similar to: NameError when using alias_method -- but method exists?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "NameError when using alias_method -- but method exists?"

2012 Apr 01
scan() vs readChar() speed
Dear list, I am trying to find a fast solution to read moderately large (1 -- 10 million entries) text files containing only tab-delimited numeric values. My test file is the following, nr <- 1000 nc <- 5000 m <- matrix(round(rnorm(nr*nc),3),nr=nr) write.table(m, file = "a.txt", append=FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) scan() is faster than
2008 Jun 17
Bug#486557: cpio segfault
hello, On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Joey Hess wrote: > klibc cpio segfaults extracting various cpio files. It seems to work for > small files, but fail for larger ones, including the d-i root floppy > image. > > For example: > > joey at kodama:/tmp/empty>wget > joey at kodama:/tmp/empty>zcat
2007 Dec 09
Help on drying code
Hi all, Currently I''m having to do this: def self.authorized_roles(controller, action) specific = self.find_by_controller_and_action(controller, action) all_actions = self.find_by_controller_and_action(controller, ''*'') all_controllers = self.find_by_controller(''*'') role_ids = [] specific.each do |role_item| role_ids <<
2012 Apr 24
Easy way to launch Aion Online
Locate your "Aion.bin" file at C:/Program Files/NCsoft/Aion/Bin32/aion.bin and rename it to "Aion.exe" from there the game will launch. However you may need to add arguments for it to connect to the correct IP Address. You can do so by terminal or using q4wine.
2008 Jun 10
ActionMailer undefined method `parameters' - Rails 2.1
Hello Rubyists, I''m currently trying to get email hooked up via ActionMailer, and while I''ve gotten it to work in the past on Rails 1.2.x, I''m seeing an error that I''m unfamiliar with. Right now, I''m just trying to send email from my dev box via the SMTP server at work. My development.rb file: #...snip config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
2008 May 21
Problem with alias_method in a plugin
Hi, I''m doing my first plugin, based on attachment_fu structure. Here''s the code: The problem is that the meta_tag method doesn''t seem to be overwritten. I can call model_instance.original_meta_tag and it return same thing as model_instance.meta_tag, so the aliasing works. I can call and it correctly returns class of
2007 Feb 26
undefined method ... from `alias_method'
0 wicked var/www % ./script/console Loading development environment. >> r = Recipe.find :first NameError: undefined method `recipe_type='' for class `Recipe'' from ./script/../config/../config/../app/models/recipe.rb: 101:in `alias_method'' In recipes_controller: alias_method :orig_recipe_type=, :recipe_type= def recipe_type=(t) if t.nil?
2006 Mar 12
alias_method interferes ApplicationHelper
Hello, I''m using Ruby 1.8.4 (darwinport), rails-1.0.0 (gem) , Powerbook / Mac OS X 10.4.5 , Webrick. How come Rails always raises NoMethodError for my helper (must_fill and rp or number_to_currency_rp) in application_helper.rb ? I doubt that alias_method is the culprit, but if i give # comment then there will be no errors at all ... :/ what am i doing wrong? is it a bug or stupid me? Thx
2006 Feb 01
Explanation of "alias_method"
Hi! I''m trying to extend ActiveRecord''s find method (Rails 1.0, Ruby 1.8.2), but I recognize a strange behaviour of the "alias_method" call. I wrote a very simple script to explain my problem: ------------------------------------------------------ module ActiveRecordExtension def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.class_eval do
2016 Nov 04
[PATCH 0/2] improve Lua API for files and initramfs objects
From: Paul Emmerich <p.emmerich at> Hi, the new API for initramfs and files in master lacked the ability to build initramfs objects from files loaded via HTTP/TFTP in Lua. The documentation indicated that it should be possible (and I believe I did that in an older version). I implemented a few new functions to handle files/initramfs objects better. Changes: * NEW:
2006 Apr 13
Apache/fastcgi setup can''t find custom config/*.yml file!
All, Apache 2/FastCGI on Linux My fastcgi config. file is set up to run the "test" RAILS_ENV. When I go to access a view associated with a particular controller, I keep getting a ENOENT (file not found) error on a custom config. file that I am attempting to load. What I can''t figure out is why it can''t find the file. Here''s the code that loads it in my
2009 Mar 21
script/console: "no such file to load -- application.rb (MissingSourceFile)"
Here''s what I get when I try to use the console with the current facebooker: First I make a simple app: rails foo -d mysql cd foo script/plugin install git:// Then I go to config/environment.rb and change the rails version to ''2.2.2'' Then I run the console: script/console and I get: [17:56][herdrick:~/rails/foo]$ script/console
2007 Dec 28
Converting to Rails 2.0.2
I''m moving an older project to Rails 2.0.2 and ran into a roadblock on the version matching. Here''s script/console session: >> Spec::VERSION::REV => "1785" >> Spec::Rails::VERSION::REV NoMethodError: undefined method `run='' for Test::Unit:Module from /Users/sxross/rails/tastie_work/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/ lib/spec/rails.rb:16 from
2012 Apr 22
RPG Maker 2000: games won't run
Hello! I've come across a problem with Wine (version 1.5.2) running RPG Maker 2000. The editor itself works fine, but I can't run any games; neither from the editor (test play mode) nor starting them directly by running wine game.exe. When I directly run a game, this happens: Code: ranmaru at kodama: ~ % wine RPG_RT.exe intel_do_flush_locked failed: Input/output error When I run the
2006 Dec 30
[ Bug#405058: does not properly support nested divs in inlined html]
Howdy, The attached bug report was sent to the Debian bug tracking system. If you please preserve the CC to 405058-forwarded at on any responses? ----- Forwarded message from Joey Hess <joeyh at> ----- From: Joey Hess <joeyh at> To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit at> Subject: Bug#405058: does not properly support
2016 Nov 10
[PATCH 0/2] improve Lua API for files and initramfs objects
Hi, > Ferenc W?gner <wferi at>: > for reading configuration files from disk. Does it not work with HTTP/ > TFTP for you? Using that, load_file could be implemented in Lua as: that does work, yes. It just looked like a file object should have a some way to get the contents. I'm actually not using it in our scripts. > All in all, I can't see the need for new
2011 Jan 07
My external node classifier script is totally ignored
Hi, I just added an external classifier script, and things are not working as I expected to. Trying to read documentation about ext.nodes and searching the archives I couldn''t come up with any useful results. My classifier script outputs: --- YAML --- classes: - geodns::production::backend environment: production name: z01-06-02 parameters: puppet_server:
2007 May 23
Markdown generates invalid html for a list immediately followed by a quote
Howdy, [Please preserve the CC to 424919-forwarded at on any replies.] The following bug in Markdown was reported to the Debian bug tracking system. In short, running both the released version of Markdown and the latest beta on * foo > bar > baz produces invalid HTML. ----- Forwarded message from Joey Hess <joeyh at> ----- From: Joey Hess <joeyh
2009 Aug 21
enable -Werror and all of gcc's warning options
Here is a bunch of small patches to make fish/ build with most warnings enabled: [1/9] edit.c: avoid warning about signed/unsigned comparison [2/9] fish.c: avoid warnings [3/9] tilde.c: avoid a warning [4/9] fish.c: avoid "assignment discards qualifiers..." warning [5/9] fish.c: avoid signed/unsigned-comparison warning [6/9] fish.c: don't perform arithmetic on void*
2009 Jul 21
About Error handler
Hi I am new to ruby on rails I need to know one thing Is there any way to externalize all the error messages in one file and access -- Karthik.k Mobile - +91-9894991640