similar to: Find related tags with acts_as_taggable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Find related tags with acts_as_taggable"

2006 Apr 20
acts_as_taggable patch 3866 needs some testing
DHH''s acts_as_taggable is now much more usable with this patch. This patch adds scoped finders, documentation, and tests: # Get tags for all articles in a blog @blog.articles.tags # Get tags for articles in a blog published in the last year @blog.articles.tags :conditions => [''published_at > ?'', 1.year.ago] # Get related
2006 Sep 12
acts_as_taggable -- which one?
There appear to be three acts_as_taggable implementations and I''m looking for a recommendation on which to use. - Gem - DHH plugin - Dema mixin The Gem implementation appears to be obsolescent, from what I can read on the lists and Google search. I like that the DHH plugin uses polymorphic associations because there will be lots of different taggable items in my application; however,
2006 Apr 03
It seems that acts_as_taggable can not be used under 1.1?
If the acts_as_taggable plugin has been installed via ruby script/plugin install acts_as_taggable while not acts_astaggable gem installed via gem install acts_as_taggable,it seems that the plugin can not work at all under the rails 1.1 enviroment.According to the plugin should work under edge rails,but when the document
2006 Apr 03
Re: acts_as_taggable can not be used under 1.1
acts_as_taggable is working fine for me on 1.1. i''m getting acts_as_taggable from svn (, installing it into /vendor/plugins/acts_as_taggable > If the acts_as_taggable plugin has been installed via ruby script/plugin > install acts_as_taggable while not acts_astaggable gem installed via gem > install
2008 Sep 26
self-referential tags, has_many_polymorphs
Hi, I''m looking to add tagging to an application, and I would like to allow self-referential tags, so that I can tag my tags. With the goal of generating a flexible tag hierarchy. After some googling it looks like acts_as_taggable is not the best piece of code, and I''m hoping to use the has_many_polymorphs plugin from
2006 Mar 23
acts_as_taggable and deleting tags
with act_as_taggable plugin, anyone know how to make tags dependent on the model they''re tagging, so the tags are deleted if the model is? i see that taggings are deleted, but the tags themselves aren''t. in acts_as_taggable.rb, i tried changing this line: has_many :tags, :through => :taggings to mirror the has_many definition for taggings, like so: has_many :tags, :through
2006 Feb 17
acts_as_taggable plugin and multi word tags
I decided to play with the plugin acts_as_taggable based on Chad Fowler''s book Rails Recipes. Is it just me or can tags only be one word? If not can you explain to me how to assign multi-word tags using the acts_as_taggable plugin. Thanks :-) John Kopanas ===================================================================== - source
2006 Aug 10
search acts_as_taggable for multiple tags
Hey...I''m trying to search a Model that uses acts_as_taggable for multiple tags. I''d like to pass in a search string containing a space delimited tags names (i.e. "tag1 tag2") and return the objects that have been tagged by either one of those. Thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 28
acts_as_taggable multiple tags lists
Hi All, I''m trying to implement acts_as_taggable (plugin) in my application. The application has multiple object types, for each type I would like a different tags list. Also, the lists will be defined by an administrator and act as a list of value where the user can select a tag. For example: Lets assume that we have ObjectTypeA and ObjectTypeB as models in my application. I want
2006 Feb 09
acts_as_taggable Produces Bad SQL - Find Fails
I am using acts_as_taggable in my application and on the tagging side of things, no problem at all. Running edge Rails and PostgreSQL 8.1. I am then trying to find all my AR objects with a certain tag. The tag is: lasvegas and I know that there are at least 3 records with that tag. So, I''m doing this: @lists = List.find_tagged_with :any => @search_string, :separator =>
2006 Jul 18
acts_as_taggable problem with saving tags.
Hi, I have the following code: user = User.find(session[:user_id]) photo =["picture"]) >> photo.tag(@params["picture_tags"]) << << photo I''m trying to use the acts_as_taggable plugin, I''m finding that my tags table is not getting the tags saved for the above line in question (>> ... <<).
2005 Dec 24
acts_as_taggable - adding users and normalizing tags
Hey all, I''m wondering how people are using acts_as_taggable. Two things I''d like to do that aren''t supported out of the box are tag normalization and user attribution. I can''t imagine I''m the first to think about doing this. >From a schema perspective these things both seem simple, just put the normalized tag in the tags table, and have a join
2005 Oct 17
acts_as_taggable and per-user tags
I''m trying to add per-user tags to a simple app built atop the tiny_file example code, as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sqlite> .schema CREATE TABLE resources ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, filename VARCHAR(255), user_id integer ); CREATE TABLE ''tags'' ( ''id'' INTEGER
2006 Jan 30
acts_as_taggable => error: undefined method ''tag''
I get an "undefined method ''tag''" when I try to use the acts_as_taggable. Note that it''s not the issue of bouncing webrick after changing the environment.rb file. (I stumbled on that too... :-( ). I read all the doc I could find (on this site, on and at but I couldn''t find anything I
2006 Nov 11
acts_as_taggable plugin - paging through tagged model
Hi, I''m using the acts_as_taggable plugin & wanted to page through all a model''s records taggged with a particular tags. i.e. page through all Model records that have been tagged with "artist" I could not work out how to do this with the plugin, so I made the changes outlined below. Did I need to do this..? & does anyone else find this useful?
2006 Apr 10
acts_as_taggable with only 1 taggings table
I was reading rails recipes and it shows how to use acts_as_taggable with only 2 tables, a tags and a taggings table. But I think that its related to an older acts_as_taggable version because now it seems that it works with one tags table and one taggings table for each tagable model, like this: tags photos tags_photos Which means I need one new table for each model I want to tag.
2006 Apr 20
acts_as_taggable magic.... please explain
Hi, There is a line in acts_as_taggable plugin: send(acts_as_taggable_options[:from]).tags.find_or_create_by_name(name).on(self) could someone explain what is: send(xxx) and .on(self) I cannot find it rDoc -- Posted via
2006 Feb 28
acts_as_taggable in Rails 1.1 question
I''ve been using the acts_as_taggable gem in 1.0 to develop some tagging functionality. The issue is that I need to specify tags by user (i.e. update additional attributes in the join table). So, in my join table I have a "user_id" field. I''ve read about the "push_attribute" method in the api, but that doesn''t seem to work with the gem (and
2006 Jan 29
Why am I getting "undefined local variable or method `acts_as_taggable''"?
Hello, I recently installed acts_as_taggable using the following command: gem install acts_as_taggable # output follows Attempting local installation of ''acts_as_taggable'' Local gem file not found: acts_as_taggable*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''acts_as_taggable'' Updating Gem source index for: Successfully installed
2006 Apr 03
Newbie question about acts_as_taggable
I installed the acts_as_taggable plugin that DHH wrote. Now I have met problems on using it: class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable end mybook = mybook.tag_with(''red library book'') But the system tell the wrong message: undefined method `parse'' for Tag:Class d:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.0/lib/active_record/base.rb:1123:in