similar to: Running test Rails app under JRuby and JBoss - experiences

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Running test Rails app under JRuby and JBoss - experiences"

2008 Feb 12
JRuby with Spring, hibernate, acegis
Hi All, I am newbie to JRuby on Rails. I am working on a portal. This has few webapplications and mobile application too. Currently we are using Spring, Hibernate, Acegies, Struts for the development of this application. We are planning to move to JRuby as web interface. We are deploying the application of JBoss and planning to move to Weblogic in near future. Now I am interested to know how
2009 Apr 12
Problems with jRails and ajax helpers
I working on a Rails 2.2.2 app that uses jRails and any time I attempt to use a Rails ajax helper, I get the following error: index 116545 out of string with this stack trace: vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails.rb:197:in `[]='' vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails.rb:197:in `build_callbacks'' vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails.rb:119:in `options_for_ajax''
2006 Jan 04
Rails on Tomcat or JBoss?
Hi all, The Rails book talks about running Rails under Apache, but is there a (relatively) easy way to deploy it to either Tomcat or JBoss? Is the CGI servlet the only option? Thanks, Ken -- Kenneth A. Kousen, Ph.D. President Kousen IT, Inc. <> <>
2008 Jul 17
Problem with link_to_remote, RJS and jRails
Hi, everyone, I''m trying to update the content of a div using link_to_remote and RJS template. Everything works fine if I use the default Prototype/Scriptaculous libraries, but I want to use jRails ''coz other parts of my application use a lot of jQuery. Here are the steps I done: 1. inside StatesController.rb I defined the following action: def update_view # do nothing just
2009 Mar 13
jboss application server rpm
Hi All, I've been trying to locate a jboss application server rpm for CentOS 5, but I haven't found any. I thought it would be included with CentOS. Searching the yum repos hasn't turned anything up. Maybe my yum search was sub-par. Where should I look? Do any rpms exist? Regards, Ranbir -- Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu Linux x86_64 GNU/Linux 15:26:31 up
2010 Jan 21
[PKI concepts] Why Jboss need (signed cert and) root-cert in PEM format?
Hi folks [ Please add me CC. Thanks ] We have here a Jboss app and web server. We signed the SSL-certificate that end-user don't have ugly error messages. I don't understand why we need to import the Root-Cert in PEM format? $ keytool -import -trustcacerts -file rootcert.pem -keystore myserver.keystore -alias root The Root-Cert is in web browser, why there is a must to import in
2008 Nov 24
debugging a faulty jboss/application
>From time to time a jboss process would end eating all, the available CPU and the load avg would skyrocket. Once the operators restarted jboss, the system''d be normal again (sometimes for weeks) until the next incident Since we moved the app from a v440 running Solaris 10 8/07 to a t2000 running Solaris 10 5/08 the problem started to happen more frequently (2-3 times a week). The
2012 Jul 06
Running Rspec tests with JRuby fails
How to run RSpec tests with JRuby in a Java project? I tried to run it with JRuby 1.7.0.preview1, rspec (2.10.0) rspec-core (2.10.1) rspec-expectations (2.10.0) rspec-mocks (2.10.1) rspec-rails (2.10.1) as follows: jruby -S rspec and got the error: javix at ubuntu:~/Development/rspec_jruby$ jruby -S rspec spec NameError: cannot load Java class com.models.Calculator for_name at
2007 Sep 24
Is Rcov working with Jruby now?
Hello everyone: I am currently assigned to test a big project which uses JRuby to build a web application. The reason of using JRuby is the web application is communicating with Java Service. I am writing test cases using Rspec and looking for a code coverage tool. Rcov is no doubt a nice code coverage tool. However, it is said that Rcov is not compatible with JRuby so far. Sigh....I can not
2011 Aug 11
JRuby + Rails3 + Unit Tests = "Log" issue?
Hey all, I am working on a Rails 3.0.7 application that is using JRuby 1.6.3, running on Debian. I keep encountering an error regarding a missing "Log" file when I am trying to run some Unit tests (among various other activities). The cryptic error in question: LoadError: No such file to load -- Log Has anyone seen anything like this before? I am baffled as to where to even begin to
2007 Oct 24
Status of Merb on JRuby
I''ve submitted a few patches on Trac to help get Merb running under JRuby [0][1][2][3][4]. It''d be cool if any of you committers could find the time to look them over and apply/reject them. They''re mostly tiny, so it shouldn''t be too onerous. With all of these patches applied, there are still 3 spec failures. One is in the spec ''a merb mailer
2007 Dec 28
WEBrick.. won't start and showing '/rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb:159:in `require_frameworks': Could not find RubyGem jruby-openssl (>= 0.0.0) (RuntimeError)' errors
Hi WEBric won''t strat and showing the following errors:- => Booting WEBrick... /mnt/slash/home/akumar/jruby-1.1b1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.0.2/ lib/initializer.rb:159:in `require_frameworks'': Could not find RubyGem jruby-openssl (>= 0.0.0) (RuntimeError) from /mnt/slash/home/akumar/jruby-1.1b1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb:156:in
2012 Jan 17
does jruby rspec have to use selenium?
With jruby and rspec requests, do you have to use selenium webdriver? I''m confused, with ruby and rubyonrails using cucumber with capybara, I didn''t have to set the default driver, what was it using and can i use that with jruby? Things just worked w/o me even having to know about it :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 May 05
jruby PATH and RUBYOPTS integration
Hi, I download the last jruby version and install the rspec gem using jgem to install. After it, I export RUBYOPTS=rubygems to guarantee that the spec can be found. Trying to run the spec by normal mode I got: jonatas at branco:~/jruby-1.6.1$ jruby -S spec LoadError: no such file to load -- spec/autorun require at org/jruby/ (root) at /usr/bin/spec:2 Trying to execute
2008 Mar 23
redcloth gem ragel code doesn''t build in jruby
I tried to install RedCloth-3.274 in jruby (trunk) but the install failed when RedCloth tried to build the C code using mkmf: I forget whether SuperRedcloth ever did build in JRuby?? I know Hpricot (which also uses ragel which can compile to Java code) works in JRuby -- with the patch here: I might be confusing the two ... FYI: If you
2006 Nov 09
Making it work under JRuby
I''ve been having problems starting the daemon under JRuby, has anyone else tried this? What I''m trying to accomplish is running Rails on regular ruby and BackgroundRB on JRuby. I''m working on a project that requires me to use a java-api to communicate with a service and it should work so that when a user logs on to the rails app, it actually authenticates through the
2010 Jan 21
running specs on JRuby w/nailgun
Hi all, I know this is probably more of a JRuby question but I''m guessing that people on this list may have gone down this path before. At work we are starting a new project using JRuby. The startup speed for testing an app is very painful. Nailgun helps a lot with that. It only helps with the slow startup time of JRuby though and does not address the use case of having gems
2012 Mar 04
JRuby devkit "gem install win32-api" fails. what to do?
2008 Dec 12
jruby em
What repository should I pull from to get the latest snapshot of the EM java code for jruby? cr
2008 May 22
gem install of mongrel v 1.1.5 broken in jruby
Can''t install the latest mongrel (1.1.5) in JRuby (jruby revisions ranging from 6600 to 6750[trunk] checked) -- the platform is not being identified and it''s trying to do native compilation. I''m not sure it''s actually a problem with Mongrel or JRuby however -- perhaps there isn''t a mongrel-1.1.5-java.gem on rubyforge? Some investigation below: $