similar to: Problems with date field

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2006 Jan 19
date_select broken
I am using date_select and in some instances it only shows about 10 years worth of choices. Same form on other users shows the whole range. date_select looks like this <%= date_select ''user'',''birthdate'' , :start_year => 1940 %> I would expect to always see 1940-2006 or so , but i dont always do. Is there a way to force the range or explain why i
2006 Nov 04
date_select parameter
Trying to add start year to date_select <%= date_select(:start_year => 1980)%> It''s throwing an exception "wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) Can''t I add a start_year, API shows this option ? TIA Stuart --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2006 Jan 07
set date with date_select
when retreiving a date from a DATETIME field in a database, is there a way to set the date to the value of the DB in the view? It seems to always default to the current date... if I have a field called birthdate in the users table and i do @user = User.find(@params[:id]) in my view i have a <%= date_select ''birthdate'',''user'' %> but dont know how to
2006 Mar 04
has_many and belongs_to example?
Hi! If i have 2 tables i.e. product and images and product has_many images, image belongs_to product - how to create _form.rhtml, new/create and edit/update methods in product controller, so in a single form i can add one product and MANY (let''s assume for now that this number is fixed) images for this product? Pleeeeease help me :) -- Posted via
2006 Sep 15
In datetime_select, :order does not work, but it works for date_select Why
Hi All In my project I am to take date of birth from user so I used datetime_select. It renders three selection boxes, year, month and day. But I want order as day, month and year. I added :order option for datetime_select, it renders normal selection boxes with order year, month and day. Why :order does not work with datetime_select? see my following code <%= datetime_select(:user2,
2007 Apr 14
how to add class to date_select helper
Hi, I have this helper and would like to add a html class to each of the select box''s it generates, however I have been unable to find a way? <%= f.date_select ''date_of_birth'', :order => [:day,:month,:year], :start_year => 1940, :end_year =>, :include_blank => true %> Any suggestions? thanks john -- Posted via
2006 Jan 04
How do I set the default value for date fields?
I want my date fields to default to NIL or "", because the presence of a date means something. My problem is that rails is defaulting the fields to today''s date automatically when I create a new record through the scaffold. I tried removing the default ''0000-00-00'' and changing NOT NULL to NULL, but both columns get today''s date as the default
2006 Jun 17
problem with select_date
In my form I have these items: <%= select_year, :start_year => Schoolyear.get_startdate.year, :end_year => Schoolyear.get_enddate.year %> <%= select_month %> No matter what I do, in my controller I can''t seem to access the selected year and month. I have tried params[:month].to_s and also
2007 Apr 12
Radrails and date in mysql problem
Hi, Im using radrails and mysql database, im using DATE in mysql for a date of birth column, When i use this in Radrails the date shows as dropdown lists, the days and month are fine but the year list only shows 2002-2012. Is there any way of extending the years? as its not suitable for date of birth. Any help appreciated -- Posted via
2006 Apr 20
Small Date Formatting Question regarding datetime_select()
Is there a way to make datetime_select() dropdowns work on a 12hr clock? I need to make a input field that works exactly like the reminders datetime selecton dropdowns in Backpack to populate a datetime field in my DB. i.e in the format: month, day, year ? hour (1-12) minute am/pm. Should I change my database to have a separate column for date and one for time and use date_select()? Can
2006 Feb 08
can''t get date_select to work
Hi, I render a couple of date_select fields, the HTML looks fine, I can see the values submitted back to the server, but AR doesn''t pick them up from the hash in[''booking'']). I''ve got a ''booking'' object with parameters product, startdate and enddate. HTML snippets: <select
2009 Jan 28
How to give onchange for select_year rails helper....
<%=select_year(,:include_blank=>true, :start_year =>"%Y").to_i, :end_year => 1999)%> i am using rhis helper... now i want to give onchange here.... Please help me to solve this .... thanks in advance JK -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because
2008 Jun 17
how to set tabindex in date_select
<%= date_select(''user'', ''birthdate'', { :start_year => 80.years.ago.year, :end_year => 12.years.ago.year } ) %> work in rails 1.2.2 date_select(object_name, method, options = {}) I try many times but also didn''t know how to set tabindex in date_select --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2005 May 31
Form Dates and MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
I''m using the date_select form helper for a date_of_birth field on an ActiveRecord object. When I try to save a date earlier than 1 Jan 1970, ActionController punts with ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors. The message it gives is "1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes". I was able to catch the exception and look at it, and it is certainly complaining
2008 Feb 24
1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes
I am trying to create a form for processing credit cards. For the credit card expiration date, I would like to leave the day field out of the form for obvious reasons. However, the following code is producing an error for me. Any ideas? Thanks! <p><label for="email">Expiration</label><br/> <input type="hidden" id="user_card_expiration_3i"
2006 Jan 05
Date Validation
Hi, How can I validate date in model class Thanks. Sainaba. -- Posted via
2006 Feb 20
extract month from date column
Hi, I have this rails query: @birthdays = Birthday.find :all, :conditions => ["user_id = ? and birthdate = ''2006-02-01'', @user_id], :limit => @birthday_pages.items_per_page, :offset => @birthday_pages.current.offset You can ignore the user_id, limit and offset part.
2006 Mar 15
Strange behaviour of dates
Imagine a crud app that tracks people applying for a loan, here is the layout I have: Mysql database: create table apps ( id int auto_increment primary key, primary_id int not null, secondary_id int null, constraint fk_primary_id foreign key(primary_id) references (, constraint fk_secondary_id foreign key(secondary_id) references ( create table contacts ( Id int
2006 May 24
Only years from 2001 to 2011 are available in a date field
When I try to edit a date field in the drop down list I have only years from 2001 to 2011: how can I add an arbitrary year that is NOT included in this list? -- Posted via
2006 Jan 06
date_select and sessions
i am using date_select to allow someone to select their birthdate in a form. however date_select uses 3 wierd labels in the forms like follows: <select name="user[birthdate(1i)]"> <option value="1940">1940</option> <option value="1941">1941</option> . and then the month is user[birthdate(2i)] and so on. My issue is i dont know the