similar to: "Exception: stack level too deep" on collection.clear?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: ""Exception: stack level too deep" on collection.clear?"

2007 Mar 15
Getting the stack trace
Hi all, I am using the following code to print the exception, but is there a way to get the stack trace of the complete error like Exception: No option with text of Contract form in this select element C:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `select_item_in_select_list''
2010 Jul 25
Testing problems: ActiveSupport
Hey everybody, I am trying to test a small application with a simple testing, but I get the following errors while using Aptana 2.0.5 with Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 2.3.8(I know why I get the first one, but I''m not sure about the ActiveSupport errors): Exception: undefined method `screen_name'' for nil:NilClass
2006 Jul 24
Creating performance test fixtures from development db? How?
Hi all! I''m looking into the testing chapter of Agile Web Development With Rails (2nd ed.). I want to performance test my app, but I''m too lazy to write fixtures for performance test. I''d rather use the data from my development db (because the data is so close to the production data). How do I get the data into the test db without writing fixtures? Could you please
2006 Nov 18
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to execute interpreter: [
Hello, New to Ruby, just installed InstantRails and RadRails. Upon creating a project I get the messages below In the Console invalid option -- e In the Ri tab For help on options, try ''rdoc --help'' java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to execute interpreter: [C:/InstantRails/ruby/bin/ri, --no-pager, -l]null at
2008 Dec 02
RubyPeople - I am after a Ruby on Rails Developer for the UK - Due to recent relocation an opportunity has arisen for 2 creative and highly skilled Ruby on Rails Developers with at least 1 year commercial experience to join our client - a leading Internet services and hosting company. You will be joining a small focused team and will be developing customer facing and internal systems for multiple brands. You will be working with Ruby on
2010 Jul 14
ActiveRecord::Observer, update_all and has_many
Hi, I''m using an ActiveRecord::Observer to log users changing data in my application. However, I''ve noted that adding an item to a has_many relationship gets logged, but removing the item does not. That is: @product.users << user is logged, but: @product.users.delete(user) is not. I''ve dug into ActiveRecord and found that the underlying issue is that the
2006 Jul 18
RadRails and SVN
I installed the Eclipse 3.2, Subclipse, and RDT: and RadRails: I am getting the "Failed to load JavaHL Library" error message when I go to Preferences -> Team -> SVN tab. This is also happening in standalone RadRails installation. How can I fix this? TIA.
2005 Nov 25
Development environment?
Hey folks- What is the preferred dev environment for Rails apps? I''m presently using Eclipse with the RubyPeople RDT, but I''ve also heard of RadRails. Are these comparable? Jake -- Posted via
2017 Oct 20
CEBA-2017:2940 CentOS 7 sssd BugFix Update
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2017:2940 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) x86_64: 1ebc31b3a4b17c6033397e2311b9c379d133ff9933655058a82bb215a4c53ae0 libipa_hbac-1.15.2-50.el7_4.6.i686.rpm
2018 Mar 10
CEBA-2018:0402 CentOS 7 sssd BugFix Update
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2018:0402 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) x86_64: 16fdde8c64526113ac83e48099fd790122cb565b3a09ba08df2275ed33c60560 libipa_hbac-1.15.2-50.el7_4.11.i686.rpm
2017 Dec 06
CESA-2017:3379 Moderate CentOS 7 sssd Security Update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2017:3379 Moderate Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) x86_64: 4fdd4ad77e73481ff017aa331b738320f1f8696cba9694fefecaf4cd618d6b7e libipa_hbac-1.15.2-50.el7_4.8.i686.rpm
2017 Apr 24
[Bug 100769] New: Segfault in when starting gnome-session after upgrade Bug ID: 100769 Summary: Segfault in when starting gnome-session after upgrade Product: Mesa Version: unspecified Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) OS: Linux (All) Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: medium
2007 Aug 09
TypeError: $_ value need to be String (nil given)
Hello all, I am trying to run a unit test in a Rails project of mine (Rails 1.2.2, Ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i486-linux]), and am running into the following error: 1) Error: test_pattern_splits(PatternSplitTest): TypeError: $_ value need to be String (nil given) /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.2/lib/active_record/ validations.rb:74:in `split''
2007 Feb 19
Invalid SQL generated with PostgreSQL 8.2.3
Hey, Using Ruby 1.8.5, postgres-pr-0.4.0, activerecord-1.15.2, Rails 1.2.2 and PostgreSQL 8.2.3. I''m following the O''Reilly book "Ruby on Rails", so you can tell I know precious little of what I''m doing ;-) Well, I''ve created some models, and was working through examples, and executed the following from a console: >> show = Slideshow.find 1
2007 Feb 08
a possible bug in Has_many :through using :soucre
I''ve been stumped on this for a few days and I''m not sure if it''s an error on my end or an actual bug. I have a system where I have workshops and users. Workshops have students, presenters, and troubleshooters. I wanted to represent this simply by using has_many :through with :source. Workshop has_many :presenters, :through =>:presenterships, :source=>:user
2007 Jun 11
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error
Hi, I have an application that is running fine on two different machines, but when I ported the code to a third machine, it doesn''t seem to work. More specifically, for users with a significant amount of info, it seems to stop working. All the functionality seems to be working properly on a small test set, but with a larger set I get the following error: AssociatedAp Load (0.000000)
2007 Mar 21
ORACLE DESC "table_name" Failure
I am getting "DESC CYCLEMSTR" failed; does it exist? errors on a table named CYCLEMSTR in Oracle every 3 out of 4 trys to do a simple find(:all) on the table. It is a legacy table that only contains 12 rows of join information. I don''t understand why it works one out of every 4 or 5 times help please. trace: (eval):3:in `describe''
2020 Jul 22
[PATCH nbdkit] PROPOSED: server: Implement list_exports.
See also: --- docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- docs/nbdkit-protocol.pod | 7 ++++-- 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod b/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod index f8e9962a..6553d186 100644 --- a/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod +++ b/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod @@
2020 Jul 22
[PATCH nbdkit v2] PROPOSED: server: Implement list_exports.
See also: --- docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- docs/nbdkit-protocol.pod | 7 +++-- 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod b/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod index f8e9962a..7ce89e9e 100644 --- a/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod +++ b/docs/nbdkit-plugin.pod @@
2019 May 11
R problems with lapack with gfortran
Hi, gfortran trunk and 9-branch now have an option to automatically generate C prototypes for old-style F77 procedures. I just did for a in *.f; do gfortran -fsyntax-only -fc-prototypes-external $a > ${a%.f}.h; done in the src/modules/lapack directory. This generates header files which contain prototypes like int ilaenv_ (int *ispec, char *name, char *opts, int *n1, int *n2, int *n3,