similar to: validates_numericality_of :not_equal_to

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "validates_numericality_of :not_equal_to"

2008 May 17
validates_numericality_of with greater_than* less_than* simply don't work
It seems that the validations for: greater_than greater_than_or_equal_to less_than less_than_or_equal_to equal_to odd even Simply do not work (Rails 2.0.2). I''ve tried every combination I can think of and these never seem to fire. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2008 Jan 01
Hi all, Here''s another contribution for anyone interested. In Railscast episode 28, Ryan Bates showed us in_groups_of which allows you to group array members such as >> list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] >> list.in_groups_of(3) => [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, nil, nil]] This allows you to iterate over the groups and, for example, display a list
2006 Jul 27
Introspecting validates_presence_of
Hello people, I''d like to detect whether an attribute of a model has vaildates_presence_of applied to it so I can automatically apply a mandatory (*) to the doesn''t look easy...any ideas? Cheers, -- Dan Webb
2008 Sep 17
Capturing the sql from a statement without executing it?
Hi guys, Is there an elegant way to capture the sql that would have been executed by an ActiveRecord statement, without actually executing it? :) I''m imagining something like sql = User.find(1).groups.to_sql or perhaps sql = ActiveRecord::Base.capture_sql { User.find(1).groups } resulting in sql = ''SELECT * FROM groups INNER JOIN memberships.... WHERE =
2008 May 06
Why before_filter is not working?
I have been scratching my head on this one for most of the day. Hopefully someone can help explain why before_filter isn''t working for my codes. In my Application controller, I have this: before_filter :login_required, :except => [:newacct, :create_newacct, :passwd_reset ] def login_required unless session[:user_id] flash[:notice] = "Please log in"
2008 Jun 10
ActionMailer undefined method `parameters' - Rails 2.1
Hello Rubyists, I''m currently trying to get email hooked up via ActionMailer, and while I''ve gotten it to work in the past on Rails 1.2.x, I''m seeing an error that I''m unfamiliar with. Right now, I''m just trying to send email from my dev box via the SMTP server at work. My development.rb file: #...snip config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
2006 Apr 03
validates_numericality_of, :allow_nil => true?
Is there a way to use validates_numericality_of and still allow null values? I have a model with some optional values that can be nil, but if they''re present, they must be numbers. Will I need to construct a custom valiation for this, or is there some method built in? Seems like it would be a common enough need. Jeff -- Posted via
2007 Dec 28
LIKE clause in rails
Hello, I am trying to achieve a search functionality in the following manner i have an table called people which has first_name,last_name,etc... After the user form to search people is submitted i get the params hash as params[:persons]={"first_name"=> "%John%","last_name"=>"%Stevens%"} NOTE : I have changed the params hash to include the %. Now
2008 Nov 03
SQL queries in Rails
Hi... I want to know the equivalent instructions to insert, update, search and delete a registry. I know Rails can do it easily Thanks to ActiveRecord, but here''s the catch: I''m using PostgreSQL. As I''m using SQL to do the migration (Including the foreign keys), I need to know if I can use SQL queries to do those actions. Is there an example out there? I uncommented
2006 Jan 19
validates_numericality_of positive integer
Hi, What is the simplest way to validate a positive integer? validates_numericality_of :foo, :integer_only => true how do I add the positive part? Do I need another validation statement for pattern matching or do I have to write a validate() funciton for my model? Thanks, Peter
2007 Dec 24
output link_remote_to in helper
Hi all, I have a complex link_remote_to link I need to generate often. I want to DRY up my view and create a helper that generates this link_remote_to for me. Is there a way my helper can output the link_remote_to javascript? Thanks STijn --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2006 Jun 19
newbie validation
hi there. Here is the simple scenario: My active record connects to a table that contains an integer field. My form contains a text box that allows me to enter a value to get updated to the integer field. If anything gets entered that is anything other than a POSITIVE INTEGER, I want to display an error. I have noticed that if I create a new active record like @record =
2006 Jul 05
Serialized object behaves weird
Hi! I got a class named EinsatzFilter which I serialized to session. Before saving to session it works afterwards I keep getting the message: "undefined method `to_s'' for #<Person:0x38c6ab8>". "Person" is a from ActiveRecord::Base inherited class. Code: class EinsatzFilter include ApplicationHelper attr_reader :personen, :monat, :projekte, :kunde
2006 Feb 03
validating phone numbers
Anyone got a good validation for validating a phone number? I just want to make sure that whatever the user enters is somewhat sensical, and i''d like to be fairly liberal about what kind of a format it''s in. Joe
2009 Mar 27
ANNOUNCE: Hirb - A gem enhancing your script/console
Hi, I''m announcing Hirb, a mini view framework which enables script/ console to provide custom views. Out of the box your activerecord objects come back as ascii tables. You can also configure your tree-based models to return as ascii trees: Numeric |-- Float |-- Integer | |-- Bignum | `-- Fixnum |-- Date::Infinity `-- Rational I''ve written two tutorials on
2005 Nov 28
validates_format_of nil
I''ve noticed that validates_format_of will return invalid if the field is nil. Question 1) How should we declare a validation that will validate it with a regex if it is set, but, if the field is not set, just move on Question 2) Why is it done this way? The other validators are only invoked if the field is set . If you want to declare the field mandatory, you add a
2005 Aug 21
As far as I can tell "numericality" is not a word. Maybe this method should be renamed. -- R. Mark Volkmann Partner, Object Computing, Inc.
2006 Aug 14
case insensitive exclusion_of
I have the following validation code, however it will allow variations in case. Like ''Admin'' and ''admiN'', etc validates_exclusion_of :login, :in => %w( admin ), :message => "is reserved for system accounts" how can I make this validation case insensitive? -- Posted via
2007 Dec 09
Browserized Styles Plugin
Browserized Styles provides a dead simple way to create browser- specific CSS code for use in a Rails application. All you need to do is create a .css file targeted to a browser by appending an underscore and identifier to the end. === Installation === script/plugin install === Example === Let''s say I have some complex CSS code
2011 Apr 23
rake spec fails where rake spec:(models|controllers|views) pass
I''m still trying to work into Ruby 1.9.2 and am now experiencing something that makes no sense to me. Using rspec 1.3.2 and rspec-rails 1.3.4 with rails 2.3.11 on ruby 1.9.2-p180, when I $ rake spec:models they all pass. When I $ rake spec:controllers they all pass. When I $ rake spec:views they all pass. But when I $ rake spec I get <path to