display threaded Comments on my forums-like site. It''s waaay too slow to display a page with 1,000 comments, as it''s issuing a TON of selects. I''m pretty sure I want to convert to the nested set model, using acts_as_nested_set or acts_as_threaded. This should give me the performance I''m looking for. The problem,
2006 May 10
acts_as_nested_set does not work (in my case).
Hello, I am using acts_as_nested_set. My problem is that the columns "lft" and "rgt" get the value 0 if I create a new entity. If I delete an entity I get negative values (-1, -2, -3) - but for all entities. Is there anything missing? Is there any example for "acts_as_nested_set" in the web? -- Posted via
2006 Jul 18
Bad values for acts_as_nested_set?
I moved from acts_as_tree to acts_as_nested_set because I need the all_children method. I''ve seen an alternative way to add this method to acts_as_tree here: But I''d prefer to use the more efficient way of acts_as_nested_set (and not to have to revert to my old code). Anyway, here''s my issue: if I
2006 Mar 15
acts_as_threaded - help ???
Hi, has anyone successfully used the acts_as_threaded plugin with postgresql? I''m using rails 1.0 and ruby 1.8.4 on linux. Following the screencast on , I got to where we''re ready to create our first post, having made the changes to controllers/posts_controller.rb, views/posts/_form.rhtml,
2012 Jun 08
filter children with acts_as_tree
Hello Experts, I have a tree of categories in this category object there is a property called type. the root categories have no type but the children have. so how I can get all the roots with filled in children that have category type = ''B'' for instance. I tried to run Category.roots then delete children With a category not equal to ''B'' but this causes a major
2006 May 12
Has many through join table issues
I''m trying to wrap my caffeine soaked brain around has_many :through following along at: I think my models are a little more complex than what fits this narrative. I have a directory of members, each member can belong to multiple categories. The category table references itself
2007 Jan 25
acts_as_tree with acts_as_list
Hello all, I''m having trouble using acts_as_list with acts_as_tree to order the "children". I''ve found a few old posts on the web that seem to indicate that this once worked. class Whatever < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => :position acts_as_list :scope => :parent_id Although the ''position'' field is being populated, it appears
2006 Jan 15
acts_as_tree & acts_as_list for a single model?
Hi, If I have a db table categories - id - name - parent_id - position is it alright to have the Category model act_as_tree and for each level act_as_list? class Category < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => :position acts_as_list :scope => :parent_id end Thanks, Peter
2007 Jan 31
has_many :conditions
Is it possible to put conditions relative to the current instance in has_many''s :conditions? For example, in a forum app: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :topic has_many :self_and_descendants, :class_name => "Post", :order => "lft", :conditions => "topic_id = #{topic_id} AND (lft BETWEEN #{lft} AND #{rgt})" end With the
2005 Mar 08
To convert an adjacency list model into a nested set model
Dear R-help I am wondering if somebody wrote some code to convert an adjacency list model into a nested set model. In principal I want to do the same as John Celko mentioned it here with SQL: Assume you have a tree structure like this Albert / \ /
2006 May 31
Help enhancing acts_as_nested_set
I''m trying to enhance acts_as_nested_set. Well actually I already have, but I''ve done a hack up job of it. I would like to contribute these enhancements back, but I need a little help. I''m a complete newbie to this stuff. The only thing I new before coming into this project was vanilla HTML. So over the course of two weeks I''ve picked up Ruby, Rails, MySQL,
2010 May 12
Best Gem For Threaded Comment Storage?
Dear List, Given that I am developing a rails 2.3.5 site, When it comes to storing threaded comments in a blog or forum, Then which plugin/gem should be considered "State of the Art"? I''m starting with these URLs:
2006 Jan 16
acts_as_tree with Modified Preorder Traversal?
Has anyone extended Rails''s acts_as_tree to use the Modified Preorder Traversal algorithm? This is a really clever trick for optimizing access to trees stored in databases, as described lucidly in this article: It adds two integer fields, a "left counter" and "right counter", to each row. By
2006 May 30
acts_as_tree, acts_as_list and is invincible (help!)
So I have the following model class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :topic has_many :topics, :order => :position acts_as_tree :order => :position acts_as_list :scope => :topic_id end that I use for a site''s navigation. Everything (list, create, edit, even the drag&drop sort) works fine, except the destroy function, which the vanilla version def destroy
2008 Jan 27
Using acts_as_list, acts_as_tree, and STI in one model
Check it out y''all: (pastie was down) I''m trying to make a tree which belongs_to another model, where you can have sections or items as children, and sections can have sections or items as well. Moreover, any siblings should be sortable. For instance: Root - Section 1 - - Item A - - Item B - Item C - Section 2 - - Item D - - Section 3 - - - Item
2006 Jun 19
Using set_primary_key breaks acts_as_tree with non-integer column
I just switched from using the standard "id" column into using my own primary key and generating my own unique id for each record. But, this breaks acts_as_tree. Because my new primary key is not an integer, it breaks the SQL query as follows: StatementInvalid in PagesController#create --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2006 Feb 22
acts_as_habtm_list plugin
I''d like to announce acts_as_habtm_list plugin for rails. acts_as_habtm_list is a Ruby on Rails plugin, that can manage ordered lists through a join-table. It is providing almost the same Api as acts_as_list. The position column has to be defined in the join table. You can find additional information at: Install it executing this command
2006 Feb 06
acts_as_threaded plugin
This plugin is related to the acts_as_nested_set functionality but differs in that it allows multiple roots to exist within your database. The other benefit, is that when adding a child, it doesn''t perform a full table update to rebuild the tree, each child insertion only affects the tree that it is placed in. It even comes with my first screencast to show how you can build an old