similar to: assert_select trying to verify the presence of a textarea

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "assert_select trying to verify the presence of a textarea"

2007 Jun 25
Functional tests and active scaffold: unexpected assertion failure.
Hello, I''m writing a functional test for a controller that uses active scaffold. def test_presence_of_field login_as(:peter) profile = Profile.find :first get :edit, {:id =>} assert_response 200 assert_select "textarea#record_free_text_ec" end I was expecting the first ''assert 200'' to give me a green bar, but added it for
2007 Jan 24
Differences between assert_tag and assert_select
Hi all, I can't seem to make assert_select work for the more complex cases for me. Here's a sample: # View <%= link_to_remote 'Add new', :url => new_phone_url, :submit => 'phones_head' %> # Generated code: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
2010 Aug 27
assert_select for <p><b>text</b>value</p>
I have the following html <p><b>text</b>value</p> I can use assert_select "p>b", "text" to check the text portion, and assert_select "p", "value" to check that the value appears in a <p>. I cannot work out how to check that the two are in the same <p>. I have used assert_select for much more complex tasks but my mind
2007 Mar 19
Hi all This is my first post here. I ave been using Rails for a couple of months, and am starting to put together a test suite. But I''m having a problem with assert_select in my functional tests. According to the documentation, it should be fine with two arguments - a CSS selector and a string to test it against. But no matter what I do I keep getting the exception: wrong number of
2011 Nov 18
What does :count actually mean in assert_select?
Hi guys, I tried reading up the RSPEC Book (Dec 2010) and googled a bit but I could not find anything. I''m using Rspec2. Example: spec/factories/categories.rb ====================== FactoryGirl.define do factory :category_intakes, :class => ''category'' do name ''intakes and filters'' description ''airfilters and
2007 Apr 26
assert_select with respond_to JS or xhr?
Hi everyone, I am a bit confused with xhr? and respond_to. I have the folloing code in my view to update the ''emails'' ID link_to_remote(image_tag("refresh"), :update => "emails", :url => { :action => "list_emails" }) in the controller side i have somthing like : [..] respond_to do |type| type.html { render :action
2008 Dec 13
Bug with assert_select and javascript?
Hi, I am using Rails 2.2.2 and have some javascript in my html.erb file in the body of the document, inside script tags. The script (which works as intended) contains the line for(var i=0; i<boxes.length; i++) In my functional tests I use assert_select and it is generating a warning "ignoring attempt to close boxes with script". It appears to be interpreting the text
2007 Mar 23
assert_select VS assert_no_tag
Hi everybody. Assert_no_tag will be deprecated soon. How can i use assert_select for checking not existed tag? Thanks. Bye. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To
2007 Jan 23
assert_select issue
I''d like to do an assert_select where only ONE of the matching elements needs to match the :text. It seems counterintuitive to me to require them *all* to match, which precludes me from testing the existence of a particular tag (h1) with some particular text if other instances of the same tag exist. I know that I can narrow down the field by using more detailed selectors, but it sure
2009 May 23
undefined method `assert_select'
I''m having trouble getting the specs to run for a plugin where I want to fix a bug. (I''ve actually already found and fixed the bug, but I don''t want to submit a fix without a test!) When I started the specs weren''t running, but it may be that I''m using Rails 2.3.3 and the plugin has been tested on 2.1 and earlier. I went through writing a spec for a
2010 Aug 30
<b> tag in HTML 5 (was Re: Re: assert_select for <p><b>text</b>value</p>)
On 30 August 2010 15:47, Marnen Laibow-Koser <> wrote: > Colin Law wrote: >> I have the following html >> <p><b>text</b>value</p> >> I can use >> assert_select "p>b", "text" >> to check the text portion, and >> assert_select "p", "value"
2007 Jan 26
Problems with assert_select in integration tests
I''ve been battling with assert_select in my integration tests for several evenings now. I''m testing a multi-step form, and after submitting the first step, my assert_selects fail on the attempts to find the form on the next page. However if I print out the response object, it has the exact text of what I''m trying to match. Here is the complete integration test. The
2007 Jan 28
assert_select alternative
Hey guys, I was having issues with some of the way assert_select worked, so I wrote an alternative to assert_select using hpricot. The major differences: * You get full support for CSS3 and limited XPath * It uses hpricot, which is fast; plus you get improvements to hpricot for free in assert_elements as long as you update the gem. * Blocks work a bit differently (assert_elements tests whether
2008 Feb 18
is assert_select indicated for XML?
Railsers: I''m playing with the Beast, and this test fails: def test_should_show_topic_as_rss get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id, :format => ''rss'' assert_response :success assert_select ''channel'' end It emits "ignoring attempt to close channel with link". So why are
2007 Apr 13
inplace editor and textarea
Hi, I have an inplace editor and I can access the innerHTML value of the created form. However the innerHTML gives "<textarea>....</textarea> ..." How can I access the textarea value? I tried to do innerHTML.textarea.value but it didn''t work. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks, Joe -- Posted via
2007 Aug 25
insert HTML <select> value into a textarea - Works in IE6, not in FireFox or Opera
I have a simple form at It''s just a <select> and a textarea. The idea is to be able to either type into a text area directly or choose from a list of saved words in the select box. When a new choice is made from the select, it automatically gets inserted into the text area. This code DOES work in I.E6 (on my machine (XP pro), but doesn''t
2009 Mar 26
assert2-0.4.6 provides assert_xhtml, an alternative to assert_select
Rubyists: Consider the following monstrosity, coded using assert_select: assert_select "div#logo_box img[src=/0000/0001/logo.gif][alt=My Company]" Now, behold it rewritten to use assert_xhtml: assert_xhtml do div.logo_box! do img :src => /logo.gif$/, :alt => ''My Company'' end end That sample contains more Ruby; it''s not just
2006 Jun 05
formatting inside a <textarea>
I tried to put formatted text out to the browser when it was inside a textarea and got to look at markup. This might just be an HTML question. Is there a construct that will let me bound the size of text display with rows and cols like <textarea> but also let me html-format the internal text? I suppose I could hack up a table to use percentages. Maybe there is a CSS solution where I
2007 Nov 19
wxRuby textArea??
I want to know wxruby can make textArea like java?? I can only use textbox with it but it has problem when I must use text that has many line, it can''t new line please help me -- Posted via
2006 Apr 14
Whats the best Ajax way to update a textarea''s text?
I am looking for a way to update the text-value within a textarea from an Ajax render call inside of a controller. Is there a way to do this without rendering an the partial containing the textarea? Thanks, Andy -- Posted via