similar to: Relating to records in same table

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2009 Feb 19
Associated child records not created on creation of a parent.
I am trying to create a record with association. Within the create method, I would also like to pre-populate dependent (has_many) records from a template in the database. The child records are <u>mysteriously rolled back </u> if I insert them in a loop. If I try to insert a single child record, it works.I have read the books and tried to google my way out of this but am at a dead
2006 May 23
self-referencing has_many
Having a devil of a time finding records in a self-referencing has_many table relationship. Everything is working find looking at the has_many and the belongs_to relationship. But, when I try to find all "orphans", records that are neither a parent nor a child, I can not find a query that work in ActiveRecord. This query works in MySQL: SELECT * FROM templates LEFT JOIN templates
2006 Jan 22
suggest for "ambiguous column" when JOIN associated tables
Today I face with incorrect behavior in ActiveRecord. It take place when I try to use :include parameter for .find method. Where are two typical cases: 1. You have record with self-referential joins CREATE TABLE keywords (id, group_id); class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group, :class_name => "Keyword", :foreign_key =>
2005 Jul 25
acts_as_tree and traversing parent/child relationships
I am working on an Rails application that uses a pretty complex category structure through out the site. I have defined a table to house all the info and a FK to reference parents within the table CREATE TABLE categories ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(50) NOT NULL, parent_id int(11) default NULL, constraint fk_category_id foreign key (category_id) references
2006 Nov 02
Still Having Problems With :through When Going To Same Table... Help... please :-(
I am having a problem with doing a :through that goes back to the same table. The following are my two classes: >>>>> class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :spanks has_many :spanked, :through => :spanks, :source => :spanked_user has_many :was_spanked_by, :through => :spanks, :source => :user end class Spank < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :spanker,
2007 Oct 12
Models that reference themselves
Hi I''m pretty much a newbie to Rails and I have at least two projects under development that are going to need the same type of constructs and I''m struggling to get my head around how to achieve what I want using Rails models and relationships. In one project I have a hierarchy of (geographical) sites. For example: Earth Europe Ireland Cork Kerry Galway
2006 May 18
access to an ApplicationController property from a view
Hi there, How is it possible to get access to an ApplicationController property from a view? Consider this (simplified) situation: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def folder_id @folder_id = params[:id] return @folder_id end end class FolderController < ApplicationController def show @folder = Folder.find_by_id(folder_id) end end So far,
2006 May 30
acts_as_tree, acts_as_list and is invincible (help!)
So I have the following model class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :topic has_many :topics, :order => :position acts_as_tree :order => :position acts_as_list :scope => :topic_id end that I use for a site''s navigation. Everything (list, create, edit, even the drag&drop sort) works fine, except the destroy function, which the vanilla version def destroy
2006 Jan 09
Include with two references of one model of the same table
Hey guys, I just came across this oddity, not sure what to make of it yet, but I think it might be incorrect behavior. When doing a @inst.find(:all, :include => ["hometeam", "awayteam"] ...) hometeam and awayteam are two references from a belongs_to that is of the same model and of the same table. I will get a pgerror stating that "matches", which is
2007 Jun 09
create 2 fk referencing the same table
Hi everyone! I have a problem with defining 2 fk referencing the same table. I have a Program table and a Team table. The Program should have an away team and a home team fk. From my understanding, "the fk column should be named after the class of the target table, converted to lowercase, with _id appended". But, in my case, I have 2 fk referencing the same table. How can I do this?
2006 Apr 06
using two foreign keys to the same table
i am working on a task manager with ruby on rails. it is my first major project, so i''m still gettng my feet wet as i learn. i''ve been trying to use the built in relationships to link my tables together, but i''m not able to use the same naming conventions. for each task, it has a field for the creator, and another field for the assignee. both of these fields
2006 Feb 14
Multiple associations to the same class
Hi, I cannot seem to create associations like this: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :manager, :class_name => ''User'', :foreign_key => ''manager'' belongs_to :liaison, :class_name => ''User'', :foreign_key => ''liaison'' end p = p.manager => 1 trying to retrieve associated objects
2008 Sep 01
basics questions on rails
Hello, I started to use rails few weeks ago, and I have got basic question about it. 1. There is a way to keep my form filled, after submit it (for example if I get errors) ? 2. I would like to create a ''tree'' with my datas like ''pages'' for example : a page has one children and belongs to a page. I added has_one and belongs_to to the model but it
2006 Feb 27
2 belongs_to to the same parent table
Hello! I have 2 table: users and buddies User: id, name, ... Buddy: id, user_id, user_buddy_id, ... So if you have 2 users 1,jack and 2,fred and fred is a buddy of jack, there is a Buddy object: id=1, user_id=1, user_buddy_id=2 I can declare only one belongs_to in Buddy and one has_many in User. And there is conflict if I had the second one (the first one is discarded) class User has_many
2012 Jun 08
filter children with acts_as_tree
Hello Experts, I have a tree of categories in this category object there is a property called type. the root categories have no type but the children have. so how I can get all the roots with filled in children that have category type = ''B'' for instance. I tried to run Category.roots then delete children With a category not equal to ''B'' but this causes a major
2006 Apr 04
Aggregating two objects of the same type
I would like to have a customer that has references to two addresses, a billing address and a shipping address. In a non-rails environment I would have two keys in the customers table, billing_address_id and shipping_address_id to reference the addresses. It appears that ActiveRecord expects the parent id to reside in the child table, regardless of whether the relationship is one-to-one or
2006 Mar 07
Active Record - Can''t figure out relationship.
I have the following two tables: create table teams ( id int not null auto_increment, short_name varchar(12) not null, long_name varchar(50) not null, logo varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); create table rounds ( id int not null auto_increment, home_team_id int not null, away_team_id int
2011 Jan 15
has_many :through with Single Table inheritance
I have the following model structure setup. class User < ActiveRecord::Base end class Parent < User has_many :relationships has_many :children, :class_name => "Student", :through => :relationships, :conditions => "related_as = ''parent''" end class Student < User has_many :relationships
2006 Mar 31
Complex Through Statement
Quick Overview: I have an ''Employee'', some ''Merchants'' and some ''Products''. A ''Merchant'' has many ''Products''. An ''Employee'' has multiple ''Merchants'', depending on their relationship. For example, the Employee may be the enrollment contact for one merchant and the
2008 Jul 15
Beginner Question.
I''m just getting into RoR, coming from a long PHP background. So far I LOVE IT! I''m hitting a roadblock with updating my mysql database. For simplicities sake, I have 2 tables and here are the relevant columns. Table Users id name email Table Issues id createdby assignedto reportedby In my models I have everything mapped properly I believe. When I try to update the