similar to: how can my model reference a helper?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "how can my model reference a helper?"

2008 May 30
find_by_sql without a model? how to do this?
Hi, I''d like to do a "find_by_sql" without a model (e.g. <model name>.find_by_sql("...")) as the results I get back are a once off special, and I''m happy to handle them as an array. How do I do this? "ActiveRecord::Base.find_by_sql(...)" does not seem to work? Background - At the moment I''m doing within a model <model_name>,
2006 Mar 03
number_to_currency() helper == non DRY == could be improved
Hi all, Apologies in advance if I got this one wrong, I''m still just a newbie ;-) Going through the Apple ADC RoR tutorial it suddenly occurred to me that the ''number_to_currency()'' helper method was not DRY streamlined. Scenario:: The "number_to_currency()" methods options hash works great when I need to dynamically display different currencies when I
2008 Jun 17
Book released "Aptana RadRails: An IDE for Rails Development"
Hi, Some months ago, a person from Packt Publishing posted a message in this list looking for potential Authors/Reviewers for new Ruby on Rails books. Now I''m proud to announce my book [1] "Aptana RadRails: An IDE for Rails Development". If you are using [2] Aptana RadRails, or if you are looking for an IDE and you still haven''t decided which one to use, you might
2006 Apr 08
Cannot use view helpers in RJS helpers
Any ideas why I would get an error in a RJS helper on view helpers such as number_to_currency. Example: # my_template.rjs page.help_me # my_helper for my_controller def help_me number_to_currency(10) end I have also tired page.number_to_currency but that doesn''t work either. Cheers, Nicholas
2006 Jan 06
How do I reference eagerly loaded Models in the View?
[I hope the repost isnt'' "minded". Following the advice of another thread I''ve changed the subject to a question. If I haven''t included important info, please ask. My database is being unduly killed. Jodi] Cheers on-the-Rails-ers, Before I start, I''ve read the ActiveRecord docs on eager loading, but for the life of me, I can''t seem to get
2006 Aug 18
HELP!!!! - number_to_currency in model?
Hi, I''m trying to use number_to_currency in one of my models, but i''m getting the following error: undefined method `number_to_currency'' for #<Product:0x396d680> Obviously, my Product model can''t access number_to_currency -- is there something I need to do to make it available? Thanks so much for your assistance. -- Posted via
2006 Apr 05
number_to_currency inside model
I was wondering if this is possible. I have a model (Item) that contains products. These products have prices that I''d like to format using number_to_currency. Rather than doing this several times inside the view, I thought it might be nice to do it once inside the model. The item table has an field called regular_price which holds a currency amount. I would like to do something
2009 Sep 24
Calling ActionView from uninheriting class
Hi Gurus, I have a class, specified in models cart.rb, which doesn''t inherit from anything--it''s just a container class Cart ... I just discovered I can''t call number_to_currency in that class. Any idea how to "include" it in my code? I tried ActionView.number_to_currency without luck. I could kill a few lines of non-DRY regexp code in cart.rb if I could
2009 Jul 24
number_to_currency not working since 2.1.1
Back in 2.1.1 everything was sweet: Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.3) >> include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper => Object >> number_to_currency(12.3) >> "$12.30" Then I upgraded to 2.3.2 and: Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.3) >> include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper => Object >> number_to_currency(12.3) >> 12.3
2005 Jul 24
international version for number_to_currency ?
bryce benton wrote: > number_to_currency(1234567890.506) => $1,234,567,890.51 BTW agile book does mention this .. will this number_to_currency(x) be internationalized ? or i can set it to Indonesian for example (or to any other languages rather than just English) ? -- Salam hangat, <%= Arie %> | | Y!: riyari3 email: ariekusumaatmaja_at_riyari_dot_com
2007 Apr 22
Getting a complete URL from Rails
Hello, I''m sending out an e-mail message to new users of my service. I want to send a particular link in this e-mail but I can''t figure out how to get a complete URL from the url_for method. Is there a way to do this without manually setting the host name? Thank you, -- Miles --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2010 Oct 16
Doubt with symbols in Rails
I was trying to write a wrapper for number_to_currency to return currency in pounds. I used a helper class to do this. def number_to_pounds(amt) number_to_currency(amt, :unit => "£") end This works fine, but I am trying to understand why I can''t use a symbol to pass the values. I thought symbols were like pointers. (you now know I am a newbie). def
2007 Dec 06
I am using the number to currency function because i live in the uk and the company want me to only show values of the pound of course.I have created all my application using ruby script/generate scaffold_resource.... I have come across with a problem... this code is in my applcation: def number_to_currency(number, options = {}) options = options.stringify_keys precision, unit, separator,
2006 Feb 28
number_to_currency UK pounds
I work in the UK and therefore most of my currency figures will be in UK pounds. I realise that to format a number to a currency format I can use: number_to_currency(amt, :unit => "?") but it would be more convenient to set ? as the default currency symbol. What is the best way to do that? Should I edit line 39 of this file:
2006 May 11
ActiveRecord collection_select and has_and_belongs_to_many
Hello everyone, first post to the list and a relative newbie to Rails development. Done quite a bit of JSP, PHP, HTML, XML etc and thought I would kick the tires on Rails to see if it can speed up development for internal applications. Anyway, I am running into a problem that is just driving me crazy and everything I read on the net doesn''t seem to help. I was hoping someone here might
2009 Mar 04
total per user
so I am trying to sum month over month the amount that a user has posted. So for example: User 1: Jan $3000 Feb $4000 March $1500, etc. I can get this to work if I sum totals (aggregate of all users) but just not by user. Here is my code in the controller: def index @users = User.find :all, :order => ''name ASC'' @deal_groups = Deal.find(:all).group_by {|t|
2006 Mar 12
alias_method interferes ApplicationHelper
Hello, I''m using Ruby 1.8.4 (darwinport), rails-1.0.0 (gem) , Powerbook / Mac OS X 10.4.5 , Webrick. How come Rails always raises NoMethodError for my helper (must_fill and rp or number_to_currency_rp) in application_helper.rb ? I doubt that alias_method is the culprit, but if i give # comment then there will be no errors at all ... :/ what am i doing wrong? is it a bug or stupid me? Thx
2005 Dec 29
textfield helper - formatting the displayed text
Is there a way to have a textfield helper format the displayed field? I''d like to invoke the number_to_currency method on the number that get''s displayed, but I can''t figure out how to do it. I tried: <%= text_field ''product'', number_to_currency(''price'') %> and that didn''t seem to work... Will I just have to use
2012 Feb 02
MVC questions with rails
2008 Apr 24
Please help. The error occurred while evaluating
Okay so heres my code which works fine, i''ll explain the problem below. <% for num in 1..-04Gazou6+pmm/ %> <table class="products" id="table1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="3"> <tr> <td> <table width="25%"> <tr> <tr> <td><%=