similar to: interesting find: multiple file uploads stopped on Linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "interesting find: multiple file uploads stopped on Linux"

2007 Oct 12
webrick 500 error
Hi, This is my second question on the poor performance of webrick (previously I had a problem with Ajax). I have a somewhat simple Rails application which works just fine, but when I come back to work the next day, the server responds with error 500. It looks like if it is running more than 12 hours, it''ll crap-out. I don''t use CVS (which I read on the web it is a common cause
2007 Jun 25
one more "uninitialized constant" problem
Hi everyone, I''m new to backgroundrb, and I''m trying to get started with a simple example, yet with no success. This is the code that I have in RAILS_ROOT/lib/workers/testing_worker.rb class TestingWorker < BackgrounDRb::Worker::RailsBase def do_work(args) # This method is called in it''s own new thread when you # call new worker. args is set
2007 Nov 04
can''t configure mongrel_cluster to start on boot
Hi everyone, I''ve been working with Mongrel, Mongrel_cluster and Apache and it is great. However, I can''t get mongrel_cluster to start at boot time. I followed the instructions from (On Boot Initialization Setup) and mongrel_cluster does not start after rebooting the machine. I made sure that the shebang line is correct and
2007 Aug 09
RoR and DRb
Hi, I have a question regarding RoR and DRb. First of all, I tested with simple client/server examples and everything worked as expected. I have the following lines in my environment.rb: DRb.start_service $rem_obj =, "druby://#{rname}:9001") Since rem_obj is a global variable, I can call it from any controller and the invoked procedure is run on the server. However,
2008 Jun 19
Premature end of script headers; dispatch.cgi - ok
Hi, I''m getting the dreaded "Premature end of script headers: dispatch.cgi" message on my production server. Before I list all the things that I tried, let me mention that I already have a Rails app working on this server (installed by somebody else). First app is accessible at: and it all works. Second app is accessible at:
2006 Apr 27
HELP!!!! What is the CGIXXXX.YYY stored in /tmp/ ?????
Hi, We have a website which loads a data file and then create a html file (according to the data file) with more than thousand of combobox at a time (on the same page). The first time we load that page, everything seems fine. all combobox have been created. But when we load a second data file (not the same) the system seems to create some tempoary files which contains the first choice of the
2008 Apr 18
synchronize mongrel cluster
Hi everyone, I would like to know if there''s a way to synchronize the actions in a mongrel cluster. Basically, how do I make sure that a specific controller action gets executed by only one mongrel server at one time? I obviously cannot use Mutex::synchronize, because we''re talking about different processes. I looked into using optimistic and pessimistic locking. I
2006 Feb 09
nice log-log plots
Dear All, I am trying to produce log-log plots in R and I was wondering if any of you have a 'template' for generating these with 'nice' labels and log-log grids? I know I can set up axes individually and use the intervals I want, however, I will be producing a large number of these plots and would not like to do this manually for each of them + I am very new to R and at the
2012 Oct 08
How to use Lines function to draw the error bars?
fit lwr upr 1 218.4332 90.51019 346.3561 2 218.3906 90.46133 346.3198 3 218.3906 90.46133 346.3198 4 161.3982 44.85702 277.9394 5 192.4450 68.39903 316.4909 6 179.8056 56.49540 303.1158 7 219.5406 91.52707 347.5542 8 162.6761 46.65760 278.6945 9 193.8506 70.59838 317.1029 10 181.3816 58.11305 304.6502 11 221.2871 92.14366 350.4305 12 164.2947 47.91081 280.6785 13
2006 Aug 24
Re: File Attachment
Ahh, thanks for the links. So I have a text field that gets filled in with the file path after choosing a file by browsing the local hard drive. I realize that when submitted, the file goes to my windows/temp directory as a windows user. I haven''t done anything similar before. It''s saving it in the form CGIxxxx.x, where the x''s are numbers, much like in the
2013 Mar 01
interactive visualizations - anyone use SVGAnnotation?
Hi all:I found some great demonstrations of interactive presentation graphics generated in R with the SVGAnnotation package, here: tried to install the package available at that website (it's not on CRAN) and am getting some pretty uninformative errors (see below). My best
2007 Feb 27
form_remote_for & file uploads
Has anyone successfully gotten Ajax file uploads working using form_remote_for & attachment_fu? I have seen Sean Treadway''s responds_to_parent plugin and many other samples available, and they all seen to statically generate <form> tags. Is there a way to get a file upload to work using the Rails helpers? <% form_remote_for(:message, @message, :url =>
2008 May 08
disabling forgery protection
Hi, I have to enable batch uploads to my website with CURL and forgery protection in ApplicationController is standing in my way. I do use the restful authentication plugin and I do call login_required on all actions. Should I keep forgery protection around? Forgery protection only makes sure that the client request has originated from client''s session, right? Is there anything else
2008 Feb 02
attachment_fu stopped uploading files to S3
Hey everyone, I''ve been using attachment_fu to upload large media files to S3 with great success in my rails application. However, it has recently stopped uploading. My app appears to be uploading to somewhere, as my browser is displaying a ''sending request to..." status message for about the right length of time. The records are also created in my application database.
2011 Sep 15
Dragonfly and Zip uploads
I''m poring through the Dragonfly source code right now, trying to get a handle on how to apply the following technique there: Client uploads a Zip archive containing N images, PDF files, text files, etc. When that file arrives at the server, but before it is stored as an attachment to the current object, the Zip is burst open, contents are iterated over, and each contained file is saved
2008 Jun 14
Active Record session store breaks file uploads
Hi all, I recently switched from the default session store to :active_record_store, and my file uploading (using attachment_fu) has broken. When I select a file to upload, using a standard form, and click submit, I am shown an error page: Status: 500 Internal Server Error can''t dump File In the log this shows up as "TypeError(can''t dump File)". The stack trace
2007 Jun 06
Attachment_fu S3 uploads killing mongrel
I was wondering if anyone here has seen a similar error to this... >From mongrel.log /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.3/lib/active_record/ transactions.rb:85:in `transaction'': Transaction aborted (ActiveRecord::Transactions::TransactionError) from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.0.1/lib/mongrel/ configurator.rb:293:in `call'' from
2009 Apr 02
Uploads with FCKEditor
Hello everyone. Since I''ve found very poor documentation about the rails FCKEditor plug-in and Easy-FCKEditor (which is a fork of the very same plug-in), I decided to bother you with my noobish questions. I have this weird sensation that the image-uploading feature of FCKEditor isn''t supposed to work magically, without some sort of server side preparation, but I have no idea
2006 Oct 09
Large file uploads - performance improvement
Situation: Need to increase performance of large file uploads. Hardware: Mac Mini Core Duo (1.66) with 1 gig of ram Software: Mac OS X.4, Pens, Mongrel (cluster), MySQL 5.0 Large file uploads are now a concern. The Rails (internal) site has 20+ users of which 3-5 are active on the system at a given time. Whats the best route for me to get a good performing system setup that can handle large
2007 May 15
AJAX File Uploads with Rails
Can someone clear up this issue with file uploads for me? I have the code from Mongrel Upload Progress ( running, but I''m a little confused at how to integrate this into my app. Should I roll the controller methods in the controller I want to use or do you handle the file uploads and then somehow push the rest of the form data to