similar to: Was "Inflector" moved in Rails 2.0?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Was "Inflector" moved in Rails 2.0?"

2006 Jan 09
Hi, I''m new to Ruby and Rails, and I''m running Ruby 1.8.4 with Rails 1.0 on Ubuntu 5.10 (breezy). I wanted to have a model Software, with the table as software (since ''software'' is the plural too). I appreciate one can simply use something like use_table or whatever (can''t remember the exact command) in the Model file, but I''d much rather
2008 Sep 20
NameError: uninitialized constant Inflector
I follwed the example here: #!/usr/bin/ruby require ''rubygems'' require ''active_support/inflector'' puts Inflector.singularize(''inflections'') I loaded it into irb and wrote a killer script both of which worked perfectly for weeks. Now when I try and run the script or run
2006 Jun 23
''Series'' Pluralization
Howdy, I have a model I called ''content_series''. I created it and noticed that Rails called it ''Sery'', so I added ''series'' to the uncountable thing in the config, like this: Inflector.inflections do |inflect| # inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, ''\1en'' # inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, ''\1'' #
2006 Apr 10
Inflections.rb in spanish
Hi: I have a problem with the plural of fracancia, I got fragancium but in spanish is fragancia. I modified inflections in environment.rb Inflector.inflections do |i| i.irregular ''fragancia'', ''fragancias'' end but is ignored. The solution that I found was comment this inflection on inflections.rb #inflect.singular(/([ti])a$/i,
2006 Mar 09
Problem with scaffolding and table name
Hello, i''m new in ruby rails framework. I have the following problem. I try to create a scaffold for a certain model of my db, but since ruby rails doesn''t assume the table name corectly (its incidents_reported ) i get errors .... Besides renaming the table :) is there a way to ''tell'' ruby rails the name of the table? I haven''t been able to find any
2012 Jul 19
Rails' inflections are messy
Yesterday, I opened a GitHub Issue<> about moving Rails inflections to an initializer. The idea wasn''t received well, understandably, as generating a large initializer with new Rails apps is pretty unappealing. However, the core members seemed open to the discussion of alternatives continuing here. For those of you not in the know,
2006 Jan 19
Using RoR pluralization rules
Hello, RoR seems to be aware of plurals like category=>categories etc..I Want to be able to use this in my application to relate some keywords.Is it possible ?or does RoR itself use some ruby library? Thanks Vivek -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 May 29
Resource routing error with the route equipment/new
I''m having an issue with resource routing after running a "ruby script/generate scaffold equipment" command. I did not make any changes to the equipment model/controller/views after running this. The full command I ran (all one line) ... ruby script/generate scaffold equipment name:string description:text contact:text keywords:string created_at:datetime created_by:integer
2009 Jan 14
Edit method problem with a plural-named model
Hi, I recently made a model called ''news''. I realize that it''s plural and was gonna cause some problems, but I got the routing all down fine with: map.resources :news, :singular => :news_article everything works fine except the EDIT method. it gives me this error: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating
2006 Jan 09
Cooky Cookies
Hi All, I have a problem with the stemming(?) in rails. I have a table cookie and a Cookie model which I have generated a scaffold for. The problem is that rails starts looking for a file that it calls "cooky.rb", this must be some kind of misunderstanding between me and rails, but how do I correct it? Other scaffolds work just fine. /Hugo NameError in Cookie#index uninitialized
2006 Jul 26
Scaffolding Problems
Hi.. Im a brand new ruby on rails developer, and when i make a scaffold and navigate to the it, i get an error that looks like this. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NameError in PagesController#list uninitialized constant Page RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2006 Jan 10
Cooky cookies causes trouble
Hi All, Yesterday wrote about my troubles with naming a table and model cookies and cookie respectively. I know that everybody hates the newbie screaming bug as soon as he encounters behaviour he doesn''t understand. But I''ve reproduced the error in the simplest application possible, and dare therefore say that this quite possible could be a bug in Rails. Database: CREATE TABLE
2006 May 22
Syntax error when running dispatch.cgi
Hi, when I execute dispatch.cgi at the command line, I get the following error message: [cg@cg rails]$ ./public/dispatch.cgi ./public/dispatch.cgi:3:in `require'': ./public/../config/environment.rb:8: syntax error, unexpected ''<'' (SyntaxError) <%= ''# '' if freeze %>RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ''<%= Rails::VERSION::STRING %>''
2009 Jul 19
Equipment_URL Failed to Generate (new_equipment_path)
I''m trying to use new_equipment_path, which creates the appropriate link. But, when trying to evaluate "equipment/new" I get the error below. I''ve included my routes (rake route). Equipment is one of those words that pluralizes to "equipment", so the singular is right (from what I know from this forum. Any help would be appreciated. Error: equipment_url
2005 Apr 06
NameError in <controller not set>#<action not set>
I can''t figure out why I''m getting the following error. There''s nothing wrong in my communities_controller file. And the helper for communties exists. Any ideas? Thanks, Joe NameError in <controller not set>#<action not set> uninitialized constant CommunitiesHelper app/controllers/communities_controller.rb:1 script/server:48 Show framework trace
2006 Jul 22
How to debug this
Hello,I get this message and I don''t know how to interprete this.I think it has to do with plural tables and singular referencesThanks for any help!Jim======================================================================================uninitialized constant SubjectRAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2006 Jul 21
weird table pluralization problem
When I created a new project and a "equipment" model for an unknown reason to me rails tried to query the table "equipment" and not "equipments", does someone know why it did that ? So I added set_table_name "equipments" in the model class and it now works but I don''t really understand why it is required in the first place... -- Posted via
2005 Jul 07
NameError Exception
Ruby/Rails n00b here so go easy on me... I''ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what is wrong here. I''ve checked all my models for the appropriate belongs_to, has_many, etc. I''ve checked to make sure I''m using singular and plurals in the right spot. I''ve checked my syntax around all my "within"''s and nothing seems to fix
2010 Mar 18
rake db:migrate -> uninitialized constant
Hi-- I''m trying to do a first migration (2.3.5). I generated a model "Video", but when I try to migrate I get "uninitialized constant Videos". Why is it trying to find a plural class name? Here''s more complete output: trans@logisys:models$ rake db:migrate --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment **
2006 Jun 14
uninitialized constant error after scaffold on new Windows XP environment
I am attempting to get a working Rails programming environment setup working under XP with MySQL, RadRails and Webrick. I have been using my PowerBook but need to working on Windows environment too. I have basic functions of Ruby and Rails going. I created a really simple table and generated the scaffolding. The server starts just fine. I can browse the database succesfully in RadRails. The issue