similar to: howto rebuild a object from a received xml hash structure ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "howto rebuild a object from a received xml hash structure ?"

2002 Jul 16
r-square for non-linear regression
We have extracted parameters from physiological measurements by fitting SSlogis-like curves with nlsList and nlme. We presented residuals plot in a paper, but a referee argues that these cannot be included (too technical), and r-square values should be given instead to compare the goodness of fit with those of other authors. I remember that 30 years ago in my stat 101, I learned that r-square is
2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but...
Dear All, I'me having (much) trouble understanding why it happened and answering a referee's comment to part of a submitted manuscript. I've tried to google for help but... I'm really confident that although this is a R-Help list someone can help me! I used R to do an ANCOVA w/ RNA/DNA as the dep var, sl as the indep var and gut (a factor w/ levels: prey and empty) as the
2007 Sep 16
Problem with nlm() function.
In the course of revising a paper I have had occasion to attempt to maximize a rather complicated log likelihood using the function nlm(). This is at the demand of a referee who claims that this will work better than my proposed use of a home- grown implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. I have run into serious hiccups in attempting to apply nlm(). If I provide gradient and
2010 Dec 04
scale caption on levelplot
hi, i am trying to figure out how to put a caption on the colour scale of a levelplot. there does not seem to be an option for this in levelplot(). i tried using mtext() but as soon as you put the text far out enough on the right of the plot, it goes beyond the plot boundary. so i tried to extend the margin on the right of the plot using par(mar) but this did not have any effect on the plot area.
2013 Oct 30
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Alias should not point to declarations
Hi Rafael, > With all that in mind, the attached patch changes the verifier to > reject aliases to declarations and updates that language reference. MachO has an R_INDR (== "indirect") symbol flag/type that (from my understanding) exactly reflects this. The linker is supposed to record the alias and define both symbols when the referee is defined. In fact, I've been working
2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but... "The return."
*Thanks* all those who took the time to help me (even if the "question" was not related to - the use of - R). Now I think I can soundly make my point w/ the referee (can I use your replies? If so I intend to properly cite its use?!?). Regards, Eduardo Esteves ps - Sorry for not explaining the "biological details" of my posting: RNA/DNA is the ratio of RNA content to
2008 Nov 11
Citing R in journal articles (or the failure to)
Hi all I was reading a paper recently in which I was surprised to see an R package of mine obviously used, without acknowledgement. Indeed, R itself was used without any acknowledgment. So I contact the author about these issues, who said (in part): Regarding the R packages, I used the "tweedie" and "statmod" for my analyses as you pointed out. The referee of this paper
2013 Feb 13
off topic ¿comparaciones múltiples?
Estimados herreros, Sabéis si hay algún sitio donde pueda hacer una pregunta sobre estadística, en concreto un diseño experimental. Alguna lista, foros, etc. Ya se que este no es el sitio adecuado para preguntas de estadística, pero por si alguien se pica os la pongo a continuación. Dos tratamientos C y H. Se aplican a una serie de especies (p.e. 10) Se observa la respuesta de las especies a
2017 Oct 02
valid package repositories
Hi All, I noticed that it is quite common to find in papers mentions to ?R libraries? developed for the algorithms/models/code/whatever that is being described by the paper, so that third parties will be able to use said method for themselves. On further enquiries these libraries are not actually available on CRAN, but need to be requested from the devs. That is in itself does not seem a big
2006 Feb 13
hackish error handling
I''ve got a block of code that''s turning out.. well - just plain ugly. So i know I must not be doing it the Ruby way. The main problem I''m having is in dealing with handling errors - and just not finding much Rails documentation that gives a deeper understanding of how to handle errors in Rails (outside of several docs on the catch-all''s) the main method
2017 Oct 02
valid package repositories
I tend to regard GitHub as a bit of wild west... anyone can upload anything there, working or not. CRAN packages at least have to compile so there is some additional verification in being there. GitHub does have the advantage that you can easily download it and run an example if the authors have set up such scaffolding... which is better than "it ran once on that laptop that died".
2008 Sep 07
Vcards & OS X Address Book
I saw a couple of references in the VPIM-talk archives about OS X Address book throwing a message of "no importable cards were found". I ran into this address when I threw some code into the my rails application. I used the .vcard extension for my vcard and saw this message for OS X address book. Once I changed the extension to .vcf, it recognized it right away as a valid vcard file.
2006 May 25
Help: How to write tests for a sms service interface
I''m working on a website that integrates sms services. When someone sends an sms to my service number, the sms provider posts an xml doc to an url specified by me. I have implemented the processing method like this: <code> def process_notification xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(@request.raw_post, ''ForceArray'' => false) @params.merge! xml sms_request =
2013 Feb 13
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 48, Envío 13
Hola Angela, yo tambien he usado la funcion "rarecurve" para crear curvas de rarefacción Saludos Gabriel Antonio Trujillo Paucar Egresado de Biologia - Especialidad de Ecología Investigador en el Area de Limnología de CORBIDI 997603768 ---------------------------------------- > From: r-help-es-request en > Subject: Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 48, Envío 13 > To:
2013 Oct 30
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Alias should not point to declarations
A long time ago (before r97733) we used to model the weakref attribute by outputting a new declaration and a weak alias to it. This was fairly buggy and we now implement weakref directly in clang, with the same logic an assembler uses to implement .weakref (which is what gcc prints). One thing that was left from that old implementation is that we still have alias to declarations and they are a
2006 May 30
RubyODBC bus error under Rails
Hi all, I''ve got a very obscure problem. We''re trying to get Rails to talk to Filemaker. So we''ve setup an ODBC dsn and via RubyODBC we''re talking to it. Excellent. Try it under rails and rails won''t even startup, getting bus errors anytime we require ''odbc''. Environment OSX Tiger 10.4.6 Rails 1.1.2 Ruby 1.8.4 RubyODBC 0.998 via
2010 Sep 05
cov.unscaled in NLS - how to define cov.scaled to make comparable to SAS proc NLIN output - and theoretically WHY are they different
I am running a 3-parameter nonlinear fit using the default Gauss-Newton method of nls. initialValues.L = list(b=4,d=0.04,t=180); fit.nls.L = nls( myModel.nlm , fData.L, start = initialValues.L, control = nls.control(warnOnly = TRUE), trace=T ); summary.nls.L = summary(fit.nls.L); I run the same analysis in SAS proc NLIN. proc nlin data=apples outest=a; parms b=4 d=.04 t=180; model Y =
2013 Oct 30
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Alias should not point to declarations
On 30 October 2013 16:16, Tim Northover <t.p.northover at> wrote: > Hi Rafael, > >> With all that in mind, the attached patch changes the verifier to >> reject aliases to declarations and updates that language reference. > > MachO has an R_INDR (== "indirect") symbol flag/type that (from my > understanding) exactly reflects this. The linker is
2013 Oct 20
Call parking issue with Cisco SPA phone
I'm trying to implement call parking with asterisk and Cisco SPA504G phones: features.conf parkext => 700 parkpos => 701-702 context => parkedcalls I defined one of the unused keys to park the calls: Key2: fnc=sd;ext=700 at;vid=1;nme=Park I also defined two other keys to pickup/unpark the calls: Key3: fnc=blf+sd+cp;sub=701 at Key4: fnc=blf+sd+cp;sub=702 at
2006 Feb 07
Problems with flickr gem: already initialized constant
New to rails so please bear with me. Am having difficulties with the flickr plugin. trying to follow the video as a starter, and keep hitting the following problem when I require ''flickr'' in the environment.rb file testbed:/srv/www/htdocs/carstuff # ruby script/server => Booting WEBrick... /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/xml-simple-1.0.7/lib/xmlsimple.rb:274: warning: