similar to: ROR Learning with Dating /Classified Site Development

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "ROR Learning with Dating /Classified Site Development"

2011 Nov 02
undefined method `updated_at' for #<Classified:0x686c5e4>
HEllo, I have the following problem with rails, I am new in there anyone who explain to me what´s happens? Thanks See below: NoMethodError in Classified#show Showing app/views/classified/show.rhtml where line #17 raised: undefined method `updated_at'' for #<Classified:0x686c5e4> Extracted source (around line #17): 14: 15: <strong>Date Posted:</strong>
2009 Feb 17
Cross classified or Multiple membership or Hierarchical (3 level ) logistic models using Umacs
Dear R users, I would like to fit cross classified or multiple membership logistic models or a 3 level hierarchical logistic model using the Umacs package. Can anyone advise me on how to proceed or better point me to examples of how its done. Regards, -- Luwis Diya, Leuven Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics Centre (L-BioStat), Kapucijnenvoer 35 blok d - bus 7001, 3000 Leuven,
2012 Feb 13
MCMCglmm with cross-classified random effects
Dear R-users, I would like to fit a glmm with cross-classified random effects with the function MCMCglmm. Something along the lines: model1<-MCMCglmm(response~pred1, random=~re1+re2, data=data) where re1 and re2 should be crossed random effects. I was wondering whether you could tell me specifying cross-classified random effects in MCMCglmm requires a particular syntax? Are there any
2011 Apr 24
Logging specific Classified packets
Hi All, I''m not convinced I have my tcrules correctly setup and looking at the counters in the mangle table''s tcpost doesn''t really help much as I can''t tell what is the final match. Is there a way to match packets in iptables based on the classifier? i.e. so I can LOG packets classified with 1:18 for example. I can''t see anything in iptables, except
2005 Sep 08
Survival model with cross-classified shared frailties
Dear All, The "coxph" function in the "survival" package allows multiple frailty terms. In all the examples I saw, however, the frailty terms are nested. What will happen if I have non-nested (that is, cross-classified) frailties in the model? Will the model still work? Do I need to take special cares when specifying these models? Thanks! Shige [[alternative HTML
2015 Sep 29
Newbie why is dovecot classified diff then sendmail or courier
Hello, this is probably a dumb question, but I can't for the life of me figure out why sendmail and courier are classified universally as network-mail-mta whereas dovecot is in places like network-mail-general or some such place. I've used several Linux distros and have noted this keenly (they also normally classify photorec, the HD recovery tool as hardware-photography,so this may just be
2012 Nov 06
Proper deployment steps + next steps of learning RoR
I''m new to RoR and going through the tutorials trying to learn as much as possible. I have actually two questions: 1. What is a proper way to deploy an app into the PROD environment? Here is what I''m trying to avoid: when writing/testing application (ie. new user signs ups) on my local machine, I don''t want these users to be deployed into the PROD environment along
2006 Aug 16
Beta testers needed for RoR site is great new blog advertising site that uses images instead of a text description to advertise the purpose of the blog. this site is in early development and needs beta testers to help develop the sites content. Content is user generated as opposed to using search bots, to ensure that only useful and entertaining blogs are listed. cheers for all and any
2006 Apr 11
New ROR Site
Hello Everyone, I wanted to announce our "just for fun" ruby on rails/ajaxified web application. Our goal was to combine the power of google maps, geographical statistics, and instant feedback using rjs/ajax to create a site that is personal and uniquely interesting for all viewers. We hope people really have fun navigating throughout the site and ultimately
2006 Dec 23
[ADV] - new RoR site: tracking product buzz
I''m happy to announce a new Ruby-on-Rails-driven site: buzzfever is a community-driven site for tracking product buzz. Users submit and decide which products are buzz-worthy, resulting in a ranking of the hottest products on the market. I couldn''t have done this without Ruby and Rails. Thanks to the RoR team and the great community! We launched just a few
2006 Sep 18
ANN: (my new RoR site) The real site launches in a little less than a month. Thanks to everyone for your help. I know I''ve asked some retarded questions. :-) Joe --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2008 Jun 12
Searching for RoR Guru in Wichita, Ks to build robust online purchasing site.
Please email me at and I''ll send a site-capability spec sheet. Al --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from
2006 Feb 01
Getting Started with Site Redesign and RoR
Hello all: I am in the process of redesigning my site and was thinking about incorporating RoR into the overall structure. However, there are multiple things I would like to create with Rails, namely a gallery, a weblog, and portfolio management system. Given that I am going to be using a lot of RoR, what is the best way to accomplish this task? Here are some random things that have come
2006 Dec 09
anyone here have a RoR site on netfirms?
i jumped on a deal for netfirms hoping to use their service for my first rails app. however, their tutorials are lacking and i am having trouble kicking off my rails application. here are the directions they gave me: but in those directions, it says nothing about configuring the fcgi
2011 Jun 04
Predicted values based on fixed effects do not correspond with actual data in cross-classified generalized linear mixed model (lmer)
Dear R-Users, I have fitted a cross-classified generalized linear mixed model using the lmer package with the following code. Mod<-lmer(y~x+(1|a)+(1|b)+ (1|c), family=binomial) In this case, only including a covariate (x) as a fixed effect. The fitted values, using fitted(mod), correspond to the raw data nicely, and the mean of the fitted values is equal to the mean of the raw data. In
2006 Apr 06
calculating similarity/distance among hierarchically classified items
This is a question about how to calculate similarities/distances among items that are classified by hierarchical attributes for the purpose of visualizing the relations among items by means of clustering, MDS, self-organizing maps, and so forth. I have a set of ~260 items that have been classified using two sets of hierarchically-organized codes on the basis of form and content. The data looks
2006 Nov 04
Is there a Classified Ads Script for Rails
Are there any well developed Classified Ads Script for Rails?
2008 Mar 14
Equation for the standard error of a predicted score for a cross-classified model
All, I have several years of longitudinal test scores for students (many who switch schools at various points in time). I am using a mixed-effects model with crossed random effects to model student trajectories. The model includes time at level 1 and students crossed with schools at level 2. When I run the model I get the posterior variances on the intercepts and slopes for students and schools,
2015 Sep 30
Newbie why is dovecot classified diff then sendmail or courier
Enlightenment succeeded! Thanks, David
2003 Oct 31
cross-classified random factors in lme without blocking
On page 165 of Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus by Pinheiro and Bates there is an example of using lme() in the nlme package to fit a model with crossed random factors. The example assumes though that the data is grouped. Is it possible to use lme() to fit crossed random factors when the data is not grouped? E.g., y <- rnorm(12); a=gl(4,1,12); b=gl(3,4,12). Can I fit an additive model