similar to: Namespaced routes and js.erb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "Namespaced routes and js.erb"

2008 Nov 18
Missing js.erb template
Dear all I am new to web development, and I am working on some simple ajax function and got the following error that may need your expert opinions. Missing template ecpath_app_version/__version_list.js.erb in view path D:/Ruby/test/ssc_1/app/views I know there is no js.erb file in app/view/<controller> folder, and I don''t know what content should be in the js.erb. Are there any
2012 Nov 21
What to use //= require_tree or js,css incude tag in application.erb ?
Hi , We are using reqiure_tree in our application.js and application.css. As per i know require_tree include all js and css in application.js and application.css . We include application file of both .js and .css in our application.erb. Q . We include both .js and .css application file in application.erb . Is including in application.erb, did all .js and .css file are included in
2011 Mar 09
&quot; instead of " in js code rendered by erb
Having problems rendering javascript in erb file. Thanks for suggestions. //layout erb file (function() { ... var widget_properties = {}; <%= content_for?(:extend_widget) ? "widget_properties = " + yield(:extend_widget) : '''' %> ... })(); //view erb file <% content_for :extend_widget do %> extend = { _init: function() {
2012 Nov 27
controller not rendering existing js.erb file
In my PlaceController, I have a search method, called remotely from a form the method is executed, but rendering is not executed as the template is stated as missing .. but it''s there ... post :search, :locale => I18n.locale, :format => :js, :country => "United" Error: test_should_search_places(Backoffice::PlacesControllerTest) ActionView::MissingTemplate:
2011 Oct 12
How to access controller's instance variable in a js.erb loaded by javascript_include_tag?
Hello! In rails 3.1 app I have a controller UsersController with ''show'' action. show.html.erb contains: <% content_for(:head) do %> <%= javascript_include_tag ''myscript'' %> <% end %> <p>Hello</p> And I have this in myscript.js.erb $jQuery(document).ready(function() { alert(<%= %>); }); @user is being
2011 Jun 17
.js.erb not being parsed by .erb first
I am trying to dynamically include a javascript file based on a configuration option however I keep getting this error: Error compiling asset application.js: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 1) (in c:/Users/Dieter/Documents/event_calendar/vendor/assets/javascripts/event_calendar.js.erb:1) when trying to run this code: //<% require ''event_calendar'' %> //=
2011 Nov 10
url helper in model.js.erb.cofee (Sprockets::Context)
hello, I am writing a js/coffee file that gets erb handling and I need to use a url helper inside this file if write .. url: ''<%= url_for(:action => :index) %>'' I get an error: NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `url_for'' for #<#<Class: 0xbdbb068>:0xeed1eb8> >>self.class #<Class:0xbdbb068> < Sprockets::Context How do I
2012 Feb 17
Passing a value to js.erb
Rails 3.1.3 I''m trying to pass a value to ''save.js.erb'' . in the view, I have put <%= hidden_field_tag "video-id",, { :id => "video-id" } %> then, I can retrieve it by var idval = $(''#video-id'').val(); It certainly gets the value. The problem is then I need to pass it to the following. I tried,
2010 Aug 16
Executing js.erb file with :format =>'js'
Hi, I''m trying to get my javascript to execute after clicking a link on my page using :format => "js" here''s my link: <%= link_to image_tag("/images/icons/user_add.png"), add_contact_path(:profile_id =>, :url => request.url, :format => "js"), :title => "Add person to your contacts"%> in my controller i have
2012 Aug 29
custom js in rails project
Hello, I have a rails project with one controller and one action, as simple as posible. And I''m trying to put some custom css and js to my own index.html.erb (not public/index.html.erb), I inluded this on the layout file: layout file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Volei</title> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media =>
2010 Jun 24
Rails3: render_to_string of a .html.erb when request is a json request raises MissingTemplate error
I''ve the following situation (which actually works in Rails 2.3.8 and this is a result of the migration of our app to rails3): I have a partial which is rendered a few times (imagine tr''s in a table). On the clientside there''s a script that does a json request for a specific row (jQuery + ajax dataType: ''json'' and type: ''POST'') In
2007 Sep 29
templates with same name before extension are cached
Hi all, I was just wondering if this is the intended behavior. Here is my setup: controller def index respond_to do |f| f.xml { render :xml => true } f.html { render :layout => :none } end end In my views I have a file for each type index.herb index.xerb The first request I send is cached and interferes with the other one. For example, if I send an xml request
2008 Mar 03
To use JS in RedBox Plugin
Hi All, I''m using redbox plugin in my app. Redbox plugin is working properly.But when i try to change text box values using js its not working. The Code is <input type="text" name="playlist" id="playlist_name"> <input type="radio" name="playlist"
2008 Dec 20
Accessing rails helpers when processing erb snippets
I need to be able to merge a lot of content for web pages, along with links to other pages taken from a list of categories. The text that goes with each category can be different depending on the context that it''s displayed in. I could do this by having a whole stack of *.html.erb files which hold the static content and access the Rails helpers to pull in stuff from the database and
2008 Dec 25
One question about Dynamic Select Menus
Hi all, Merry X''mas first :-) I have "Product","Category","Subcategory" 3 Model, and when new "Product", I want to use "Dynamic Select Menus" just like Ryan mentioned in I have everything down. But when I visit the js file, I got following error Showing
2009 Mar 03
javascript file structure
hi as far as i know (i''m new on ror) the file structure of javascript files are: app/views/posts/... public/javascripts/*.js what i understand as a View is final step of the application, the thing that user see, let''s say...the screen. in this sense, javascript in some cases, are also -part of- the "view" for some situations. so, i understand that public/javascript
2008 Mar 12
nested routes with a 2-way has_many using join table?
I have two classes, InstructionalObject and Assets. They both have_many of the other, implemented through a join table (so it''s like a habtm without the habtm). For the next version of our app, we''re refactoring to RESTful, and i''m having trouble with my nested resources/routes. I tried this, in routes.rb: map.resources :assets do |assets| assets.resources
2007 Jan 19
Rendering with erb
Hi, I thought it would be fun to try to write a render method that uses erb for rending. I''m not much of a programmer, but I still like to try: module Test require ''erb'' def render(m)"templates/layout.html")).result(binding) do"templates/#{m}.html")).result(binding) end end end This
2007 Jul 22
html.erb and textmate. Cant get snippets to work.
Hello! I moved to html.erb but the snippets fail to work. eg .rhtml lia(tab) gives me link_to .html.erb lia with a tab after it =) I have tried the comment suggested here: David Demaree: " 1. Select Bundles > Bundle Editor > Edit Languages... from the menu bar. 2. Find
2012 Mar 31
Missing Template Error on render_to_string - Rails 3.2.2
Hi, I''m trying to execute some javascript in the browser after completing my create action in the controller. Here''s how I''m doing it: In my controller: def create # exectue some code js = render_to_string(:layout => false, :template => "planned_meals/") render :js => js end Two questions: 1) Am I going about it the