similar to: Dealing with MySQL disconnects on long running scripts.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Dealing with MySQL disconnects on long running scripts."

2007 Sep 03
MySQL has gone away
Hi, in a production environment we are running into "MySQL server has gone away" errors (see below) when we call rebuild_index in aaf. This happens sporadically. Any suggestions for what might be wrong or workarounds? I guess we try a reconnect before we call rebuild_index? Matthew ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away: SELECT count(*) AS
2006 Jul 05
mongrel - server pooping out..
i am using the following comman to fire up mongrel: [sergio@vb_workstation chatlogger]$ mongrel_rails start -d -p 8088 ** You have sendfile installed, will use that to serve files. and everything works fine until some point at night.. i think it is pooping out some time in the middle of the night.. if i try to hit the app in the morning, it just stalls out.. if i restart it, it''s
2008 Sep 26
Preventing Mongrel/Mysql Errno::EPIPE exceptions
I have a rails app serving up XML on an infrequent basis. This is being run with mongrel and mysql. I''ve found that if the app does not get exercised for longer than a few hours it goes dead ("Lost Connection to MySQL") and starts throwing Errno::EPIPE errors. It seems that the mysql connection gets timed out for inactivity or something like that. It can be restarted with
2009 Mar 03
Rails 2.2.2 - Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away
My app consists of receiving emails with image attachments from its users so I have been employing the MMS2R gem and Fetcher. Every 60 seconds the app goes to the email server to fetch emails. Under Rails 2.1.1 things worked fine - when I received an email, the email was fetched, parsed and saved to the database. However I needed to upgrade to Rails 2.2.2 for unrelated reasons and now I get the
2006 May 03
ActiveRecord and Lost Connection
This isnt totally a rails question; I am using ActiveRecord for storing some simple values into a database. My problem; I keep gettign MySQL Errors. On the Win32 machine it was off and on. Now on the linux machine (ubuntu) I can'' t connect at all. I have all the password settings correct. My only thought, I am working with Threads and thought that might cause the issue, but I
2001 Mar 14
Win2k disconnects mapped samba shares
Hello, I stepped through the archives of this list, but could not find a thread dealing with exactly this problem we are experiencing here. Server HP-UX 10.20 Samba 2.0.6 security = domain deadtime = 500 ... that should be enough The win2k clients map a drive and everything is working fine. after a period of inactivity (about half an hour) win2k somehow disconnects the mapped drive and marks
2006 Apr 28
Nightly mongrel issues...
Hi, I have Apache (2.2) setup to proxy requests through to Mongrel ( for a Rails (1.1.2) application (on ruby 1.8.4). The setup is great, but I''m experiencing some nightly failures. I thought I''d post here before digging in too deeply, but it looks like Rails is going into lala land and Mongrel can''t recover... Seems like everything gets all backed up in
2007 Nov 07
Weird freeze problem
Hello, I am running mongrel 1.1 in production mode behind a lighttpd with mod_proxy. At first everything works fine, however, after a few days, the mongrel servers stop answering at all, even if I try to connect to them directly. I have checked logs but there is no sign of anything at all, and even when there was not a single request for a few days, it did freeze, and that on repeated occasions.
2004 Aug 06
icecast2 disconnects..
weird..I posted this a few days ago, but it never showed up... anyway, here it is (again) :) --------------------------------------------------- while we are talking about disconnects, I'll mention the fact that apparently when metadata song changes are done by a source (mine namely), icecast2 seems to want to disconnect each listener. I have confirmed that on metadata song changes, on
2007 Sep 21
mysql storeconfigs needs mysql gem
Recently I started noticing that after running for a while puppetmaster would freeze after a client called `freshness` which would eventually result in the client getting a timeout and the client dyeing. I tracked the freeze down to the call to ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! in rails.rb on line 26. After scouring the nets I finally found:
2012 Oct 06
CyberPower usbhid-ups continuously disconnects/reconnect
I have had a similar problem to many other people for the last few months with my Cyberpower UPS. It was working properly after reboot about one in five times; the rest of the time it would endlessly disconnect and reconnect, according to syslog messages. The latest I was able to find towards a solution is at The root
2007 Sep 12
Can''t disable ferret when running in Mongrel
In my environment.rb I say the following: MyModel.disable_ferret puts MyModel.ferret_enabled? The console works as expected: script/console false >> MyModel.ferret_enabled? => false I can then edit an instance, ferret remains disabled and the changes are not immediately indexed. However, when I start mongrel Ferret is initially disabled, but then somehow becomes enabled again
2013 Apr 03
usb disconnects
Hello, just joined to the list, because i have a problem. :S We have 2 exact same configuration: basic Fujitsu server + Eaton NV1000H ups. OS is Debian Squeeze. According to the driver list, the ups uses the blazer_usb driver. I never tried nut before, so i read some of the docs, and configured it manually. The problem pops up when i try to simulate the power-outage. I just unplug the ups'
2011 Jun 07
CyberPower usbhid-ups continuously disconnects/reconnects
Hello, I've had this same model CyberPower connected to a linux server and a freebsd server. [root at sensor003 menon]# lsusb Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 003 Device 004: ID 0764:0501 Cyber Power System, Inc. CP1500 AVR UPS Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus
2009 Oct 17
Skip default_scope when running migrations
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to skip the application of a named_scope to calls made in legacy migrations. I am working with some old migrations that include some data manipulation tasks, and my default scope is preventing those migrations from running. I''m trying to avoid editing those migration files with with_exclusive_scope. Thanks, -G -- Posted via
2006 Nov 16
Monrel Woes on Solaris x86
Greetings, I need some help... please be gentle :-) MY SETUP: Solaris-X86, ruby-1.8.4, Apache-2.2.0, Mongrel-, MySql-4.1.10a I am using the typical setup with apache proxying request to mongrel with mod_proxy_balancer. Currently, I am only running a single instance of mongrel behind the proxy. I am also using the following gems with this app: capistrano (1.2.0) daemons (1.0.2)
2007 Apr 04
Mongrel dying daily with Ruby 1.8.6
Hi guys, I''ve been running mongrel for a while now with Ruby 1.8.4, and last week upgraded to 1.8.6. Since upgrading, each morning when I wake up there''s a big problem: 1. Accessing the site returns a "500 Internal Server Error" 2. All the mongrel_rails processes are still running, but none of them are active (when I run top) 3. Lighttpd and pound are still
2017 Mar 11
Eaton 1500 USB constant disconnections
Hi, I have a eaton 1500 that connects to an Ubuntu Xenial box via USB. The UPS works, however exactly *ever 5 minutes* it disconnects and reconnects and I see this in syslog: Mar 10 19:50:32 spike kernel: usb 4-5: USB disconnect, device number 103 Mar 10 19:50:33 spike kernel: usb 4-5: new low-speed USB device number 104 using ohci-pci Mar 10 19:50:34 spike kernel: usb 4-5: New USB device found,
2007 May 10
Mongrel dying daily with Ruby 1.8.5
Dear ALL, I saw this in article from mongrel faq, Q: Mongrel stops working if it''s left alone for a long time. If you find that Mongrel stops working after a long idle time and you''re using MySQL then you''re hitting a bug in the MySQL driver that doesn''t properly timeout connections. What happens is the MySQL *server* side of the connection times out and
2006 Jan 11
Better solution to mysql reconnect timeout
vmail*CLI> realtime mysql status Jan 11 09:53:04 ERROR[3597]: res_config_mysql.c:623 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to reconnect. Check debug for more info. vmail*CLI> realtime mysql status Connected to, port 3306 with username voicemail for 1 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes, 7 seconds. vmail*CLI> realtime mysql status Connected to