similar to: remote_form_for with auto_complete_field

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "remote_form_for with auto_complete_field"

2005 Dec 20
Can''t use mouseover with auto_complete_field
Good afertnoon. I''m trying to use a mouse over event: Event.observe("name_auto_complete", "mouseover", function(){alert("auto_complete")} ); with the auto_complete_field bellow. <%= text_field_tag("name") %> <%= content_tag("div", "", "id" => "name_auto_complete") %> <%=
2006 Aug 10
Hrm, :after on auto_complete_field helper ?
Okay, urm, here is the problem :) I have an auto_complete field that gets back a set of three values, so, ideally, I thought I would put the :after tag on the auto_complete_field, use a little custom javascript function that splits it up and flings it into the other values, except, call me stupid, but, auto_complete_field doesn''t have an :after tag ? At least, I can''t see
2006 Mar 10
auto_complete_field, :on_hide woes
Hi, I have auto_complete working generating a list and populating a text box in a form. The problem arises when I add the :on_hide option as follows: <%= auto_complete_field "search", { :url => {:action => "search"}, :on_hide => "foo($(''selected_uid''), $(''search_list''))"} > %> :on_hide makes everything stop
2006 Feb 27
auto_complete_field Vs text_field_with_auto_complete
Hi, I want to know which of the two methods, auto_complete_field and text_field_with_auto_complete best suits what I am trying to do. I have a model class called search (which doen''t extend ActiveRecord) which holds two parameters, category_string and postcode_string. I want my form to bind its values to these to values. I also want the category input to be an auto complete field
2006 May 23
auto_complete_field help
Not sure what I am doing wrong. Here is what i am trying to do (code to follow). I have a form to create a new book. This book can have many authors and I wanted to be able to add the authors based on if they appear in the authors table. I originally was going about it a long and arduous way where I had several forms. After thinking about it I decided to dynamically add new fields to
2005 Dec 21
How do you use :on_hide in auto_complete_field?
I''m trying to get some auto_complete_field stuff going, and I have them working for the most part, but I can''t quite get how the :on_hide option works. I''m hoping that I can populate a hidden field with the id of the chosen record with that going to be possible? Thanks for your help. -- Posted via
2010 Jan 09
auto_complete_field does not update display:none
Hi, text_field_with_auto_complete works. auto_complete_field almost works, the only problem is that it does not update the display:none default attribute of the div that receives the results. So the results are there, but I can''t see them. I compared both html, and they look the same. Only CSS differs, but updating the display:none should only happen in the javascript code. Who ran
2008 Sep 07
remote_form_for, paths, and partials
hi, i''m having a little trouble rendering a partial that uses a remote_form_for and is in another controller. <%= render :partial => "reviews/new"-%> and in the partial i have only this, inside another controller <% remote_form_for @review do |rv|-%> <%= rv.hidden_field :value, :value => 1 -%> <%= rv.image_submit_tag "thumbsupnc.png" %>
2007 Jul 12
remote_form_for behavior on javascript submit();
Hey all, Tried this on the IRC channel but after an hour i figured nobody that was on knew, so i''ll try it here. I have a rhtml page with: <% remote_form_for(:performance_goal, :url => user_performance_goal_path(@user.account, @user, @performance_goal), :html => {:id => ''sidebar_form'', :method => :put}) do |f| %> <%= f.text_area :impact, :size
2009 Mar 10
onsubmit for remote_form_for not working properly
I want to use onsubmit for a form validation using javascript on remote_form_for for this i am doing something like this <% remote_form_for :timesheet, @timesheet, :url =>{:action => ''report_user''}, :html => {:onsubmit=>"return ValidateDate();" } do |f| %> // Form elements here <% end %> but it not works well. if condition return false
2007 Aug 01
multipart remote_form_for
I''m trying to figure out how to create an AJAXified form with remote_form_for that can submit a file upload, to no avail. Any pointers for me? - donald --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2008 Mar 04
remote_form_for does not work with method = :get
It seems that remote_form_for does not work with method = :get since it does not change the prototype call. Is this a bug? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe
2009 Mar 15
remote_form_for ajax validation
Hi, I have been reading a lot about this, but I do not manage to do a nice validation. I already managed to save data to the database, to validate a field, to display a "Everything went well" message. I can also display an error message, but the view does not end up properly. This is the form: <% remote_form_for(product) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p>
2007 Jun 03
remote_form_for issue
Hi everybody, I''m trying to change my current forms in my app to remote_forms. It was my understanding that remote_form_for and form_for work in the same way, so I just wanted to change the methods. My code looks like: <% form_remote_for :post, :url => posts_url do |f| %> <%= render :partial => ''form_posts'', :locals => {:f => f} %> <%=
2009 Jan 18
InvalidAuthenticityToken error with remote_form_for
Hi All - I have a form_for that I''m trying to convert to remote_form_for, and I keep get this error: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken): /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/request_forgery_protection.rb:86:in `verify_authenticity_token''
2010 Jul 27
trouble with remote_form_for & html_update
I have a form that accepts comments and adds them to a list without refreshing the page. This is the html: <div id=''aremark''> <%= render :partial => ''comment'' %> </div> <% remote_form_for :comment, :url=>story_comments_path(@story), :html => { :id => ''comment'' } do |form| %> <h5><label
2009 Feb 11
remote_form_for file_field strangeness
Does anyone see any problem with this form? - form_remote_for(, :html => {:multipart => true, :target => :uploader}) do |f| .form_element = f.label :photo = f.file_field :collateral = hidden_field_tag :container_id, = hidden_field_tag :container_type, .form_element = f.submit ''Add Photos'' The photo has a
2007 Jul 16
Ajax works in FF but not safari!
The following code works perfectly in FF, but does not work in safari. I''m on Edge Rails with the latest javascripts. Any clue what''s going on? CONTROLLER: def create @program =[:program]) if render :update do |page| page[:program_list].replace_html(:partial => ''program'', :collection =>
2006 Jul 14
auto completion with composite field
How can auto completion be done for a composite field ? Concrete problem : Suppose the class Person with reference to a City object. The City has a name and a postal code. When entering a Person I want to enter the city in one text field that shows a composition of the city name and the postal : "city (postal)". And this with auto complete (and should afterwards be linked to the
2006 Jan 23
Indexed Text Input -> Ajax with Helpers
Hello again. I can get my input forms doing what I want using the '':index => object_counter'' syntax which is very nice. However, the Ajax text_input_with_auto_complete seem not to be able to account for the :index. I can see in the source why this is the case. I have a workaround that is an ugly kludge. I am wondering if there is any less-ugly kludge that I can try.