similar to: shared sessions and rails2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "shared sessions and rails2"

2010 Aug 23
Sharing sessions between a rails3 app and a rails2 app. Rails 2 app crashes.
Hey all. I have two apps. One is a rails3 app and the other is a rails 2 app. Using proxying I am routing actions in the to the rails2 app. It almost works! I can set a session variable and a cookie variable on the first app ( and then read them on the second app ( It only works the first time though. If I go back to and then revisit
2007 May 17
exec format error
Hi I have been using backgroundrb version 0.1 for a while. Unfortunately, I have to develop on windows :( It has worked fine for a while. However, this morning I started up and old app that worked fine and get this error. exec format error from running --trace I see that the error comes from backgroundrb_tasks.rb line 59 which reads: 59 `#{scripts_src}/start -d` Here is the context. desc
2007 Feb 14
cron like behaviour?
Hi I have previously used railscron for server-side manipulation of the database but had a heap of trouble working with it. BackgrounDRB was suggested to me by a friend. I upload some files via acts_as_attachment and these go lie in a dir structure that i desire. What I want from the background process is to periodically (not user initiated) do some file-structure manipulation i.e. I want to
2006 Jul 31
PostgreSQL, postgres gem, rails2.pdf, confusion...
Hello people... In the rails2.pdf Dave T says: Rails works with the DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres,... The database drivers are all written in C and are primarily distributed in source form. Then he lists this site: Then he says, There is a pure-Ruby version of the Postgres adapter available. Download postgres-pr from the Ruby-DBI page at
2009 Oct 14
sybase in rails2?
Has anyone actually gotten the activerecord-sybase-adapter to work in Rails2? I can''t seem to, and can''t figure out why. I am on RedHat linux. I have the sybase client libraries installed, I have the adapter installed. After installing the patch at to get a slightly
2007 Nov 20
Don't make cookie-stored sessions a default
Hi! Before Rails 2.0 is coming, I suggest not to make CookieStore the default session storage. It stores clear-text values on the client-side and the integrity check hash can be brute-force attacked. I understand that this has been set due to speed advantages, but I believe it''s better to make better security a default. I''ve written a blog post about this
2009 Oct 17
Security problems with CookieStore and CSRF protection
Dear Rails community, As part of a programming languages/security research group at the University of Maryland, we are building some static analysis tools for Rails applications. These tools work by taking formally specified properties of interest, and then analyzing code to verify that those properties indeed hold. Using these tools, we found some security vulnerabilities in Rails, and we would
2006 Aug 04
Demo in rails2.pdf of add_price migration, PostgreSQL 8.1.4
People, I''m looking at the migrate example on p 74 of the rails2.pdf It''s a simple example of using a migration to add a column to the products table. Here is a copy of the migration file named 002_add_price.rb after I generated and then edited it: class AddPrice < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :products, :price, :decimal, :precision => 8, :scale
2008 Feb 09
how to check the config.action_controller.session options ?
when setting it in my environment.rb config.action_controller.session = { :session_key => ''_myapp_session'', :secret => ''3a64394bb895f1f05e0c07f71127d93d'' } I cannot get it back in the script/console .. :session_key=>"_session_id" !!! why ? >> ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS =>
2011 Jun 08
MySql2 adapter hangs in Rails3 on Windows XP
Previously we''ve used Rails2.xx with no problems and we''re trying to upgrade to ruby 1.9.2p180 and Rails 3.0.7 with pik to keep ruby versions separate. After some initial difficulties with MySql2 gem installation, following <a href= mysql2-gem-on-ruby-192-and.html>these tips</a> got mysql2 v0.2.7 installed. My problem
2008 Jan 20
CookieStore and Session data via POST vars (no cookies)
This might be a solved issue, so I thought I''d ask. I''m trying to use SWFUpload with the cookiestore. I''m passing in the session_id variable through a POST parameter in the upload. I''ve verified that Flash is sending the POST params (Flash 9). I thought simply by setting cookie_only to false for that method, I would be able to get that to work.
2010 Sep 02
Re: Exclude ActiveRecord in Rails3
What''s the best way to exclude ActiveRecord in Rails3? In Rails2, one could just do: *config.frameworks -= [ :active_record ]* in the configuration block in environment.rb. Is it possible in Rails3? Thanks. Anuj -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To post to this group, send email to
2008 May 13
sql_session_store on rails2
Hi We''re in the midst of upgrading our rails 1.2.6 app to rails 2.0. We have been using the sql_session_store plugin for our sessions. I wondering if anyone is still using SqlSessionStore on their rails 2 apps? Is it still worthwhile? Thanks, Ray -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2006 Mar 22
Please: Desperately Seeking Session expiration (DRbStore)
Hello, this is killing me: i can''t find a way to let idle sessions expire after a certain period of time. If they don''t expire, they will pile up until there''s no more memory available. Please, can anybody give me a hint? Basically, all I need is a hash or list with all the sessions in DRbStore. Greetings Michael Kastner
2010 Nov 25
Devise sessions and load-balanced/multiple servers
Hi Hoping someone has had experience with this or can tell me where to start investigating. I''ve got a Rails app with Devise authentication running on a server cluster behind a load balancer, so requests to the website will alternately hit one server, or the other. My problem occurs when I try to register a new user. Everything goes fine, I get the confirmation email, I click the link,
2011 Jan 13
send_file works on Rails2,SSL - except for IE7/6
Quirky stuff here, The current setup works fine for Firefox 3.6 and IE 8 but balks on earlier IEs. The files are PDFs, .doc files, and other binaries but up to several MB: A. the users'' problem is a minor IE7 quirk: it works to download files from clicking links, but if you use the URL instead then the browser stops after a fraction of a second. Refreshing or hitting Return again
2007 Sep 24
Oracle Date + RoR
Hi Experts, I''ve a model called Product where i''ve column called created_at, updated_at where i''ve made a query based on Oracle date format like date_of_created = ''23-SEP-07'' @product = Product.find(:all, :conditions => ["created_at=?", date_of_created]) but in view its empty. AND EXPERTS I''VE DATA WITH 24-SEP-07 FOR MORE
2007 Sep 10
form_remote_tag not providing params in Ajax
I''m new to Ruby, Rails and Ajax and I''m trying to do something seemingly simple. I am trying to use a value someone supplies in a form in another form that is dynamically generated using Ajax. I have the following code: <div id="race_table"> &nbsp; </div> <%= form_remote_tag(:update => "race_table", :url => { :action =>
2008 Jul 09
CookieOverflow - 4k Session?
Hello all, I get the following error when I stuff my seesion with more than 4k of data. CGI::Session::CookieStore::CookieOverflow My problem is that I obviously need a fatter session. How do other users by-pass the 4k restriction on session variables? Regards, John --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2006 Aug 16
Accessing Constants Declared in Helper Modules
Hello all, I''m having great trouble accessing a constant declared in a helper for one of my view templates. I am trying to create a grouped selection list based on a predefined set of values. Rather than declare this set of values in the view, I wanted to put it in the helper that automatically gets included for the view. Unfortunately, it doesn''t seem to work. All methods