similar to: How to connect multiple databases's users/roles

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "How to connect multiple databases's users/roles"

2006 Jun 05
Mongrel Pre-Release 0.3.13 -- Katana Suicide Concurrency
We are *days* away from the official 0.3.13 release, which will be followed quickly by 0.4 code named Enterprisey Edition 1.2. This latest pre-release update closes off the last of the annoying bugs, and adds one very nasty feature people should check out before we release. Read about Katanas below. ** This release doesn''t have win32 yet. That''ll be uploaded Monday. ** WHAT
2006 Aug 10
Software caused connection abort
Hi Zed or anyone that is also looking at Mongrel, Just want to report something that, although doesn''t crash mongrel, is rather annoying. I am running the latest Mongrel - ruby version on cygwin (yeah, poor me). When I start mongrel_rails with ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency = true in environment.rb, I see a lot of "Error sending file
2001 Apr 02
ANNOUNCE: x11-ssh-askpass v1.2.1
x11-ssh-askpass version 1.2.1 (code name: Fatoomsh) is now available from the following locations: x11-ssh-askpass is a passphrase dialog for use with OpenSSH ( under the X Window System. The important changes since version 1.2.1 are as follows: - Added a
2011 Feb 10
Intel GMA4500HD and glUseProgramObjectARB
I know you will probably think it is just like suicide, that you would prefer to have your balls hanging on the ceiling, with canales just around your neck, but I'm trying to play Civilization V on my laptop, with the aofrementioned Graphics card. As appdb says it works very well, "platinum really", I thought it should as well in my craptastic rig. But that's not the case, as
2015 May 10
Bug#784880: xen-utils-4.4: xl segv when it can't rename log files
Package: xen-utils-4.4 Version: 4.4.1-9 Severity: normal # /usr/lib/xen-4.4/bin/xl create -c /etc/xen/katana Parsing config from /etc/xen/katana libxl: error: libxl_utils.c:217:logrename: failed to rotate logfile - could not rename /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-katana.log.6 to /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-katana.log.7: Permission denied Segmentation fault The above happens repeatably when I run xl on a system
2011 Aug 29
Why is #verify_active_connections! :nodoc: ?
Hi, I''ve just got a quick question. How come ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionHandler#verify_active_connections! is marked with :nodoc: ? I understand that this is used internally (depending upon an application''s configuration?) on every request (?) to clear out old, stale database connections. All this to prevent the old, classic "MySQL server has gone
2006 May 12
How is Actionpack is not thread-safe? @@allow_concurrency?
Hi, I found many references on the Web to the fact that "Rails is not thread-safe". However, I have not found an explanation _why_ it isn''t? What happens if multiple requests are handled concurrently by ActionPack? Assuming that the code I execute in my controller methods is thread safe, is this ok? If not -- what happens? The following makes it sound like the issue is
2009 Jul 29
[Arrow] [Idea] [Exclamation] Subject: ~RED ALERT**URGENT 2009 [CDC::"girl's suicide rate 'skyrockets' 76%" [Shocked] .....What is causing this [Question] and, Help stop this [Exclamation] ]~ ******* ------>>> Which is more important, $$$ or your daughters [Question] <<<------ ******* ~~~RED ALERT~~~ {~See CDC quote---76% 'skyrocket' rise is real
2007 Sep 21
mysql storeconfigs needs mysql gem
Recently I started noticing that after running for a while puppetmaster would freeze after a client called `freshness` which would eventually result in the client getting a timeout and the client dyeing. I tracked the freeze down to the call to ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! in rails.rb on line 26. After scouring the nets I finally found:
2006 Aug 18
Ezra....allow_concurrency = false?
In a previous email you wrote this: Glad you''re getting some use out of the plugin ;) ActiveRecord does have some issues with threading and concurrency that can sometimes cause that error you are seeing. Open up your script/backgroundrb/ start file and comment out the following line: ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency = true Make sure you do that up in your main app script folder
2006 Apr 27
Problem booting fully virtualized (Intel VT) 32b guest on XEN32 unstable
Has anyone been able to boot a fully virtualized (Intel VT) 32bit guest on XEN32 unstable? I''m trying to setup a nightly test environment for this configuration and XEN32 nosmp hangs when launching a 32bit guest, and XEN32 smp gets a double fault launching a 32bit guest. It happens pretty early as the SDL window doesn''t come up. I tried with apic, pae, and acpi all on
2006 Jun 06
Tests broken after freeze and upgrade - undefined method
I have a problem where I can''t run tests on a rails app that was written for rails 1.0. Sequence of events was this: Develop Application1 on Rails 1.0 / Ruby 1.8.2 Freeze rails into vendor folder on Application1 Develop Application2 on Rails 1.1 / Ruby 1.8.4 Return to Application1 and run tests, every test fails with the error "undefined method
2006 Jun 08
undefined method `verify_active_connections!''
I''m getting this error for every test when I run rake 221) Error: test_index(WatchlistsControllerTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `verify_active_connections!'' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class D:/svn_dbi/config/../vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:996:in `method_missing''
2007 Dec 07
Errno::ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer):
Seemingly random db connection drop (FastCGI/Apache/PostgreSQL). Kills the app with an ''Application Error (Rails)'' Any suggestions? production.log as follows: Processing Base#index (for at 2007-12-07 13:39:03) [GET] Session ID: 4bfd0284bd7672b57e65bdb21637adb5 Parameters: {} Errno::ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer):
2012 Jun 15
help in sentDetect() fuction
hello, I am using the following code >s<-"I am very happy, excited, and optimistic.I am very scared, annoyed, and irritated.Iraq?s political crisis entered its second week one step closer to the potential.dissolution of the government, with a call for elections by a vital coalition partner and a suicide attack that extended the spate of violence. that has followed the withdrawal.of
2006 Jul 31
rescue_action_in_public useless to capture low level errors
Hi all, I''m trying to make for nicer system error handling, with the help of rescue_action_in_public (see Recipe 47, in ''Rails Recipes'') PROBLEM: While it lets me capture an incorrect db name in database.yml (for example), with lower level errors like when the DB server is just down, I still get the default system error screen for MySQL::ERROR :
2013 Aug 15
Behavior of jexec
Hi, I noticed two things when running jexec. I run FreeBSD 9.2-RC1 from binaries and jails 9.2-RC1 too. I log as root on the host (I havn't any other user). # 1. $HOME For a jail named "blog" with a "blog" user, which $HOME is at /home/blog, if I do: jexec -U blog blog tcsh My id is correct, but $HOME is still root. # 2. Accessing a jail in ssh command line I'm
2006 Jun 07
fcgi,lighty mysql database problem
I''ve been trying to get fast cgi working for nearly a month now. Yes, an entire month! The application starts perfect, but it will die randomly after several hours. I have traced the problem back to /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mysql.rb:1042:in `flush'' This happens when the app trys to query the database driver to see if it still has a connnection. This causes the app to crash. Here is
2006 Apr 28
RE: Problem booting fully virtualized (Intel VT) 32b gueston XEN32 unstable
You need to add dom0_mem=XXXm to xen or scale back the memory of domain0 with using "xm mem-set <DomId> <Mem>" command. Your domain0 used up almost all physical mem. >total_memory : 1023 >free_memory : 62 Thanks Yunfeng >-----Original Message----- >From:
2007 Mar 18
mongrel timing out
I am not sure when it exactly occurred but I have 2 servers I am about to migrate to apache+mongrel from lighty+fastcgi oddly, both my servers seemed to have died at the same time everytime I restart within a 24 hr period ( I don''t know when, my logs don''t show it ). Can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to do to trace the cause of this. Or what you would