similar to: ActiveRecord Session Handling - rails 2.0.2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "ActiveRecord Session Handling - rails 2.0.2"

2008 Feb 26
Rails 2.0.2 MySQL 'year' datatype missing from ActiveRecord?
Hi all, This is my first post to the forum, and I''ll point out right away that I''m a noob to everything, Ruby, Rails, MySQL, etc., so I expect that I''m wrong here, but is the ''year'' datatype missing from ActiveRecord in 2.0.2? According to my MySQL 5.0 reference manual, ''year'' is a datatype, but when I try to run a migration that has
2009 Feb 19
Switching to ActiveRecord Session Store
I''m having a problem switching from cookie sessions (the default) to active record sessions. I''ve created the sessions table via the rake task, uncommented the line config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store in my environment.rb file, cleared out my browsers cookies, restarted the server (natch), but still the it''s using cookie_store instead of
2006 Jan 13
Flash not cleared with ActiveRecord session store
Cheers, I''ve stumbled over a bug with 1.0 and ActiveRecord store for session while migrating from pstore sessions. I created the table with `rake create_sessions_table` and set `config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store` in environment.rb. Everything runs fine except that the flash messages will not be cleared. I get the same message everytime on everypage I
2007 Aug 24
error in rails 1.2.3 activerecord
i''m a rails nuby so i don''t know where to fix this in the activerecord module.... there is no such column in the sys.view.user_constraints. SELECT uc.index_name FROM user_constraints uc WHERE uc.constraint_type = ''P'' this prevents me from doing a rake test:functionals in below.... C:\railsspace>c:\ruby186\ruby\bin\ruby c:\ruby186\ruby\bin\rake
2011 Jun 03
Rack Middleware support for Rails 2.0.2? If not what is the alternative to implement similar functionality in Rails 2.0.2..
Hello all, I am using Rails 2.0.2 and Ruby 1.8.7 and I need to make use of rack middleware for integrating an ajax file upload plugin(https:// with paperclip in Rails( As given in this tutorial:- I have referred to the rack-middleware Railscast by
2008 Jan 15
using postgres rails/rake fails
hello list, yesterday i installed a fresh rails installation with a proper upgrade of gem to version 1.0.1 i saw, there is still a gem package to support postgresql known as postgres- on rubyforge, its the newest one of stable postgres support for ruby additionally i installed, of course, a the postgres database on my machine to C:\Programme\PostgreSQL\8.2 after setting up a new
2008 Apr 28
Failed upgrade to Rails 2.0.2
I tried upgrading my site from 1.2.6 to 2.0.2 and now it''s completely dead. The main stumbling block was that I use ActionWebService. After googling around I found several different solutions to getting that to work, including changes to config/environment.rb, adding search paths, and changing gems. None of those seemed to work, and now I''m at the point where nothing works at
2008 Jul 10
User.protected_attributes returning empty Set instead of nil -- causing activerecord/lib/base:2307 to raise
I have a model that uses attr_accessible, and in my tests I get this: RuntimeError (Declare either attr_protected or attr_accessible for User, but not both.): /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/ base.rb:2307:in `remove_attributes_protected_from_mass_assignment'' /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/ base.rb:2114:in
2007 Dec 13
Trying to use ActiveRecord STI but fails
Hi all, I''m wondering about my sanity here. There''s probably something simple I overlooked. First off, I have close to zero experience with Merb. 1. I configured use_orm :activerecord in config/dependencies.rb; 2. I have a file named app/models/measurement.rb which looks like this: class Measurement < Observation end 3. I have another file named
2008 Nov 11
Very weird rake message...
When I try and run rake db:migrate, I get this error: rake aborted! uninitialized constant CreateUsers /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:266:in `load_missing_constant'' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:453:in `const_missing''
2007 Dec 23
Session Errors not related to rails 2.0.2
It appears that the errors, which i said were related to rails 2.0.2 were in fact caused by the session marshaling that occurs between rails and facebook. Because the cookie was being modified by facebook Rails saw it as an invalid session. Here is how I got around this problem. 1. Deleted all my cookies related to my application 2. Changed my session store to an ActiveRecord session store
2007 Dec 28
Converting to Rails 2.0.2
I''m moving an older project to Rails 2.0.2 and ran into a roadblock on the version matching. Here''s script/console session: >> Spec::VERSION::REV => "1785" >> Spec::Rails::VERSION::REV NoMethodError: undefined method `run='' for Test::Unit:Module from /Users/sxross/rails/tastie_work/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/ lib/spec/rails.rb:16 from
2008 Mar 17
Don't know how to build task 'migrate'
Hi, I have a rather simple problem. Just installed Rails on OS X Leopard and the database connection to MySQL doesn''t work from Rails. I''m following Apples Expenses example ( I''ve created the app with the command rails expenses -d mysql I can connect to the database with a GUI tool, but Rails can''t
2008 Jul 16
Error when running my unit test...
Hi Rails team Learning ROR, and is doing the chapter with test..... feel like skipping this, but.... (using NetBeans IDE 6.1) I have created this story_test.rb, and when I run the ''rake test:units (selected from the GUI), I get this error: (in /data/NewOrder/Projects/ROR/shovell) ** Invoke test:units (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke environment
2008 Sep 19
Freezing Rails to 2.0.2
Hi, I am using Rails 2.1.1 to stay in touch with the latest. I need to freeze the rails to version 2.0.2 for a project. But... The command in Rake tasks for Freeze allows only to freeze for the latest version I am using Netbeans 6.1 and familiar with tools only... Not much familiar with Console currently. Is there any facility in that allows me to freeze to older versions. Thanks -- Posted
2008 Jan 04
oracle adapter + activerecord sessions do not work
Anyone know what''s up with the activerecord session store when using the oracle adapter in Rails 2.0.2 ? I can set a session variable and can then see it''s actually set using the debugger, but after the request completes the session is empty (the @data member is nil). The session_id is staying the same and the updated_at field is being updated but nothing I put in a session
2008 Jun 11
Rails - ActiveRecord doesn't commit, cache problem ?
Hi everybody, I''m facing a strange problem (bug?) with a rails application. It''s an standard application that does some inserts, updates, deletes etc... And there is a rake task, like a cron, that check existence or inexistence of tables rows. Anyway, It''s not the first time i see that, when i insert rows, it''s working. When i check it on my mysql client,
2008 Dec 25
Switching to active_record_store session management errors out
Hello, Running Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.2.2 against an Oracle XE database (sigh). I just upgraded Rails from 1.2.3 to 2.2.2, which made my cookie based system for storing session information to error out due to the 4Kb limit. So, I tried to turn on the active_record_store system by un- commenting out the "config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store" line in
2008 Jun 03
rake db:migrate not working
When I run the rake db:migrate command, I get this: C:\testror\depot>rake db:migrate --trace (in C:/testror/depot) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate rake aborted! 182: Le systÞme d''exploitation ne peut pas exÚcuter %1. - c:/ruby/ lib/ruby/gem
2010 Oct 28
ActiveRecord JDBC error Generated keys not requested
I''m getting the following error while connecting to mysql using activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter (1.0.2). Rails 3.0.1. ActiveRecord::JDBCError: Generated keys not requested. You need to specify Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS to Statement.executeUpdate() or Connection.prepareStatement().: SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 This occurs not matter what application I run it in to e.g. rake, rails