similar to: Code in install.rb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "Code in install.rb"

2010 Jan 26
Mongrels Hanging in mysql_adapter.rb
Hi everyone, I have been trying to solve this problem for quite some time now and I really don''t have any further clue to investigate. I am running a mongrel_cluster 1.0.5-2 (mongrel verison : 1.1.5-5) on a ubuntu box with apache2 2.2.12-1ubuntu2.1 I have 4 different apps on the same box and each app has two mongrel instances. After a short period of time ( < 2 hours ) some of the
2009 Jan 17
Install older version of rails FAILED
Help! I need your help!!! I have an old rail app which I made a few years ago. Never touched rails since. Now, I need to make it work again. I used the above command to install rails, but I still get rails 2.1.1 [b]gem install rails --version 1.2.6[/b] I tried twice, and fails twice, even the installation says Successfully installed activesupport-1.4.4 Successfully installed
2007 Jan 21
rake db:migrate "undefined method `default'" error
Hi all, Just starting with Rails and working through the early chapters of the Pragmatic Programmers Agile Development with Rails book (2nd addition). When doing a "rake db:migrate" to add a column to a table I get this: undefined method `default'' for #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter:0xb7517ec8> Any ideas? thanks, David PS: Here''s the full
2006 Oct 31
[OT] Hosed ImageMagick Kills Gruff
This is off-topic because it''s installation specific, but I wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction. I installed ImageMagick and RMagick on my MacBook Pro using Darwin Ports and the normal gem install, respectively. I got the dreaded "bus error." I read Tom Mornini''s discussion about installing GraphicsMagic and then RMagick, so I used port uninstall
2008 Nov 26
Re: mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2 ?
you can go to to download the tar file, and run the command below # ruby ./install.rb to install the mysql.rb -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Nov 22
Problem Installing RMagick with Instant Rails on Windows
I''m running Instant Rails 1.4 on Windows XP with SP2. I have downloaded the Windows binary version of RMagick from the RubyForge page. Specifically, I have downloaded: 1.14.1 binary gem for Ruby 1.8.5 (fixed for RubyGems 0.9.4) I have removed any older versions of RMagick using: gem uninstall RMagick I have updated my version of rubygems. I
2008 May 11
From "schema.rb" file to MySQL
Hello, I have write a schema.rb database such as this: ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :arts do |t| t.string :name, :null => false, :limit => 45 end end This file is saved into test/db/schema.rb, and test/config/database.yml is correctly configured with "test_development" database created in a MySQL server. Could you help me to install the content of
2008 Jun 06
LoadError (Expected model.rb to define Model)
Hello, I''m having an error that occurs in production (on Dreamhost) but does not occur in development on my local machine. The situation is that there is a model (Article), and it uses act_as_ferret for search. The error is as follows (where I say {full server path}, that''s not what the error says, just my note): LoadError (Expected {full server path}/article.rb to define
2006 Sep 08
(Probably Easy) ActiveRecord help needed!
[Using XP, MySQL 5.0, Ruby 1.8.4] Hello, this is my first post. I am new to Ruby, coming from about 6 years of ''import java.util.*''s. I am using ActiveRecord, both on Rails and outside Rails. On Rails I have no trouble. Outside is where it gets confusing. I have created three tables (so far) and their three corresponding classes. Since I''m having the same
2008 Jun 23
From Instant Rails 2.0 to Rails 2.1.0
hi, I have installed Instant Rails 2.0 on my machine which comes with Rails 2.0.2. Now I want to update my Rails to version 2.1.0. So I do gem update rails and It seems to be fine. But when I check the version of my Rails I get the following message: >rails -v C:/RoR/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:578:in `report_activate_error'': RubyGem version error: activesupport(2.0.2 not
2006 Aug 13
undefined method `each'' for #<Mysql:0x3874b20>
Running on XP, Rails v1.1.6, Ruby 1.8.4, mysql 5.0.24, WEBrick 1.3.1 just doing a basic ''scaffold'' against a table in mysql, I originally got the "undefined method ''each''" error at all times then saw something advising to uninstall the gem mysql package, which I did. then it seemed to work! - but only the first ''list'' call to the
2008 Apr 22
syntax error in runner.rb
ruby script/runner ''load "filename.rb"''* fails with ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/commands/runner.rb:47: (eval):1: compile error (SyntaxError) Rails version is 1.2.0 on Linux Any clues on what could be incorrect? Thanks! -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2007 Apr 11
error about "gem install mysql -r "?
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i486-linux] Rails 1.2.3 ------------------------------------------------------- debian:/home/ror# gem list -l *** LOCAL GEMS *** Service layer for easy email delivery and testing. actionpack (1.13.3) Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC. actionwebservice (1.2.3) Web service support for Action Pack. activerecord (1.15.3)
2008 Jul 19
renaming routes.rb
When you create a new rails app the default home page says to rename routes.rb. I tried this, but when I run script/console or script/server I get an error saying the routes.rb file can''t be found. If you rename this file is there an environment variable holding the location elsewhere in the application? -- Posted via
2006 Nov 27
ActionMailer & application_helper.rb
Hi, I''m trying to send some emails with the same formatting as my pages & I can''t seem to access my display routines in application_helper.rb. I''m trying a hack to bypass this. At the top of my ActionMailer notifier script I''ve included application_helper.rb - my understanding is that this should arrive as a module and should be able to be used
2010 Jan 19
How I installed ovirt on fc 12
Hi, I installed ovirt on fedora 12 (64 bits) successfully but I had to make some changes to make it work. 1. Installation from rpms builded from the lastest git version 2. Patch ace : missing backslashes in sed commands vim /usr/share/ace/modules/ovirt/manifests/freeipa.pp line 33 : '/\\[kdcdefaults\\]/a \\ kdc_ports = 88' single_exec {"set_kdc_defaults":
2007 Oct 15
Very simple code throwing "uninitialized constant" error
This code works on an older version of Ruby and Rails but not with Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 1.2.5. The code is so simple that I can''t figure out where the problem is. profile_controller.rb class ProfileController < ApplicationController def show @profile = Profile.find_by_school_id(params[:id]) end end ----------------------------------------------------------- profile.rb class
2008 Apr 15
environment.rb uninitialized constant when starting console
I have the following code in environment.rb: require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ''boot'') raw_config = + "/config/config.yml") APP_CONFIG = YAML.load(raw_config)[RAILS_ENV] This works fine when running the server, but if I try and start a console I get: Loading development environment.
2008 Mar 26
Missing Method defined in controllers/application.rb
I have this in my controllers/application.rb: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base ... def datebalk! # set regexp for datebalks generated attributes c = /.*__dteblk/ # Remove datebalks generated attributes from params hash delete_if { |k, v| c =~ k.to_s } end ... end When I call this from client_controllers.rb in this fashion: # need this to strip
2008 Sep 16
rspec, Rails 2.1.0, rubygems, Mac OS X Leopard - rubygems does not recognize latest version
I''m trying to run some specs on my Mac OS/Leopard machine (10.5.5) but rubygems won''t allow it: $ spec spec/models/my_spec.rb Rails requires RubyGems >= 0.9.4 (you have 0.9.3). Please `gem update --system` and try again. ...but I already have the latest & greatest installed: $ gem search --local rubygem *** LOCAL GEMS *** rubygems-update (1.2.0, 0.9.5) Tue Sep 16