similar to: Autocompleter - get rid of default selection?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Autocompleter - get rid of default selection?"

2006 Apr 24
RE: Limited Autocompleter
Joe Athman St. Paul Travelers - IS Investments 651-310-7597 -----Original Message----- From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of Athman,Joseph J Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 2:14 PM To: rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ Subject:
2005 Jul 24
scriptaculous autocompleter on IE
Hi all, I''ve noticed slightly erratic behaviour with the autocompleter on IE. In controls.js, the render method calls the (IE only) scrollIntoView method, which causes the element to be moved to the bottom or the top of the viewport (by passing in true or false, bizzarely). This is perfectly acceptable behaviour for render in general, but this causes the dropdown list to jump around as
2006 Jun 02
scriptaculous autocompletion LIMIT and ajax vs. local
Hi, I am using scriptaculous ajax autocompletion (not local autocompletion). I have 2 questions: 1 - The database query being sent to the server always has LIMIT 10. I don''t want to have a limit, but I just can''t for the life of me find where this limit is set in the code. I did see "choices: 10" in controls.js but that''s for autocompleter.Local, which I
2006 Feb 09
Length of parameters in Autocompleter.Local()
Hi, I''m using PHP to fill my parameterlist for Autocompleter.Local as shown in the example ( <script type="text/javascript"> new Autocompleter.Local(''recipeNameAlternative'', ''rezept_list'', [ <?php $ende = count($rezept_vorgabe); for ($i=0;$i<$ende;$i++) {
2006 Feb 13
Ajax.Autocompleter is not a constructor
Hi Rails, I am having trouble setting up an autocomplete text field. Using rails 1.0.0 and just trying to copy the simple scriptaculous demo ( fails. My view and controller are set up the same way. In firefox 1.0.4 (and safari, don''t remember the version) I get the Ajax.Autocompleter error in the javascript console when loading the
2006 Apr 15
Begin with Autocompleter
Hi list: I''m a young developer that need a little help with scriptaculous "Autocompleter". I work with PRADO framework ( and PHP as a script language. Now this is a little function in JavaScript for make a AJAX call and show the results without reload the entire page. See below: 1 function makeRequest(url,element) { 2 var http_request = false; 3 if
2005 Sep 15
IE iframe bug with Autocompleter over HTTPS
I ran across an issues using the Autocompleter over HTTPS in IE (6.0 in WinXP Pro SP2). I plan to submit a bug report to the Ruby on Rails trac, but first I''d like "to discuss this on th[is] Mailing List beforehand, maybe it''s already known and in the works, or it isn''t a bug" (per The autocomplete
2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Tommy, Every time the Autocomplete results is blur()'d, it adds another onblur event observer (because of "Event.observe(this.update, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this),true); // make sure blur is still around on") which leads to a performance problem / memory leak. (Commenting it out seems to fix this problem.) I was wondering why it was there? Thanks again,
2006 May 16
in_place_editor with local autocomplete
Hi Rails gals n guys I am trying to enhance the "Lightning-Fast JavaScript Autocompletion" rails recipe. For those that do not have the pdf-book the recipe explains how to use a javascript array for an auto-complete text field. I want to combine this with the in_place_editor call. My current (unworking) code: <!-- Load the array for autocomplete --> <script
2006 Mar 30
What is the best way to show that Autocompleter is searching for the dropdown list. It is taking several seconds to load the list deco
2006 May 24
autocompleter competing with saved form data in firefox
Hi all, I have used the sciptaculous Ajax autocompleter a few times now. A major problem I have at the moment is with a text field that has focus when a page loads. The text field has an autocompleter associated with it, but when the user starts typing, the firefox saved form data autocompleter appears first, and the scriptaculous one is partially hidden behind it. Has anyone else encountered
2006 Feb 22
Ajax.Autocompleter clear field if nothing selected
Here''s the basics of what I want to do: If the user selects something from the autocompleting dropdown the use the normal functionality and populate the text box. If the user does not select something, and simply leaves the field, I want it cleared back out to blank. I just can not get the javascript to work to be smart enough to know when something was selected and leave it and when
2006 Jan 22
Ajax post to apache2/mod_ssl with client certificates ......
I''m using the text_field_with_auto_complete_helper in one of my forms. It''s the only input in the form (along with submit button). I''m deploying with certain parts of site restricted to use https with client certificates. Basically whats happening is that the autocomplete dropdown is getting populated correctly - i select one and it puts it''s value in the
2005 Aug 01
disable ''tab'' key wish for incremental autocomplete of textareas
I''m absolutely in love with the incremental autocomplete feature in the new scriptaculous. My one wish would be for some way of disabling the TAB key to prevent users from being able to tab out of an autocompleting textarea. (If they''re using TAB to select the autocomplete choice they end up tabbing straight out of the input field if autocomplete doesn''t find any
2006 Feb 24
Autocompleter Problems
Hi, I''m trying to get autocomplete to work but have been having some problems. It seems that Ajax.Autocompleter(...) is not getting called. I''ve put in a alert in control.js: Autocompleter.Local = Class.create(); Autocompleter.Local.prototype = Object.extend(new Autocompleter.Base(), { initialize: function(element, update, array, options) { window.alert("GOT
2006 Nov 30
Disable autocomplete (Ajax.Autocompleter) on the fly.
I''m sure there is an easy way to do this, but it is one of those things that is incredibly difficult to search for. How can I disable an ''Ajax.Autocompleter'' element from working ''on the fly''? I have a page where I''m using two (I know it''s crazy) Ajax.Autocompleter elements and once one of them has got a result I want the other field
2006 Mar 08
Autocompletion for <SELECT>
[note: I sent this note to Spinoffs with no takers. Hoping someone here has some advice. Thanx. Jodi] Greetings all. I am looking for an ajax-a-fied select box (single select). Unlike the autocompleter for a text field, it would restrict the entry to only those entries returned. Ala Ticket #2586 [ ] "Essentially an autocomplete that only allows
2006 Mar 06
Autocompletion for <SELECT>
Greetings all. I am looking for an ajax-a-fied select box (single select). Unlike the autocompleter for a text field, it would restrict the entry to only those entries returned. Ala Ticket #2586 [ ] "Essentially an autocomplete that only allows values from a list. Might even be fed by a regular select tags (with options), or by an AJAX call.
2008 Jan 23
Ajax.Autocompleter parameters
I''m trying to pass additional variables to my autocomplete data page. I used the parameters option but this only sends a static variable (i.e. I can''t do something like parameters:"param1="+$ (''checkbox1'').checked). I thought I could fix this by calling a new Ajax.Autocompleter every time the checkbox was clicked but that just created duplicate
2006 May 18
RE: Rails-spinoffs Digest, Vol 12, Issue 29
Issue 1: <%= @pic %> instead of <% @pic %> -----Original Message----- From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of rails-spinoffs-request-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:13 PM To: