similar to: remote_form_for issue

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "remote_form_for issue"

2006 Apr 05
RJS and remote forms
I''ve run into what I think is a browser bug related to using remote_forms pushed in an RJS update. In my controller, I have an action that creates a new model and returns a form for one of its children: def create_party party = Party.create render :update do |page| page.insert_html :top, ''party-list'', :partial => ''party_header'',
2008 Sep 07
remote_form_for, paths, and partials
hi, i''m having a little trouble rendering a partial that uses a remote_form_for and is in another controller. <%= render :partial => "reviews/new"-%> and in the partial i have only this, inside another controller <% remote_form_for @review do |rv|-%> <%= rv.hidden_field :value, :value => 1 -%> <%= rv.image_submit_tag "thumbsupnc.png" %>
2008 Jan 03
remote_form_for with auto_complete_field
Hi friends I have problem with auto_complete_field. I have used auto_complete_field with in the remote_form_for. But when we enter the text in auto_complete_field two actions are calling 1. auto_complete_field action 2. remote_form_for action I need to restrict the form action when we enter text on auto_complete_field Could u give any ideas? <div
2007 Aug 01
multipart remote_form_for
I''m trying to figure out how to create an AJAXified form with remote_form_for that can submit a file upload, to no avail. Any pointers for me? - donald --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2008 Mar 04
remote_form_for does not work with method = :get
It seems that remote_form_for does not work with method = :get since it does not change the prototype call. Is this a bug? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe
2007 Jul 12
remote_form_for behavior on javascript submit();
Hey all, Tried this on the IRC channel but after an hour i figured nobody that was on knew, so i''ll try it here. I have a rhtml page with: <% remote_form_for(:performance_goal, :url => user_performance_goal_path(@user.account, @user, @performance_goal), :html => {:id => ''sidebar_form'', :method => :put}) do |f| %> <%= f.text_area :impact, :size
2009 Mar 10
onsubmit for remote_form_for not working properly
I want to use onsubmit for a form validation using javascript on remote_form_for for this i am doing something like this <% remote_form_for :timesheet, @timesheet, :url =>{:action => ''report_user''}, :html => {:onsubmit=>"return ValidateDate();" } do |f| %> // Form elements here <% end %> but it not works well. if condition return false
2009 Mar 15
remote_form_for ajax validation
Hi, I have been reading a lot about this, but I do not manage to do a nice validation. I already managed to save data to the database, to validate a field, to display a "Everything went well" message. I can also display an error message, but the view does not end up properly. This is the form: <% remote_form_for(product) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p>
2009 Feb 11
remote_form_for file_field strangeness
Does anyone see any problem with this form? - form_remote_for(, :html => {:multipart => true, :target => :uploader}) do |f| .form_element = f.label :photo = f.file_field :collateral = hidden_field_tag :container_id, = hidden_field_tag :container_type, .form_element = f.submit ''Add Photos'' The photo has a
2007 Jul 02
stupid Rails rendering
I dont'' understand why it''s not possible to have a conditional redirection in rendering respond_to do |format| format.js { render :update do |page| page.redirect_to posts_url if @located page.replace_html ''error_message'', "Error..." page << "$(''popup_error'');"
2009 Jan 18
InvalidAuthenticityToken error with remote_form_for
Hi All - I have a form_for that I''m trying to convert to remote_form_for, and I keep get this error: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken): /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/request_forgery_protection.rb:86:in `verify_authenticity_token''
2010 Jul 27
trouble with remote_form_for & html_update
I have a form that accepts comments and adds them to a list without refreshing the page. This is the html: <div id=''aremark''> <%= render :partial => ''comment'' %> </div> <% remote_form_for :comment, :url=>story_comments_path(@story), :html => { :id => ''comment'' } do |form| %> <h5><label
2007 Oct 16
Sweave/ESS-like tools for HTML
My university provides me with a powerful course management system for the courses that I teach. Among other things I can create a wiki for the course, which is very convenient for cross-linking different bits of the course. Naturally I use R extensively in my teaching and I want to incorporate R code, output and graphics in such a wiki. If I were producing LaTeX sources instead of HTML sources
2007 Jun 16
exemple html
Bonjour, je voudrait savoir si il est possible d''aller chercher des flux rss et d''affiché les pages web avec l''exemple que vous donnez dans wxruby2: ''html'', car je cherche une bibliothèque ou autre qui puisse me permettre de faire celà. merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Jun 18
(no subject)
Bonjour, en fait j''ai chercher sur rubyforge quelques projets créer avec wxruby ou wxruby2, en vain!!! je voulais savoir si vous pouviez me donnez quelques noms de projets créer avec wxruby ou wxruby2 pour que je puisse voir ce que d''autres personnes ont pu réaliser. Merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2008 Oct 12
Thin spaces
Hi all, I'm looking at providing some nicer number formatting features for axes in ggplot2. One thing I would like to do is use thin spaces to separate digits, like you can in latex. I realise I can use unicode spaces to do this (e.g., but what are the possible pitfalls. Is this likely to work on all graphics devices across all platforms?
2003 Nov 14
What goodness-of-fit measure for robust regression ?
Hi, i. After estimating some coefficients using robust regression with rlm() or lqs(), I wonder if there exist some measures of the goodness-of-fit as those for standard linear model(R2)... or evenly if it's a statistics non-sense to look for since I do not find any mention of that in differents chapters on robust and resistant regression or in severals R documentation (Fox, Ripley and
2008 Jul 07
Getting access to route-generating helpers from a migration
Is there any way to get access to a RESTful named route helper from a migration. I''d like to place URLs generated from these routes into a DB table and wanted to manage the static data by using a migration. So I''d like to be able to get at the URL generated by something like "posts_url", for example. Is this doable? Is there some way that I can either include an
2007 Mar 16
find() and SQL functions
Hi, I have a complex SQL request to perform. I don''t want to manually do the whole query (find_by_sql) because of the complex joins, but I want to use MySQL functions, such as: Model.find(:all, :include => [../..], :conditions => ["(../..) AND YEAR(STR_TO_DATE(my_table.my_row,''%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'')) = #{year})"], :select
2005 Nov 17
original filename doesn't display in file_field
In my item upload view I have: <%= file_field ''item'', ''file'' %> and in my Item model: def file @file #@file.original_filename # <- also tried this end def file=(file) @file=file end And if the upload bails because of errors (and renders the same page), all other fields (text_field, text_area, etc.) retain their inputted values, but the file