similar to: Error when trying to run expense program

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Error when trying to run expense program"

2007 Oct 24
NameError in CustomersController#index
I''m new to Rails. I finished the Cookbook tut. no problem. I''m trying to start a project of my own, follow the same instructions but the difference is I created the database myself. After I create the scaffolds and try them out I get this error NameError in CustomersController#index uninitialized constant Customer RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace |
2008 May 07
I am just learning some about web service. But many guys still use Java (Jws). But I wanna try ROR. There are less information about it. I can''t get install plugin in the ROR 2.0.x. So I followed the standard textbook("Agile_Web_Development_With_Rails-2nd" and "Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers") I almost finished it. However, I can''t find my api
2007 Jul 19
NoMethodError in partial driving me mad
Hello, i simplified have a news model, a news category model and a news controller. my _news.rhtml partial renders a single news entry. in my controller there are the actions show and show_category. if the "show" action is called, a single news item is rendered through my partial with no errors. if the "show_category" action is called, i get a NoMethodError while displaying
2007 Oct 01
Error with Mongrel_cluster
Hi Guys, I?m getting this error with mongrel_cluster. I am able to start mongrel through mongrel_rails start but the cluster is not working. Initially mongrel_rails wouldn?t work but after I added $ORACLE_HOME and $PD_LIBRARY_PATH variables it worked but mongrel_cluster isn?t working still. The mongrel log file looks like below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. -----------begin
2008 Aug 26
upload_column NoMethodError
Hi all, I''m using uploadcolumn plugin for file uploading. Followed the README file. Put "upload_column :src_file" in my model file as instructed, and i got this NoMethodError for the upload_column. This is the full trace: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.0/lib/active_record/base.rb:1667:in `method_missing'' app/models/speech.rb:2
2007 Mar 10
upgrading rails to 1.2.2 giving me mongrel errors
I''m working on upgrading to rails 1.2.2 from 1.1.6 and getting the mongrel error below in development mode. Now things seem to work fine with 1.1.6and 1.2.2 (in prod mode). Any ideas what might cause this? Googling gave me very little to work with. This was the closest thing i found I''m running Ubuntu with mongrel 1.0.1 and fastthread
2009 Dec 30
Error running Mongrel on Ruby 1.9
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> <div class="moz-text-html" lang="x-western"> <span class="Apple-style-span"
2007 Jan 31
GET request works via curl, crashes from Java
[That subject line is of course a severe truncation!] I''ve got a REST request that works fine from curl but causes a mongrel error when executed from a Java program. This all worked with fine with rails 1.1.6 and webrick. I''m trying to update the app to rails 1.2.1 (I need working around_filters). I''m running in development mode with mongrel 1.01 running on macosx
2010 Apr 09
"We're sorry, but something went wrong"
can anyone help with this??? /!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Thu Apr 08 16:58:27 -0700 2010 Status: 500 Internal Server Error unknown error C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:29:in `initialize'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:29:in `dlopen'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:29:in `dlload'' C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/dl/import.rb:27:in `each''
2008 Oct 02
acts_as_taggable_on environment issues
Like most people, I''ve got two machines: one for development and one for production. I''ve done everything I can to make sure the ruby/rails environments are the same, but of course they''re not identical (I''ll get into that in a moment). The error that I''m getting happens when I call a method in a background task controller on the production machine; I
2009 Jun 10
uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Cache (NameError)
Hi After having updated some GEMS I get `load_missing_constant'': uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Cache (NameError) on starting the server of a freshly generated rails project. Before, I already had Rails 2.3.2 projects succesfully running, now all of them generate this error. These are my GEMS: actionmailer (2.3.2, 2.2.2, 2.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0) actionpack (2.3.2, 2.2.2, 2.1.2,
2009 Jan 22
From Instantrails to the Mac
Hi, I am a Newbie to Mac and Rails. I have a rails apps made using instantrails in windows, and have been trying to transfer it to a mac. I am using Leopard and installed mac ports and Xcode. I copied the folder from rails_apps and added all the gems. Anything else I need to do? Any Ideas? Thank you! This is the set of errors that I am getting after starting the server: Exiting
2007 Nov 13
mongrel startup fails now: already initialized constant OPTIONS
I updated to ruby 1.8.6p111 last night and updated some gems and now mongrel doesn''t work: MacOS 10.4.10 $ ruby --version ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i686-darwin8.10.1] $ gem list rails *** LOCAL GEMS *** rails (1.2.5, 1.2.4, 1.2.3, 1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.6) Here''s a simple test: $ rails test5 create ... $ cd test5 $ script/server => Booting
2007 Dec 13
Trying to use ActiveRecord STI but fails
Hi all, I''m wondering about my sanity here. There''s probably something simple I overlooked. First off, I have close to zero experience with Merb. 1. I configured use_orm :activerecord in config/dependencies.rb; 2. I have a file named app/models/measurement.rb which looks like this: class Measurement < Observation end 3. I have another file named
2007 Mar 20
fastthread 1.0
Well, just when I thought I was out of the fastthread business... Okay, in brief: fastthread is a Ruby extension which re-implements the primitives in Ruby''s thread.rb in C. It was merged into 1.8.6, replacing the old thread.rb implementation, but the version that was merged had a couple serious bugs. So -- now I release fastthread 1.0, which is basically the Ruby 1.8.6 version with
2009 Jun 29
Cannot Run Ruby on Rails on windows Vista or 7
Hi There, I have installed ruby on rails on a windows 7 box as mentioned on the official ror manual and it works perfectly for some times. but when I refresh web browser page few times I got this error and now nothing is working on my pc. here is the error I get when i try to start the server now. does anyone has experienced this before? C:\Users\Randika\emktplcusers>ruby script\server =>
2007 Dec 03
undefined methods page_count
I''m getting "undefined method `page_count'' for #<Array:0xb7073e1c>" when I tried to run my rails application after installing will_paginate. Details are as below: undefined method `page_count'' for #<Array:0xb7073e1c> Extracted source (around line #7): 4: <%= a.text%> 5: <% end %> 6: 7: <%= will_paginate @announcements,
2008 Jan 31
Production problem for mongrel
Hi, I am working on deplying my Rail app to QA and then move to production. Since on our QA servers, there is no internet access and also for production servers, internet access is strictly prohibited. As a result, there is no way to install mongrel by use "gem install mongrel" command. The first option I tried is to put mongrel and all other gems under the vendor directly in my app,
2008 Mar 13
memcache_client fails Marshal.load of AR objects
wondering if anyone watching can make sense of this, I''m try to work the memcache_client into my app, but every time it tries to read from memcache I get a Marshall error that the AR classes are not defined. But it''s more vexing than that, as the error does not occur within the console. From a console everything works as expected, but when running in the app it fails.
2007 Dec 29
needs to have method `_load'
I''m getting an exception that I''m fairless clueless about. It occurs when I run a "create" action but neither my action or before filters are hit before this exception. I''m hoping someone can give me a clue. I suspect it has to do with marshalling objects in the session - maybe TzTime is not capable of being stored in the session. I hope that''s not the