similar to: Rails versus PHP in complex HTML/CSS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Rails versus PHP in complex HTML/CSS"

2006 Jul 23
Newbie question about .rhtml
Hi everyone, coming from PHP something in the .rhtml files has been confusing the heck out of me. Why does this work? <% for header in @all_headers %> <%= header.subject %> <% end %> and both of these don''t work <% for header in @all_headers puts header.subject end %> --------------------------------------- <%= for header in @all_headers puts
2008 Jun 25
Symfony like "forward404"
Hi community, as I''m a previous PHP and especially symfony programmer, I often try to find features of symfony in rails. Now I''m looking for a method which forwards to a 404 error page (but with stack trace and so on in development mode). I tried to manually render public/404.html, but if I do so, I miss the stack trace. Is there a method like this or are rails programmers using
2010 Jul 06
how to make confirm boxes conditional?
Hi, I''d like to make the :confirm option in my link_to/button_to erb elements conditional. So, if the page is in some state, no confirmation is requested, but not otherwise, etc. So far, my only (ugly) approach is to replace the linker html itself depending on changes in state, but I believe there must be an easier way to ''toggle'' the confirmation option on/off. Can
2006 Jan 25
Executing Ruby code that is inside a string
I would like to put Ruby code inside a string, between <%= %> tags, and have the code inside the tags executed when the string is displayed. Is this possible? -- Posted via
2006 Jun 11
Ruby on Rails and CakePHP Comparison
>From a development standpoint, what are the features that make Ruby on Rails a better choice compared to CakePHP? -- Posted via
2008 Apr 02
application.html for website in 2 languages?
Hello, I''m a newbie on the rails environment. I''ve just created an application.html.erb to have the same layout on all pages but the site will be available in 2 different languages, then with 2 different layouts. Then I would like to have an application.html.erb with the layout in French and an application.html.erb with the layout in English. Thanks you for your help, --
2006 May 21
Is there a way to call helper methods in a controller?
Hi, Is there a way to call helper methods in a controller? I want to do something like this in my controller Class MyController < Action.... def my_method string = link_to "some_url", :controller => "home", :action => "command" end end link_to is an ActionView helper method and it seems that I couldn''t access the method in the controller
2007 Jan 16
RESTful routes and Mime::Type
Hi all I''m using RESTful routes combined with the to_csv plugin and would like to know if there''s a nicer way of generating a link to fetch the CSV file than just making a hard link. This is what I use for the moment (and it works btw): <%= link_to("Export as CSV","/companies.csv") -%> I would expect the link helper to have something like
2008 Apr 04
Updatable "datagrid" with ajax support? Is there any code/approach I can leverage?
Hi, I want to have a page in my Ruby on Rails application that is like a dynamic / updateable data grid. Like a matrix or spreadsheet segment (x rows, y columns) which one can click in any of the cells and make an update, which triggers some AJAX code to fire off the update, and then the responses come back and update whatever else needs updating based on this change. Is there a prototype
2005 Oct 21
PHPonRails ?
I''ve have a very tight schedule project that MUST (not my option), be developed in PHP. Is there a Rails based framework for this platform? I like the Rails way of things, but in this case, I cannot choose the programming language, so please don''t offend me :-) Thanks in advance, Alessandro _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list
2010 Jan 31
Action path - syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting ')'
I have a user controller with login as action. When I access the index.html.erb file via application.layout file. I get a error on the login link on the index.html.erb page. I think I am having dfifficulty in setting up path to an action or even understanding how to set REST path properly. Can someone please help me. Here is the error on the home page:
2006 Sep 08
rails equivalent to symfony admin generator?
I''m an experienced PHP programmer (don''t know Ruby yet), and I''m playing around with Symfony (PHP MVC framework similar to Rails) and I found myself asking if there''s really any reason to use it over Rails. From what I''ve seen just about every feature in Rails is superior except one very important thing - Symfony''s admin generator. This is
2008 Jan 18
link_to problem
hi @ all I create a new archiv.html.erb and a archiv method in the controller. Now, I would like to link from index.html.erb to archiv.html.erb. I tried to use <%= link_to ''archive'', archiv_xxx_path %> but it doesn''t run. It appears a error message "SyntaxError in xxx#index". Does anyone know, how I can enhance this problem? thanks a lot... -- Posted
2007 Oct 20
where to put code for my own paginator ?
I had to make my own pagination class in SQL Server. What I am wondering is where is a good place to put the code so that every controller and template can have access to it ? Right now I have put it in application.rb, the controller base class. This seems to work well, I did a project last summer where I put stuff in the lib directory. The only problem with that is that if you change any code at
2008 Nov 20
Couldn't find without an ID
hi friends... my rhtml is for_for_test.rhtml <html> <head> <title>Form_For Tester</title> </head> <body> <% form_for :blog, :url => { :action => ''save'', :id => @blog } do |f| %> Name: <%= f.text_field :blog %> <%= submit_tag ''Save'' %> <% end %> </body>
2009 Jul 13
.html/.html.erb/.rhtml to PDF
Hello All, I wanted to convert .html file into .pdf. is there any rails plugin ?? Thanks, Sandip R~ -- Ruby on Rails Developer --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2008 May 12
Complex data structures in templates
Hi. I wonder if it is possible to use more complex data structures in templates than simple variables and arrays? I have been trying nested arrays, as well as nested arrays and hashes, but nothing seems to work (more specifically, nested arrays seem to be flattened into a single array). Having only simple variables and arrays is a little limiting. Something like the Perl-based Template Toolkit
2009 Jan 26
Please help with a routing problem
Hi All I''m having some issues with the following routes problem. The routes.rb file ... map.resources :users map.connect ''/users/view_payments/:user_id'', :controller => ''users'', :action => ''view_payments'' The users_controller.rb file ... def view_payments @user = User.find[:params[:user_id]] @payments =
2008 Apr 13
uninitialized constant
Hi guys, I''m part way through a RoR application, for some reason whenever I add new controllers (using scaffold) I get an uninitialized constant [name of controller] error. The first few controllers work fine, the only thing I can see that I''ve changed is the layout file (but scaffold creates a new layout for each controller so can''t see that being the problem). You
2012 Nov 01
SyntaxError in Posts#index
getting this error compile error /Users/bradwrage/webapps/blog/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:5: syntax error, unexpected ''='' ...w Goal", new_post_path, class="btn btn-success" );@output_bu... ^ /Users/bradwrage/webapps/blog/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:7: syntax error, unexpected kDO_BLOCK, expecting kEND ''); @posts.each