similar to: Virtually deleting rows from tables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Virtually deleting rows from tables"

2006 May 18
Overriding default DELETE behavior with logical deletes
Hello! I am trying to figure out how to implement *logical deletes* instead of physical deletes using ActiveRecord. Basically, in many applications that deal with E-Commerce, you really can''t physically delete almost anything, because records must be kept for auditing and customer service tracking purposes. In the past, I''ve implemented logical deletes as follows: 1.
2008 Feb 13
Migration Issues: Can't update newly added column values
Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone can help me with a migrations question here. Using: rails 2.0.2 ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin] mysql 5.0.45 Platform: windows xp The problem: ---------- I created a migration that is designed to add a column named "deleted_at" (timestamp) and then remove a column named "is_deleted" (boolean). The idea is to
2007 Mar 06
aaf excluding certain db records from indexing
hi! short question about aaf: is there a builtin functionality in acts_as_ferret to exclude records from being indexed when for example a column "is_deleted" / "is_disabled" / "dont_index" has a certain value? regards neongrau -- Posted via
2006 May 20
In a find, can''t you use both :include and :limit ?
I''m trying to do a find that includes a join. It has to be a find because I''m using the results for a Pagination, so I need to limit my query to the number of results I want to display per page. Here''s the type of thing I want to do: Employee table <-> Skills_Employees table <-> Skills table Let''s say I want to find all the employees who have
2006 Jan 02
Paginate with joins messing with id
Hi all, Best wishes for the new year! :'') I''m very new to Ruby and Rails, and I ran into a problem with the "paginate" function. When I use the following method to get a number of forum topics based on a category name passed via the URI: @topic_pages, @topics = paginate :topics, :joins => "INNER JOIN categories ON
2005 Nov 15
acts_as_paranoid --> undefined method `constrain' for class `Class'
Hi All, So I thought I had this acts_as_paranoid problem previously and fixed by going to rails 0.14.2, although I''m not 100% it was the same thing. I''m now on rails 0.14.3 and I''m getting: undefined method `constrain'' for class `Class'' for any model that includes acts_as_paranoid. My application trace is below. Has anyone else got this and know a
2005 Nov 03
Installation of plugins/gems/mix-ins confusion
I''m running 0.14.2 and am a little confused as to the best way to install mix-ins. I''m specifically using "acts_as_paranoid" as an example (as it is one of the simpler implementations). It is a gem and can be "installed" as a gem, but then what''s the best way to integrate it into my app (require_gem?). I''ve seen recommendations to require it
2006 Mar 14
acts_as_paranoid and :include
Will the find from acts_as_paranoid filter down to an :include? For instance class parent acts_as_paranoid has_many: children end and class child acts_as_paranoid belongs_to :parent end Then if you Parent.find(:all, :include => children) you will get all the children if they are deleted or not. I guess the find that filters out the deleted_at is null does not filter down to the includes
2005 Dec 11
Problem with acts_as_paranoid: "ArgumentError: Unknown key(s): group"
Here''s the full error: 1) Error: test_add_message_to_existing_ticket(TicketTest): ArgumentError: Unknown key(s): group /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.4/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/keys.rb:48:in `assert_valid_keys'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_paranoid-0.2/lib/acts_as_paranoid.rb:125:in `validate_find_options''
2009 Oct 27
Re-tasking destroy contoller this bad practice?
I''m trying to get some opinions on a design I''m floating ("rails way" or not?). Say I''ve got an Author model in my Blog application and I want my administrators to be able to disable authors. I don''t want to delete authors because this would cause data integrity issues (orphaned Author foreign key in the Post model). So my plan is to re- task the
2008 Jun 04
controller filters running twice in 1.1.4?
since upgrading to 1.1.4 (I had been running without issue on a git snapshot), I''m noticing that my filter actions initiated from application.rb seem to be running twice. I created a test rails project with the rspec scaffold and am also seeing the same behavior here too. Adding this code to application.rb: before_filter :foo def foo "foo" end and an example
2008 Sep 25
Will acts_as_paranoid work with attachment_fu?
I''ve got a problem in that users are deleting a paranoid model through the application, including dependents. Some of these dependents are paranoid too, but not the attachments. (I''m using DB file storage.) I need to be able to un-delete these things and I''m now wondering if acts_as_paranoid will work with models that use attachment_fu? If so, in what model to I add the
2006 May 20
acts_as_paranoid overrides ActiveRecord::Base??
Guys, I am trying to figure out what exactly does this line do at the end of "acts_as_paranoid" plugin? ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Caboose::Acts::Paranoid::ActiveRecord My problem: I have some classes that I use acts_as_paranoid, and others with tagging support. Classes declared as taggable, throw error, which appears to be in the acts_as_paranoid version of the
2005 Feb 05
Help - Getting an error when trying to add prio to tables....
Hi, I am getting the errors given below, when I am trying to add the prio to any table. What can be the problem and how can i resolve it.... Kindly help [root /root]# ip rule RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument Dump terminated [root /root]# ip rule list RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument Dump terminated [root /root]# ip rule list table main "ip rule show" need not eny arguments.
2006 Jan 16
Soft Deletes
How would I go about setting up my rails applications to soft delete items from the database rather than actually deleting it. I would imagine that I need to over ride the methods from ActiveRecord. Where would I do this would it be in the model? enviroment.rb? I would imagine that if i wanted it throughout my entire application it would need to be in the enviroment.rb. Also to
2006 Mar 22
Rails-1.1.0-RC1 tagged today (4010)
Looks like Rails 1.1.0 RC1 is finally here: -- Posted via
2007 Jan 08
Two problems with Acts_as_paranoid
Hi, I''ve run into two small problems with acts_as_paranoid and wondered if anyone else has experienced them as well (and if yes, if they have any solutions). 1. When using has_many :through, AAP doesn''t seem to take into account the fact that your join model might also be paranoid. My solution to this at the moment is to add an explicit conditions clause to the has_many
2008 May 15
ANNOUNCE: act_as_soft_deletable - new rails plugin for soft deleting / disabling ActiveRecord models
Acts_as_soft_deletable is a rails plugin that provides the ability to soft delete or disable models. When models are destroyed, they will be archived so that they can later be restored easily. Its similar to acts_as_paranoid but uses a different approach that should make it a little more foolproof. See the README at the following url for a better description. github url:
2009 May 01
Can't get to an action in a RESTful controller
Folks, I am using the restful_authentication plugin. This creates the users controller which is declared as a resource in routes.rb as below map.resources :users Now in the UsersController I have created an action to resetpwd that I am trying to get to from the login page when the user clicks "forgot password". However, when I do that the log file tells me that the call to
2011 Apr 13
Extracting selected rows from a matrix to a submatix
I have a matrix M > dim(M) [1] 30380   561 I have another list L contains , that contains some row names of matrix M str (L)  chr [1:21037] Now I want to extract the submatrix subM (21037    ,    561)  from the matrix M by matching the rownames (M) to the 21037 rownames o f L How do I do that ? Thanks and regards, Pankaj Barah   Pankaj Barah Department of Biology  Norwegian University