similar to: Caching CSS Issue

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2008 Jan 21
undefined method error
Hello everyone, I am following the Practical Rails: Social Networking sites book. In chapter 7 photo gallery I am getting a NoMethodError in Pages#show Showing layouts/_menu.rhtml where line #12 raised: undefined method `new_entry_path'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x52fa56c> Extracted source (around line #12): 9: <% if is_logged_in? %> 10:
2007 Dec 10
Reading Hash/Array
Hi all, My app is generating a form with several bill_items that should be updated (fields to be updated are description and net). The text_field_tag names are bill_item[update][#{id}][description] and bill_item[update][#{id}][net] (and I added bill_item[update][#{id}] [id] just in case) The param received is: {"commit"=>"Save",
2008 Feb 11
Should I Test My Fixtures?
I have a number of fixtures in my test suite. For example, with acts_as_authenticated and acts_as_state_machine, I created a number of users in different account states for use in functional testing. (Suspended users can not log in, etc) Is it a good idea to run fixtures through tests to ensure that they conform to their ideals? EG: assert users(:suspended_user).suspended? If so, where should
2007 Dec 11
Lost in translation - Rails 2.0 Nested Resources, Custom Actions
The shift to the :has_many and :has_one options when defining nested resource routes has me perplexed. The block format allows me to define custom REST actions like publish in the example below: map.resources :users do |user| user.resources :articles, :member => { :publish => :put } end It also allows for multiple levels of nesting if necessary. What I''d really like to
2008 Mar 28
Inheriting from AdminController intstead from ApplicationController
Hi I would like to do the following: I have created an admin namespace and the required folders app/admin views/admin etc. And then I wanted all controllers under app/admin to inherit from a controller named AdminController which resists under app/admin/admin.rb instead of inhereting from ApplicationController, so I could better separate between admin and public section. The AdminController
2008 Jan 23
Rails 2.0.2 + RJS
Hi I had ajax commenting on my app, which worked perfectly on Rails v1.2.6, but does not work the same in Rails 2.02. Basically the comment gets added, but the visual effects do not work (ie lines 2 + 3 of create.rjs) create.js page.insert_html :bottom, ''comments'', :partial => ''comment'' page.visual_effect :appear, "comment_#{}"
2008 Jan 15
rails rjs page object
Can anyone point me to api documentation for the page object that is used in rails rjs files? Thanks --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send
2008 May 09
Operator Names.
What is this ''=>'' operator called? Does it have a name? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2008 Jan 08
What happened to _form.rhtml partial in rails 2.0??
Just wondering if anyone could point me to a good explanation of why the latest way of doing things does not include using something like _form.html.erb partials in RESTful rails 2.0?? Why did we move away from partials, etc?? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2007 Dec 13
Version naming to use in a RoR proyect
Hi everyone, I would need to know if RoR follow any policy for version naming; I mean, something like linux´s kernel does or similar. For instance, kernel uses numbers separated in groups by dots (i.e. pre 2.6 - AA.BB.CC). These groups mean differents fixtures, bugs fixed... I will start a big proyect from scratch with rails and I want to choose now a standart to use and avoid future problems
2008 Jan 15
Rails plugins that use other plugins - why is does this seem impossible?
OK, probably the most frustrated I''ve ever been with Rails. If I don''t figure this out, I''m going to, um... try again tomorrow. I''m simply trying to create a plugin. I did the ./script/generate plugin MY_NEW_PLUGIN and wha-hoo great! Well, not really... This plugin uses other plugins. For example, acts_as_list, acts_as_money etc.. How the heck to I get these
2007 Dec 23
return day from date (javascript) ?
Ok, I know this isn''t a Rails problem, but if you could help me out that''d be brill. I''ve used JavaScript to create a new Date object containing a date of my choice... mydate = new Date("11/24/2007"); //going with Javascript''s mm/dd/yyyy format now this is good, what i want to do now is put in an integer variable the number for the day, in this case
2007 Dec 17
undefined method `param_posted?'
I upgraded an app to 2.01 and can''t figure out why I am getting a undefined method `param_posted?'' for #<ControlPanelController: 0xb748ba18> The controller should be inheriting this. class ControlPanelController < ApplicationController --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2007 Dec 16
restful_authentication: update of users' attributes on every page load upon 'Remember me' being enabled?
Hello there, I just noticed a kinda weird thing: if users log in with the ''Remember Me'' option enabled, their records in the db get updated everytime the user reloads a page, because apparently restful_authentication''s code updates the remember_token_expires_at & remember_token attributes for each page load (not only once on the actual login (from cookie).
2008 Apr 22
How to GET/POST in Rails ?
Is there a definitive guide on how to create a controller that understands and responds to GET/POST methods ? This does not necessarily mean I''m trying RESTful Web services. Google returned lot of material but most of them is pre-Rails 2.0 or not well explained. Did I miss any obvious document ? -Arun --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2008 May 14
New blog application post slugs
Hello. I''m creating my own RESTful blog app. I am wondering about creating post slugs. I think Wordpress creates a slug at post creation time and stores the string in the database, then uses that for URLs. I read about the acts_as_sluggable strategy (http:// but I don''t like having a number (the ID) in the URL. Any
2007 Dec 10
Scaffolding for pre-existing database table in 2.0.1
Hi, first of all I will apologize in advance for my presumably noobish question, but I''m only starting to learn Rails and am a little confused with all the changes in 2.0.1. There are as good as no tutorials out yet and the 2 or 3 screencasts I''ve seen deal with the creation of both the app and the database. Now my problem is that I already have a database with a fair amount of
2008 Jan 02
polymorphic assosciations - still the way in Rails 2.0.x
I store a lot of information concerning blogs, events, books, bla bla... So I have a lot of database tables including the same fields: url, user_id, subject, comment..... So I decided to use polymorphic assosciations. Is this still the prefered way in 2.0.x or does Rails 2.0.x offers me a easier, faster and more preferable way to do this? By the way, isn''t it much easier to do all the
2008 Dec 18
distributing a rails application
What are the standard best practices for sharing your rails application on the web? As far as I can tell, you just delete the logs directory and clear out the database.yml What am I forgetting? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk"
2008 May 26
Noob SASS error (permission denied)
I just created the sass directory in my stylesheets directory and when I reload my page I get this error: Status: 500 Internal Server Error Permission denied - /Users/Justin/kicksite/trunk/public/ stylesheets/ application.css /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/haml-2.0.0/lib/sass/plugin.rb: 72:in `initialize'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/haml-2.0.0/lib/sass/plugin.rb: 72:in